You searched for: "than fun"
Great, Greater, Greatest
Some adjectives, like the word small, can be turned into whole new words when we want to describe how things compare to each other. Zoey wrote the coolest song about that!
Too Many Pets
Inspired by the book "Dara's Pet Daycare," Emily Elizabeth opens "Clifford and Emily Elizabeth's Awesome Pet Daycare,"
Accidents Happen | TVOkids Summer of Fun
Enjoy your summer even if you are in a cast, like Matt!
The Starlet Storm
Megablast writes an awesome new dance song that goes viral! Starlet is horrified to discover the hit is more popular than hers. Starlet will do everything in her power to end Megablast's popularity surge, even if it means destroying the internet!
Melody the Fabulous Finder / Scout and the Fireflies
Melody has a hard time finding a butterfly that keeps blending in with its surroundings. / Scout loves fireflies so much! But he also learns that he likes stars a lot too and that it is okay to have more than one interest.
Bamboo Love learns that a Flute is an airy woodwind instrument that plays graceful flowing music with poetic brilliance.
A Lullaby
Jambo has been up all night making music and now he wants to sleep. Jasmine decides to tackle the problem and use the noises to make a lullaby that makes all Soundland sleepy.
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