On Right Now
6:51 PM
Sunny's Quest
Micah is a 10-year-old boy from Montreal, Quebec. He is Canadian, Jamaican and German, and super creative with his drumming, origami, and stop-motion skills! He takes us on a tour of greenhouse, to his robotics class, and shows us his origami skills!
5:00 AM

Jojo & Gran Gran
JoJo and Gran Gran press a flower so that it will last for a long time. JoJo learns that flowers wilt over time but flower pressing is a special way to
make them last longer. JoJo and Gran Gran look through Gran Gran's wedding album and enjoy old photographs, special things and happy
memories. Gran Gran realises they've found the perfect place to keep their special pressed flower.
5:11 AM

Zerby Derby
Dotty, Zack and Sandy attempt to fill a mysterious hole in the middle of the runway at Zerby Town Airport before Flynn the Plane falls into it when he lands.
5:18 AM

Canada Crew
Bebe and Mo discover what it means to be Canadian with the help of a group of Canadian kids in a playground, while Gavin visits Sainte Marie among the Hurons and learns about First Nations people and early settlers to Canada.
5:25 AM

The Very Small Creatures
After accidently bumping into a ball and watching it roll, the Very Small Creatures try rolling across the mats. But oh no! Orange keeps rolling in circles!
5:29 AM

The depot clock is broken, and the schedule is in chaos! Eddie needs to go to Old Town to see if he can borrow a part from the old clock to repair the depot clock. Hodge gives him a lift, as he's taking the chugscan back to the factory because it's spouting gibberish. Meanwhile, Olwin takes the trainees to Old Town, and on the way tells them about the Old Town Mystery Chugger. He was pure white and spoke a strange language that no one understood. Elsewhere in Old Town, Eddie is inside the clock looking for that spare part. Hodge goes to fetch Morgan to help, leaving the broken chugscan behind, covered in a white tarp. When the trainees come across it, and hear its strange gibberish, they think it's the Mystery Chugger! Just then Eddie pops out of the clock, having found the cog he needs. This makes the trainees scream, which in turn makes Eddie drop the cog, which disappears into the undergrowth. The chugscan, though broken, still manages to find the cog, and soon order is restored in Chuggington!
5:39 AM

Molly of Denali
Molly and Tooey volunteer to help Nina count the endangered beluga whales in Cook Inlet. But when the whole day goes by and they still haven't spotted a single whale, they have a mystery to solve: what happened to the belugas?
Then, Molly is ready for a day of snow adventures with Trini when a blizzard forces them to stay inside. Luckily, an old box full of treasures from Mom's childhood has the perfect remedy for boredom: a yuuyuuk, or an Alaska Native yoyo!
6:04 AM

Sir Emily the Brave and Sir Clifford the Red set off on an epic quest to find a missing library book! But when their travels lead them from friend to friend with no book in sight, they begin to wonder if they'll ever find it. Is it possible the book was right under their noses the whole time?
6:17 AM

Purple feels inspired to decorate his Purple mural after meeting Green, who explains to him that you can mix colours and make new inbetween colours. Feeling creative, he invites Red and Blue to help mix their colours and colour in his mural. Together they mix to make many colours, from reddish-purple to bluey-purple, eventually completing a beautiful mural of purples. After all, Purple is the colour of kings!
6:22 AM

Bamboo Loves Music
Bamboo Love experiences instant gratification with the tambourine while exploring the playful
sounds. But when Bamboo Love wants to make meaningful music, she learns that she can play
along with her friend Kangaroo in a musical delight by simply shaking and tapping the
tambourine just right.
6:26 AM

Wolf Joe
Joe is convinced animals love his flute playing but when they follow him to the Three Sisters garden he and his friends cannot make them leave but it's Smudge the puppy who saves the day.
6:37 AM

Gabby's Farm
Gabby visits her friend Colton's farm. They feed the pigs and count five pigs rolling in the mud bath.
6:39 AM

