
On Right Now

6:07 PM

When I Grow Up!

At a video game company, Mikaela learns all about motion capture. / Mikaela checks out a sweet job at an ice cream factory.

5:00 AM
Book Hungry Bears
On the hunt for books, the Bears become tired and need to rest - except for Boomer who is full of energy. Boomer keeps playing on his own and is excited to find a book but learns to respect other's need for rest when he starts to feel tired too. BOOK: Daddy Cuddle A young rabbit tries to wake his father so they can play - only to discover that cuddling is the best game of all. --- The Bears learn that finding similarities with others can be fun. When all the other Bears find animals who look similar to them, Scout is determined to also find his animal match! BOOK: The Little Little Girl with the Big Big Voice A little girl tries to find someone to play with, but keeps scaring them away with her big voice- until she finds someone who is just as loud as she is and they have fun playing together.
5:21 AM
Twelve shows the others how to put their blocks into columns and rows − and master the way of the rectangle.
5:26 AM
Wacky Songs
Whoa, Ava got some e-mails that really look like scams! A scam is when somebody tries to trick you into something like giving them money or your personal information. Ava plays a scam-busting superhero in her song about how to recognize a scam and what to do about it.
5:28 AM
Abby Hatcher
Bozzly doesn't like it when a little girl won't stop playing with his ears. --- Abby and Bozzly help Melvin make lemonade on a hot summer day.
5:51 AM
Sadly, the T-Rex is very bad at playing basketball.
5:55 AM
Ladybird & Bee
Ladybird and Bee discover something that can hide very easily.
5:58 AM
Polkaroo Counts!
Fresh finds! Polkaroo explores the local farmers market and the kitchen while Malik is back at the Counting Lab searching high and low for the lost fourteen! At the end of the day Polkaroo and Avery celebrate 14!
6:00 AM
Pablo is devastated that his favorite comic book author can no longer visit Birdwell Island. He was so excited to meet her! Emily, Clifford, and their friends try to cheer up Pablo by putting on a performance of one of his comic books. When a crowd gathers to watch, guess which favorite comic book author just happened to make it to Birdwell Island after all?!
6:13 AM
Dr. Cheddar
Annie is given a curious waving cat toy by her new friend. It's from Japan, and Annie's not quite sure what to make of it. It's certainly not like her other toys. Dr. Cheddar explains how different cultures have different toys and symbols. In the end, Annie uses her imagination to make another new friend!
6:15 AM
Urban Tails
Coming at ya live in the bay, MISS SEAL, the oceanic hip hop queen, bobs her head up and down in the water to the beat! In her video ,It's the Grey Seal, she showcases her impressive rapping and swimming skills that enable her to seize that all important catch of the day! Though she may be graceful in the water, when she's on land she bounces clumsily on her big belly! She likes the sun but ain't scared of the cold, her blub- ber keeps her nice and warm. At the end of a successful fishing trip she heads back to the rookeries...that's where she feeds her seal babies!
6:17 AM
Number 1 Newton Avenue
Dad and Rio are at the play park today. Dad shows Rio how to play hopscotch. Rio skips some of the numbers as she hops from zero to ten quickly. After this, Rio suggests they play hide-and-seek. She counts upwards from one to ten very quickly. Because of this, Dad scrambles to find a hiding place. With the help of her trusty robot and the counting song, Rio starts to understand how maths can help solve this puzzle.
6:24 AM
Donkey Hodie
Donkey tries to act like a bird to fit in at Duck Duck's bird party, but she's not enjoying herself. Can she have fun by being her Donkey self? Core Message: I like being me.
6:37 AM
Hushabye Lullabye
Dillie Dally flys on a twinkling cloud castle into the sky while the Cloud Puffers fall fast asleep.
6:40 AM
The Very Small Creatures
Pink discovers a tunnel that echoes when they make sounds! However, when this spooks Green, the rest of the Very Small Creatures are quick to comfort them.
6:43 AM
When a young Cornasaurolophus strays from its herd and befriends Ginger and the Peas, all is fine until it starts popping which draws the attention of the Bananaraptors! Ginger and the Peas have to get the stray back to its herd as quickly as possible - and with as little noise as possible before the cunning Bananaraptors zeroes in on their location.
6:48 AM
The Game Catchers
The Game Catchers land on the Bubble Planet, where they learn the game "Blow the Ball." But they will have to work together after Nina and Boxy become captured by a bubble! Then, the Game Catchers land on a new planet with roads and obstacles dotted with road signs, but upon arrival, Boxy accidentally causes them all to collapse! To fix the signs and play their new game, "Tunnel", they’ll have to first help clear up a traffic jam!
7:03 AM
Five Ingredients Challenge
Emma and Serena are making mini pancakes.
7:06 AM
Wolf Joe
When Buddy sets out to find a crow feather just like his father did as a kid he finds it challenging until he applies a clever strategy to earn his feather, which makes his father proud.
