You searched for: "science max"
Made in the Shade
The ice cream in Stevie Heat's ice cream cart melts, Sparks' Crew investigates how.
Messy goes to Okido and helps his friends to mend Loopy Bridge but along the way Zim finds himself in a sticky situation!
One day the kittens find a magnet. The kittens attach it to a fishing rod and show the power of the magnet to their friends. Cookie wants everyone to be excited about the magnet but he keeps ruining their activities!
Forces of Nature
Sparks' Crew tries to find an invention that Dr. Inventorman buried underground years ago.
Friends of the Forest
Our heroes learn that lots of paper is being wasted in different ways and they embark on a mission with Branchman.
The Canada Crew works together to help meadow, a young monarch butterfly.
The Great Big Boreal
Way up in Northern Ontario, Taviss joins Ontario Parks to discover the many mysteries of Canada's epic Boreal Forest.
Scaredy Bearcat
Audrey is supposed to give Onyx the bearcat a tour of the shelter, but she keeps getting distracted by other tasks.
Kitty Versus Kanga
Audrey and Tommy have decided to do a presentation on Obi, the tree kangaroo but Maeva thinks her cat Princess is the better choice.
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