When a migratory bird named Martin is accidentally separated from his flock, Odo and Doodle make him feel at home in forest camp. At first the other campers are unsure about this strange new bird, but when they've learned fun and interesting things from him, Martin becomes loved by the campers and they can't wait for him to return on his migration next year.
6:46 AM

Dr. Cheddar
Felix calls Dr. Cheddar to tell him about his exciting day, but Dr. Cheddar can't hear him! Annie has decided to have a danceathon, and has turned her music up loud, just a few meters away from where Felix is trying to talk! Who was there first? Does it matter? How can they work out this sound problem?
6:48 AM

Pip and Posy
When Pip can't get the special handshake right to join Frankie's club, his pride is hurt and he gives up. Posy finds a really fun way to help Pip!
6:55 AM

One day Cookie, Candy and Pudding are on their first train trip and everything around them seems new and unusual. The kittens are enjoying their train trip when they stop at Catfield station. Mommy and the kittens go outside to take a breath of fresh air and buy some apples. Mommy, Pudding and Candy are enjoying their apples when they realize Cookie has wandered off to look for a statue. Mommy and the kittens rush back to catch the train but it leaves without them. The kittens learn they should always stay at Mommy or Daddy's side when visiting a new place so they don't get lost or left behind!
7:01 AM

Kangaroo Beach
Gemma's zoologist hero, Dr Diggy, is at Kangaroo Beach after a storm reveals the bones of an unknown dinosaur. Doing her best to impress her idol Gemma continually trips over her webbed feet and embarrasses herself. However, her webbed feet prove invaluable in discovering the missing piece!
7:12 AM

Messy Goes To Okido
Messy goes to Okido to find out why vacuum cleaners are so noisy, and inadvertently releases a huge swarm of Vacubot 2000s across Okido City!
7:23 AM

When Ginger and the Pea-Rexes encounter a fossilised honeysuckle, the most delicious nut snack in all of Vegesaur Valley, they become determined to get it open. They try all manner of things (that the writer is yet to think up), including dropping it off a high rocky ledge, getting much larger species to step on it and even provoking a Pineapplesaurus to headbutt it - all to no avail. They turn to the biggest and heaviest creature of them all, the Coconutdon. They lull the beast to sleep, its ginormous torso hitting the amber and crushing it. Success! Until the Coconutdon realizes what it's crushed and swallows the fossil for itself!
7:28 AM

Interstellar Ella
The gang comes up with fun activity ideas that Maggie dashes with her less-than-fun information. When Slippy finds an old ship trapped in ice on Triton, he calls for Ella and Madhu! Maggie receives an update and reboots as Magz. While Magz is a lot of fun at first, it quickly becomes obvious she does not have anyone's best interest at heart and thinks nothing of their ship. Magz puts everyone in jeopardy, including Glitch. Can they get Maggie 1.0 back before everything blows? Then, The gang is playing tag when Madhu is chased by a space probe! It turns out it is from Madwhy, Madhu's sibling. Now Madhu wants something Super-Amazing-Awesome-and-Special to send back. Ella suggests moon water from Europa. Madhu is excited! Slippy builds his best invention yet: the H2 Hoser. To reach the water on Europa they must travel down crevasses left by geysers. Madhu realises it's their friends who are really SAAS! Madhu takes a photo of them all and sends that back to Madwhy.
7:50 AM

Urban Tails
Bazzy B the ruff 'n' tuff Eurasian Wild Boar, wows the audience with this popping dance moves and boar fact filled rhymes on his new track ,Wild Wild Boar,. He's a tough guy with four long tusks that never stop growing! His spade shaped head makes him an expert digger, he uses it like a bulldozer, digging it in the dirt and turning it right over! He hates being mistaken for a little piggy! Wild boars, have a thicker coat and a bigger frame!
7:52 AM