7:17 AM
Let's Go Luna
Carmen writes and sings a sea shanty to inspire the others to fix the discombobulated Circo! Curriculum: Arts: Music - Connecting Musically express, through singing, chanting, moving, playing instruments, while engaging in daily activities alone and in dialogue with others - Sea shanties are songs sung by sailors to make work go faster and easier.
7:30 AM
Rosie's Rules
Rosie donates some things for Donating Day, but when she accidentally gives away her doll Lele, she must get it back. Then, Rosie & Gatita volunteer for Seniors Day at the Nature Center, but their volunteering doesn't go as planned.
7:55 AM
Baker Graham’s SCORCHING sign has gone missing from his bakery and the entire town of Wordsville has turned cold, frigid, and frozen! Firefighter Ember and Vet Wilder are the suspects. The Word Detectives soon uncover that the culprit didn’t want anything to get in the way of having a good time, not even something scorching hot.
8:03 AM
Paw Patrol
Mayor Humdinger's kitties make off with Mayor Goodway's book delivery truck. Then, Julius and Julia get into a sticky situation when the paper bag puppets they created for a puppet show become stuck on the antlers of a deer!
8:26 AM
Audrey's Shelter
When they accidentally trample Jonas' precious plants, Audrey and Tommy try to make up for it by becoming the Plant Protectors, a team of superheroes looking after the Shelter's plants! But all their efforts only make things worse. Meanwhile, a very upset Jonas plays detective to find out who is messing with his plants.
8:37 AM
Dino Dexter
When Kayla’s younger sister Kasey won’t go to sleep because there’s a dino in the house, Dex and Kayla must investigate the ultimate night hunting dino: the Shuvuuia.
8:48 AM
16 Hudson
Lili struggles to find the perfect gift for a newcomer family.
8:56 AM
Wooly Wooly
Marco is afraid to tell his mother that he drew with her lipstick. After accidentally unraveling Willy's hat, BeeBee and Choochoo don't dare confess their mistake, and now they're on the run!
9:07 AM
Odd Squad
When Ms. O leaves to conduct a super-secret mission, the agents compete to figure out who is in charge.
9:21 AM
Secrets of the Forest
Mother trees are the oldest, biggest, and most important trees in the forest. Taviss joins Eric Davies from the University of Toronto on a detective search: finding and mapping the mother trees, measuring their important stats, and ,seed forecasting,! Taviss learns why mother trees are so important to forest restoration and discovers their most vital offering: their seeds!
9:32 AM
Wild Kratts
The Wild Kratts are creature adventuring in the Amazon when they accidentally get miniaturized. A mischievous monkey makes off with the Miniaturizer and the team must rely on the creature powers of the poison frog and go on a wild froggyback ride to rescue the Miniaturizer...or stay mini-sized forever! Science Concept: Coloration and mimicry.
9:59 AM
Mojo Swoptops
Betty the ice cream van is so full of ice cream that it’s making her speed around town out of control. It’s up to Mojo and Bo with the Racer Top to stop her and save those treats!
10:10 AM
Urban Tails
On the city streets, the RUN DMC inspired RAT PACK (Rudy, Roxy and Ricky) rule! In their new music video for ,The Rat Pack, the gang want to show us how their amazing physical traits can take them anywhere in the city! From the slimy sewers, to the top of the tallest building...they show us how they can get in 'n' out of anywhere! The city is their turf and they'll have a rap battle with anyone who says different! Betta' keep up!
10:12 AM
Tiny and Tall #1
When Tiny declares that she wants to climb a very tall tree, she and Tall go searching for one. They follow some false leads before finally finding a tree that's just right.
10:17 AM
Baby Baby
The babies and their friends meet some sweet puppies. The puppies sure love playing at the park!
10:22 AM
The Treebees
An original Treebees song about the tortoises and turtles living in the Galapagos islands. We meet Mr Turtle on land and Mrs Turtle in the sea, and we see some baby turtles!
10:25 AM
One day the kittens decide to make boats from dry pieces of bread and sail them around the creek in their backyard. Raisin tells them that playing with bread is wasteful, his family always eats every slice. He takes the kittens to meet his Daddy who works at a mill. Raisin's Daddy takes them to the wheat field to show them how grains are used to make bread. The kittens learn that baking bread is really hard job and that there is always someone who will eat even the last crumb.
10:31 AM
Urban Tails
PIDGEY-P is the top pigeon on the block! He runs this city! In his video ,Bob your head, Pidgey-P raps about his favourite subject, himself... he can fly up to 90mph, find his way home from anywhere and even recognise people and tell them apart! He can't understand why pigeons are seen as pests, when really ,there ain't no difference in a pigeon and a dove!,. Pigeons like Pidgey-P flock to cities in their droves in the hope of getting bird seed or other food. The reason why pigeons bob their heads is for depth percepyion (that's one reason, the other is to bob along to the banging beats!).
