Raven's Quest


Cameron is a 10-year-old Mohawk boy from the Six Nations of the Grand River, Ontario. He belongs to the Turtle clan. Cameron is super sporty and loves to play hockey and lacrosse. His awesome basement is set up so he can play these games indoors with his friends all year round! Cameron loves to draw hockey players and, in his bedroom, he shows us some of his hockey trophies. Cameron introduces us to his five brothers. Together they make pizza and then they drum and sing some traditional songs. Cameron explains that his people have thirteen months in their calendar because they go by the moon cycle. He shows us the calendar on his traditional turtle rattle. In winter, his family builds a special track in the backyard to play a traditional game called Snow Snake. Snow Snake is played by throwing a long stick along the track to see whose stick slides the longest. Cameron's special word is "dehenenae:he". It means "snow snake".