Zerby Derby
Strut Gets Stuck
Strut his happily digging a hole around himself when he realizes that he's dug down too deep to get back out. Zack, Rex and the other construction Zerbies try, try again to help Strut get out of the hole, but the problem is, when a Zerby needs lifting up, it's usually Strut who they call. What do they do when it's Strut that needs the lift? First, Fill the Front Loader tries pouring dirt down into the hole so Strut can make a ramp, but there isn't enough room for Strut to get out of the way and the dirt ends up on his roof. Next, Sandy the bulldozer tries to pull Strut out, but she can only pull him sideways against the edge of the hole. Finally, Zack notices a tree branch above Strut. Throwing his hook over the branch, Strut is able to pull himself up and out of the hole.