You searched for: "best lifestyle 30 series"
Rescue Roo
When Pounce sprains his thumper in the sand dunes, he's devastated to miss out on an exciting Rescue Day but discovers that not every rescue is action- packed.
Emma & Monica
Best friends Emma and Monica aren't happy with the amount of litter they see around their small town. Sigfried, Shakira, and Kyle show up to present their big plans to the town council, get their team together, and go on a walk to clean-up the town!
Opposites Distract / Just the Ticket
Arthur and Buster discover that they make better friends than roommates. / Arthur wins free concert tickets on the radio.
Bailey's Starry Night!
Clifford is excited to have a sleepover with his friend, but Bailey is not so sure as she has never spent the night away from Samantha.
Comic Book Artist
Owen wants to create books that are stories with both words and pictures.
I am Ella Fitzgerald
Ella Fitzgerald helps Brad to dance right out of his shell at a big museum party, simply by being himself.
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