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Honey Kittens
One day Cookie, Candy and Pudding visit Grandma for afternoon tea. She offers them honey - a treat that the kittens have never tried before. Grandma teaches the kittens that honey is made by bees.
A Whale Of A Secret
One day, the kittens are attending Forest Kitties camp and trying to solve the latest clue from Whisker the Wanderer. The kittens must work together to solve a clue about a whale to locate Whisker's buried treasure.
Climbing Spider
Noah and Khamari aren't scared of spiders, so they are excited to learn how to create Mandisa's amazing Climbing Spider craft.
Speed Racer / One of These Goats
Elinor wants her wagon to move faster, she changes its shape with a little inspiration from aerodynamic animals. / Elinor helps their new substitute teacher.
Buster's Book Battle / On The Buster Scaler
Buster tries to earn enough reading points to win a skateboard. / Buster and Brain never agree on movies.
The Portrait
One day Raisin comes over to draw a portrait of the kittens. The kittens learn that when little accidents happen some creative thinking and teamwork can really help!
Early Bird Cookie
One evening the kittens are playing in the living room and having a lot of fun Mommy and Daddy tell them they are going on a trip to Pirate Island Park in the morning! Cookie is afraid of oversleeping and stays up all night!
Mommy's Little Flower
One day the kittens start a pillow fight and accidentally break Mommy's favorite flower pot. The kittens try to save the flower, but nothing helps and it begins to wither.
Daddy's Secret
One day Daddy is preparing a surprise for Mommy up in the attic. He needs the three kittens to keep Mommy downstairs so he can finish the surprise.
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