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Why Do I Laugh When Something's Funny?
Nagashri discovers why she laughs when something is funny.
Letter T
Polkaroo has a tremendous day at the music store with interesting instruments everywhere!
Operation Hammer Down
Morley and his team are bringing the hammer down with their newest Rube Goldberg Machine that's really going to nail the assignment!
Operation Art Creator
It's time to make a masterpiece! Morley and the Science Team build a Rube Goldberg machine to create a work of art fit for the lab and the Louvre.
Operation Rock The Vote
Morley and his team are combining science and democracy as they build a Rube Goldberg machine that will cast a vote into a ballot box to decide the ultimate debate, pizza vs. burgers!
Operation Water The Plants
Get your green thumbs ready, Morley and the Science Team are building a Rube Goldberg Machine that will help water all the very thirsty plants in the lab.
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