The Deadline
One morning Daddy is rushing and seems very nervous. The kittens learn he has a deadline to bake 40 muffins by midday. The kittens don't know what a deadline is, it must be someone who really likes muffins. The kittens decide to help Daddy and not let ,Deadline, enter before he finishes baking. Pudding suggests they lock the door, but Cookie and Candy have a better idea - they'll lure ,Deadline, in with a muffin and lock him in the basement. Daddy needs more ingredients, so he heads down to the basement. He notices a muffin on the floor and when he picks it up, the kittens catch him in their trap. Daddy explains that a deadline is simply a time limit, a time by which you must finish work. The kittens learn what a ,deadline, is and help Daddy finish baking his blueberry muffins too!