When Athlete Glory’s COMMITMENTS day planner goes missing, nobody in Wordsville can be committed to anything anymore. Scientist Cosmo and Artist Clay are the main suspects and, even though Gabby and Sly struggle to fulfil their duties as Word Detectives, they manage to discover who has having trouble keeping their commitments.
8:00 AM

Paw Patrol
Mayor Humdinger's kitties make off with Mayor Goodway's book delivery truck. Then, Julius and Julia get into a sticky situation when the paper bag puppets they created for a puppet show become stuck on the antlers of a deer!
8:23 AM

Wacky Number Songs
From the angle of the perfect slap shot to the symmetry of synchronized swimming, math is everywhere in sports! Ava explores the many ways we use math on the field, in the pool, and more.
8:25 AM

Riley Rocket
It's the day of Beach Bash, a big beach concert in Greenville. Megablast is the opening act, but Riley can't help but feel a little disappointed they don't get to play a full set, like headliner Zozo. Meanwhile, Stewey wants a snow globe, but when his mom tells him to wait for his birthday, he goes into a super snit, transforms into Gooey and traps all of Greenville under a snow dome of his own making! Megablast transforms into Rocket, Thunder and Metallix to get the dome down in time for Beach Bash. Then, It's Green Fest and Greenville's power is going green thanks to a new wind turbine. Megablast has been asked to play at its grand opening event where they'll be performing a new song about caring for our planet. But when Riley gets interviewed by a videographer, she suddenly gets tongue-tied. It looks like she might not be able to perform! Then Metal Mike crashes the party and really threatens to derail things by taking over the stage with his sound-polluting, air-polluting music. Megablast transforms into Rocket, Thunder and Metallix to save the day, and Theo and Alex help Riley get over being tongue-tied.
8:47 AM

Galapagos X
In the future, ocean-view condominiums and their less-than-impressed residents are floating out to sea! The team goes back in time and discovers Doc Crock leveling wetlands to construct the luxury buildings. Could the wetlands serve a purpose that no one realizes?
8:58 AM

The little leopard is searching for a place to sleep, but it's not as easy as you might think.
9:02 AM

Odd Squad
Orli and a different Ozzie from a movie-star dimension need to stop a villain who’s making the town go purple one person at a time. Then, Kid villains The Terrible Three plot to steal three shapes from Odd Squad gadgets in the next phase of their plan to stop Odd Squad for good.
9:28 AM

Odd Squad: Book of Games
Agents play some odd games: Talking Charades, imaginary River Rafting, and Lawn Bowling.
9:31 AM

Work It Out Wombats
Can Zeke manage a sleepover at the Creation Station when the bedtime routine is nothing like his own? Next, hand-drawn map in hand, the Wombats navigate an exciting network of tunnels beneath the Treeborhood.
9:56 AM

Eric learns that Bernoulli's Principle can explain how planes fly! It's not magic, it's's STEM!
Educational Gist: As air moves around an object, it creates different pressures on that object-fast moving air equals low air pressure and slow moving air equals high air pressure.
9:59 AM

Project Rube
Tes wants a new machine that will impress everyone at the next book club meeting. Morley and the Science Team get to work, using the science of magnetism and the simple machine, inclined plane, to build a Rube Goldberg Machine that turns the page of a book.
10:10 AM

It's lunch time in Colourland! Red invites the Colourblocks for lunch and everyone brings their favourite foods in their own colour. Excitable Red mixes things up, trying other coloured food to discover that the tastiest plate is a plate of rainbow colours. Blue is initially unsure, sticking to blueberries, but after a bite of a yellow banana he is won over and opens up to trying more foods.
10:16 AM

The Singalings
In the market there are lots of stalls selling lots of things. Hats, gloves, flowers and fruit. Socks and shoes, coats and ties, there are even toys for a nice surprise! There are things for everyone at the market.
10:21 AM

Ladybird & Bee
The Bees are hungry after collecting nectar, but the Bees need to learn to take turns.
10:24 AM

