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Simple Machines
Find out how you can use the power of science to give yourself super strength!
Long and Short
Kit and Pup are cycling. Can you see whose bike is long and whose bike is short?
How to have fun shoveling the snow! | TVOkids
Find out how you can have fun shoveling the snow with Juanes the TVOkid reporter.
Mount Norma
Emily Elizabeth and friends learn that Mr. Morgan's old travel buddy, Ravi, scaled a mountain and named it, they decide to do the same!
Band Practice
Tom and Norman are at Derek's house for band practice. Their band is called ,Dog Zombies, and they want to as good rock legends Dude 3. But they keep getting interrupted. Tom shows us how to make our own drum kit and Liz draws actual dog zombies!
Speed Racer / One of These Goats
Elinor wants her wagon to move faster, she changes its shape with a little inspiration from aerodynamic animals. / Elinor helps their new substitute teacher.
String Self-Portrait
MathXplosion: Figure out the size and position of different parts of your face.
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