Zerby Derby (Long Version)

Ferry Windy Day

Zack and Fran the Ferry are out for a ride around Zerby Town Lake on a very windy day. When the joy riding is over Fran tries to land at the docks. But it turns out, landing in the wind is difficult. When she approaches the first time, the wind blows her way off course, into the reeds at the side of the lake. She backs up and tries again, this time starting further to the side, she gets to the dock but blows past before Zack can get off and tie her up. The next time she comes in on an angle so she can stay still in the wind, but the angle is too hard for Zack to get off onto the dock. Finally, Zack realizes that they should use the wind to help them. Fran lines up with the dock in such a way that the wind blows her up against the dock instead of away from it. This allows Zack to get off and tie her up.