Mia and Codie
Mia and the closet challenge Codie and Evu to a sock folding contest. When Codie mismatches all the socks it’s time for a rematch – and this time, Codie seeks a match before folding the socks.
10:28 AM

The Very Small Creatures
While playing football with their friends, Green spots an extra special looking ball but doesn't share the new toy with the others. As Green finds more inventive ways to play with the ball, they quickly realise that playing with friends is much more fun!
10:31 AM

Bamboo Loves Music
When Bamboo Love completes a melody on her Violin, she is very proud of herself. Full of pride,
Bamboo Love packs away the Violin and suddenly hears a similar melody off in the distance.
Curious, Bamboo Love listens and follows the soothing sound to find another panda playing a
unique instrument from China called the Erhu. Learning to play the Erhu, Bamboo Love learns
that beautiful music can be played on instruments with two, four or more strings.
10:34 AM

After Pockets shows off her YoYo skills, Spin and Giggle are desperate to be just like her - so they decide to mix up a ‘Being Pockets’ adventure! Will Pockets be able to show them how she can see differently?
10:44 AM

ABC Singsong
Let's go somewhere new. Let's try something new. It's a song about the word explore!
10:45 AM

Pins and Nettie
The Narrator brought her new kitten with her today. She's super cute and really wants to play with Pins and Nettie. But the hedgehogs aren't so sure and are going to need some help warming up to her.
Lesson: it's okay to take time to get used to someone or something new
10:50 AM

ABC with Kenny G
Kenny G croons about the letter C to a crowd of animals, citing crocodiles, cool cats and cheetahs.
10:52 AM

The Coco Boo
10:58 AM

Cutie Pugs ABC
The Cutie Pugs are having a rip-roaring time! It's an obstacle race! Penny, Petey and Poppy run in the backyard, jumping over a rock, and swinging on a rope over a mud puddle. Who will be first to reach the ribbon and reap the reward?
11:00 AM

Jojo & Gran Gran
JoJo is learning to roller skate in the garden with Gran Gran, but there's not enough room to try all the moves. It's time for a Gran Gran plan - they head off to the roller disco!
11:11 AM

BooSnoo becomes a circus performer and puts on an amazing show.
11:18 AM

Wondering what to do with all those left over crafty bits from your last project or art piece? Then this is for you! Grab your crafty scraps, some glue and some paint and get printing!
11:20 AM

Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum
Xavier is running a lemonade stand to raise enough money to buy a pogo-stick, but making all that lemonade is a lot of work - he'd rather have fun playing instead. Unsure what to do, the kids head... To the Secret Museum! Our heroes travel back in time to meet a young Madam C.J. Walker as she experiments with various ingredients to create a special hair remedy. It's a LOT of work, but Madam C.J. Walker is willing to put in the effort if it means one day achieving her dream of creating a product that will help millions of women like her. And she does! Madam C.J. Walker turns her products into a successful business, giving her the opportunity to help her community in so many ways. Inspired by Madam C.J. Walker's choices, Xavier decides to go back home so he can get to work on his lemonade stand. After all, the choices he makes now can help him later.
It's World Art Day and our trio wants to create a decoration for the museum. The only problem is, everyone has different ideas for what they should make. So... To the Secret Museum! The kids travel back in time to meet Edwin Binney, who runs his own crayon company along with his cousin Harold and wife Alice. The kids get to watch how Edwin makes his crayons and how he listens to Alice and Harold's ideas in order to make the best crayons around! After all, listening to everyone's ideas is good teamwork. Our trio travels back to the present day, where they all put their heads together to create a colorful, vibrant decoration for everyone at the museum to enjoy.
11:43 AM

Hero Elementary
PART 1: When a little girl's toys keep disappearing from her backyard, Sparks' Crew discovers the culprit is a neighbor's dog. How will they keep it out? AJ's Extra Superpower (his autism) is the key.
PART 2: The team heads to Citytown Hero Con, AJ is dressed as his hero, Jetman Jones, and is shocked to see that many people are also dressed like him. How will he find the real Jetman Jones in the crowd?
12:07 PM

