The Hole Banana
The Bananaraptors are in hot pursuit of Ginger and the baby Pea-Rexes, who are perched on her horns. It's your usual Indiana Jones style epic chase with all the fun, jumps, leaps and near misses that eventually leads to the two Bananaraptors being trapped in a sink hole. Ginger and the baby Pea-Rex must help them out. If only they could roll that large round boulder into the hole, it would create a 'step ladder' out of there. Only problem is the boulder is way too heavy for Ginger and the Peas to push by themselves. And there are no big Vegesaurs around to help them either. So begins a fun Rube Goldberg style chain reaction set up that involves rolling a smaller boulder from higher up a slope so that it will hit another slightly bigger boulder which will roll off a ledge onto a see-saw like tree wedge under an even bigger boulder which should force it to roll down a step section with enough speed to knock the big boulder which is near the edge of the sink hole, into the hole! Of course, it all goes horribly wrong but ultimately the large boulder gets knocked into the hole, freeing the Bananaraptors!