Raven's Quest
Joshua is a 12-year-old Ojibwe boy from Curve Lake, Ontario. He's passionate about baseball and it's his favourite thing to do. Sometimes when he plays with his friends the games last all day long! His best friend is Carter - they love to play Manhunt in the forest and video games together at home. Joshua is an accomplished drummer. He drums at pow-wows and has a group called the Redpath Singers. Together they all go to local schools to teach other kids about drumming and Ojibwe traditions. At the local Curve Lake pow-wow, Jacob gives us a tour and shows us the special osprey nest that the kids in his community built for the bird.
Joshua's special word is "dewe'igan" which is "drum" in Ojibwe.
12:14 PM

How Do You Feel?
Akin's friend shares some complicated feelings about her post-divorce, new blended family. For advice, Akin turns to Duane and a few young friends. After, Akin shows off a super-secret "feelings journal" where he records his emotions.
12:20 PM

Paw Patrol
Rocky must rescue himself when he has been stranded on an Island full of trash by Humdinger.
Daring Danny's new remote control accidentally takes control of Everest's SnowCat and all the vehicles in Adventure Bay!
12:44 PM

Audrey's Shelter
Audrey's failing in school because she's too distracted. Tommy helps her do her assignment on ancient Egypt, but she'd rather help Karl take care of a shipment of reptile eggs. However, taking care of the eggs turns out to be even more tedious than her schoolwork, and Audrey loses one of the eggs. She'll need to stay focused to find it before something happens to it.
12:55 PM

Interstellar Ella
The gang comes up with fun activity ideas that Maggie dashes with her less-than-fun information. When Slippy finds an old ship trapped in ice on Triton, he calls for Ella and Madhu! Maggie receives an update and reboots as Magz. While Magz is a lot of fun at first, it quickly becomes obvious she does not have anyone's best interest at heart and thinks nothing of their ship. Magz puts everyone in jeopardy, including Glitch. Can they get Maggie 1.0 back before everything blows? Then, The gang is playing tag when Madhu is chased by a space probe! It turns out it is from Madwhy, Madhu's sibling. Now Madhu wants something Super-Amazing-Awesome-and-Special to send back. Ella suggests moon water from Europa. Madhu is excited! Slippy builds his best invention yet: the H2 Hoser. To reach the water on Europa they must travel down crevasses left by geysers. Madhu realises it's their friends who are really SAAS! Madhu takes a photo of them all and sends that back to Madwhy.
1:17 PM

Wolf Joe
Out late to view the Northern Lights, the friends race to rescue Buddy's run-away drum before it rolls off a cliff, saving it, then playing it to celebrate the dancing lights in the sky.
1:28 PM

Five Ingredient Challenge
On today's Five Ingredient Challenge Maksim and Pradnesh are cooking cauliflower wings.
1:31 PM

Who would have thought string would be the perfect material to create a funky print? Check out this episode where we show you how to make your design out of string and bring it to life with your paint! Meow!
1:33 PM

Ginger finds a cage full of baby Coconutdons and sets them free. But as soon as they're released they race off into the jungle, leaving behind a trail of destruction. Ginger and the Peas pursue them, trying desperately to keep up with them and keep them safe as they put themselves in peril, narrowly avoiding being snapped up by a Cucumberdile, and trodden on by a Broccoliosaurus. But every time they draw close to them, they leg it again, giggling all the way. Realizing it's only a matter of time until the little coconuts get themselves into serious trouble, Ginger comes up with a strategy she's sure will work.
1:38 PM

Jojo & Gran Gran
JoJo and Gran Gran visit the park café, where JoJo tries the daily special for the first time. When they get home, they decide to make a play-café in Gran Gran's garden for JoJo's toys to visit! JoJo makes a menu and Gran Gran helps her make the play-food. JoJo learns how much fun it is to run a café - especially when you have a special on the menu.
1:49 PM

The Game Catchers
After landing on the beautiful Bioluminescent Planet, the Game Catchers, upon arrival, accidentally switch colours! The locals teach them "Shoot the Right Colour," but before they can play, they have to find a way to turn back to normal. Then, the Game Catchers arrive on the Magnetic Planet and are unable to play the local game "Submarines" as they’re not made of metal and are just floating in the air! They’ll have to work together and come up with some creative ways to play the game.
2:04 PM

Curious Crafting
Zack points out why he decided to make his bird craft have two different coloured eyes. He talks about why cardboard is his favourite crafting material, and what he plans on doing with his finished craft.
2:04 PM

Pins and Nettie
What can be better than decorating freshly baked cookies? Check out Pins and Nettie's decorating skills in this weeks episode.
2:06 PM

Book Hungry Bears
The Bears learn that a new playmate can add something fun and exciting to your project that you might not expect. Melody is upset when a new crab friend seems to ruin her sandcastle, but she learns that the crab is only trying to play in a different way.
BOOK: 'Scribble'
The shapes Circle, Square and Triangle learn how to play with their new friend, Scribble.
2:17 PM

Pip and Posy
Pip and Posy team up against Jamila and Zac in Frankie's Action Quiz. However when the final score is counted, Pip and Posy handle the result very differently.
2:24 PM

Dr. Cheddar
Annie and Felix's mother told them there was a cookie for them in the kitchen. Annie thinks Felix ate it by himself. Felix thinks Annie ate it by herself! Who actually ate the cookie? ,Detective, Doctor Cheddar helps them solve the mystery with the help of listening to each of their stories about why they think the other ate the cookie. Comes with a delicious ending!
2:26 PM

Bamboo Loves Parasports
Bamboo Love learns everything about Goalball, a team game made for visually impaired athletes, including how important it is to follow sounds to find, stop, or catch the ball. Invited to try Goalball, Bamboo Love learns to listen carefully, feel the ball and communicate with the team to play.
2:30 PM

Let's Go For a Walk
Ranger Hamza and the Ramblers walk through the town to a place where they can donate books. On the way they discover a tree stump that looks like an octopus, spot a big red bridge, answer the Rambler phone and even hop like mermaids!
2:44 PM

ABC Singsong
Seconds, minutes, hours, days. It keeps moving in all kinds of ways. It's a song about the word time!
2:45 PM

The Ollie & Moon Show
When Ollie goes a little overboard and makes a meatball as big as a house, Moon wants to have a big Italian feast to celebrate his creation.
2:57 PM

Tiny and Tall
Tiny and Tall's dimplejuice stand is open for business as soon as they can agree on their juice recipe! To help them out, Tiny and Tall's friends come together for a taste-test.
3:03 PM

Urban Tails
The Eurasian Beaveris a keystone species, and Lil' Chip is here to launch her new song ,Timberrr It's the Beaverrr!, Preaching to the world about how great the industrious little beaver really is! Funky freshwater herbivores, and a keystone species to help the ecosystem, beavers are dam good builders! They can carry really heavy loads and have little hands instead of paws, helping them to perfect their work building beautiful dams and lodges for their family! Powerful muscles in their heads allow them to chew through the bases of large trees, bringing them down with ease, timberrrrrr!
3:05 PM

The Mixmups mix up a seaside adventure, but they arrive in a snowy wonderland instead. Can they find another way to enjoy the adventure they’ve ended up in?
3:15 PM

One day the zebra runs against a tree.
3:19 PM

Book Hungry Bears
When Crystal and Scout try to make a surprise Snow Bear for Boomer and Melody, they are confused when Boomer and Melody make the same surprise Snow Bear for them. The Bears learn that it is not the surprise that's important, it's the thought.
BOOK: Handa's Surprise
Handa carries a basket of fruit on her head and walks to the next village to surprise her friend. But along the way, she is unaware that a variety of jungle creatures take the fruit from her basket. Then when her basket is unexpectedly filled with tangerines, it surprises both her and her friend.
3:31 PM

Donkey Hodie
Gameshow Gator wants to make up a new game everybody can play. The pals help him find a way to include everyone.
3:43 PM

Zamzoom's Animal Adventures
Zamzoom and Orbie head back to the plains of Africa to reveal the riddles and uses of the zebra's stripes.
3:47 PM

Kangaroo Beach
Neville plans for a nice relaxing day on the river, which the other cadets turn into a wild float race! Things soon get out of hand when some of the floats are affected by the windy conditions more than others.
3:58 PM

Wacky Number Songs
Symmetry is the thing to try when you want to look like a butterfly. Ava cuts a snowflake out of folded paper and sings a song about three types of symmetry: rotational, reflection and translational.
4:00 PM

It's finally the first day of fourth grade and Arthur couldn't be more excited - until he learns Buster is in another class! Meanwhile, D.W. is nervous for her first day of kindergarten. Will Arthur and D.W. be able to make new friends?
4:29 PM (3).jpg?itok=l37HPNrX)
Rosie's Rules
Rosie, Javi and Papá are in the city for an errand, but Javi's dragon toy gets lost and they go on a city adventure to find it. Then, Tía takes the kids to the country to see the beautiful blue bonnets, but they encounter obstacles along the way.
4:54 PM

When Clifford and Emily Elizabeth discover what they think to be a dinosaur egg, they promise to take very good care of it until it hatches. But when they realize that their little Eggie is in fact a chicken egg from Birdwell Farm, the pair sets out to do the right thing and return it to its family.
5:07 PM

Odd Squad
Otis and Olympia investigate why people in town are stuck in slow motion.
5:20 PM

Wild Kratts
It's a relaxing day at Tortuga HQ when Chris comes in complaining about Martin. Confused, the gang soon discovers that Chris means a bird called the Purple martin and not his brother! Chris is not happy about something else named Martin and when a second creature called Martin comes along - he realizes it's not his day. But soon, comes to understand what awesome creatures these ,Other Martins, really are.
5:47 PM

Handball training reveals Mikey's epic power, but that his aim needs serious work. Jerry and Salwa join forces to coach him. The trio try to pin the video recording to Tiffany by finding her phone in lost property.
6:07 PM

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6! Did you know that not all bugs are insects....and that all insects have six legs? In this STEM episode Eric learns more about the bodies of these little creatures. It's not magic, it's science!
Educational Gist: The body parts of insects...6 legs, a head, a thorax and an abdomen...are identified.
6:11 PM

The Brilliant World Of Tom Gates
Tom's homework is late (again!) Leroy suggests they do their homework together. But Tom is only really interested in learning Leroy's amazing magic trick. Soon neither of them have done their homework! Can they magic their way out of a detention? Make an amazing disappearing Magic Box.
6:23 PM

Big Top Academy: School's Out Edition
BTA is on break and the circus kids are looking for a way to stay together while apart. Nicholas finds the virtual meeting room for the Big Top Bulletin and despite resistance from Ms. Martel, our gang decides to put out their own edition.
6:34 PM

Big Top Academy: School's Out Edition
As the first guest editor, Nicholas' goal is to be the best by doing something completely unexpected - being himself. His new self. Nick. The hip hop artist. Even more unexpected is when Nick discovers a virtual secret room.
6:45 PM

This is my Family
This is My Familyis a series about children with special needs and their siblings. This episode is about Julia and her sister Audrey who has a feeding tube.
6:47 PM

Ainara's Bookshelf
Ainara can't count how many times she's read the Newbery Award winning New Kid, and gives us all the reasons why this graphic novel story about identity is a regular go-to for her. Then, she jumps on a plane and a couple of trains to visit the artist behind the book, Jerry Craft in drizzly Connecticut.
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