10:33 AM
Momolu and Friends
Momolu and friends get Hiko a perfect birthday gift, but then forget where they hid it. Luckily Hiko loves something even more than gifts... Mysteries!
10:40 AM
Pip and Posy
Pip finds the water from their sprinkler is too cold to play in. So Posy creates an Ocean Explorers game to make him feel brave enough to try the water again.
10:47 AM
All the Colourblocks come together How many do you remember? Learn different colours and colour mixes with the Colourblocks.
10:52 AM
B.O.T. and the Beasties
B.O.T. drops down into Spacey, Glowy World and is surprised when the Wonky Flier squeezes itself out of a crater and attempts to fly. The large squishy beastie can only use the tiny propeller on its head to fly and it does not have the power to get itself airborne. The beastie gets more and more dejected as it repeatedly tries to fly but keeps failing. B.O.T. helps the beastie in its quest to reach the stars and, by doing so, collects the data needed to complete this mission.
10:58 AM
ABC Singsong
M is for move.
10:59 AM
Curious Crafting
Bleep Bloop! Mandisa shows Vanier and Colette how to build a robot, and it's not as hard as you might think. All they need is some paint, multicolored foam shapes for buttons, and an empty granola bar box to make its body.
11:02 AM
Dr. Cheddar
Felix and Annie decide to put on a theatrical production about vegetables! Through song and dance, they explain how they grow, and how important it is to eat them. When they're finished, they send Dr. Cheddar a recording that he watches with us.
11:04 AM
Odo Season 2
During an outdoor sleepover, Odo and Doodle encounter a moth who follows them everywhere, but they struggle to figure out what the moth wants.
11:12 AM
Green Squad
Eight-year-old Kyra is obsessed with ecology, and for her ninth birthday, she wants to celebrate with the bees! The Green Squad arrives to help her prepare for the celebrations, but first thing's first: a trip to the bee farm to help her get over her fear of bees and learn about this amazing species so she can better advocate for them. There they meet urban beekeeper Maddy, who teaches Kyra and the Squad about bee conservation. They even get to try some honey right from the hive! Then they meet with Jon to make some beeswax birthday candles. Back at home, Shakira shows Kyra how to make some upcycled birthday decorations using second-hand materials, as well as some wildflower seed-bombs for her party guests to take home. Lisa and Kyra make a birthday cake with raw honey, and once they're done, they give Kyra a box to collect donations for bee conservation. After all the party preparations are in place, the Squad says good bye to Kyra, and wishes her a happy bee-day!
11:34 AM
The Wacky Word Show
Zoey and Lukas play pirates in this rule-breaking episode. There are over a million words in the English language and while most of them follow rules in the way they're spelled or sound, there are tons of exceptions. They're rule-breakers, just like pirates! The Shipwreckers game show has kids wrecking their opponents' pirate ships by finding rule-breaking verbs. In the challenge, teams of kids walk the plank like pirates in a wacky version of hangman. Meanwhile, Booboo Bot has a meltdown over words that break the rules. When stand-up comedian Amanda McQueen visits, she shows how comedy is kind of like being a pirate. Expect the unexpected! Yarrrrr!
11:56 AM
Step By Step Let's Dance
Dancers will learn a K-pop Tap routine and showcase their skills on the streets of Japan.
12:03 PM
The elephant has the blues. His trunk tries to cheer him up but that is quite a task.
12:07 PM
Trading Skills
Akeylah travels to Ottawa to meet up with Gen, a plumber, to learn how to fix a leaky faucet in the Skills Space. After finding the rights fittings, Gen takes Akeylah on a service call where they install a secondary water valve. While there, they also unclog a drain to get the water flowing! Gen cuts open the pipe and they find the blockage by using a super cool drain snake camera. Akeylah now is ready to head back to the Skills Space and fix that faucet!
12:19 PM
Paw Patrol
Jake's family cuckoo clock and is sliding down the mountainside with Chickaletta stuck inside! Ryder calls on Everest to help the pups to save the day! --- Mysterious holes are appearing all over Ms. Marjorie's yard.
12:42 PM
Amy and Adam are social media experts. Using a scientific method they help their resident inventor, Eureka, turn his crazy ideas into trending products. In this episode they turn a toothbrush phone into a trendy accessory
12:45 PM
Sunny's Quest
Tishe is a creative and curious 9-year-old girl who lives in Calgary, Alberta. Tishe and her parents were born in Nigeria while her brother was born in Canada. She loves everything about her culture and isn’t shy about sharing her Yoruba traditions of hair braiding, clothes, dance and delicious food!
12:52 PM
Teeny Tiny Stories
A little hope can go a long way when fixing your robot!
12:53 PM
Mathemagician Eric reveals a cool math trick that will amaze your friends! No matter what numbers are chosen, the answer will always be nine. It's not magic... it's math! The Educational Gist: This episode introduces the concept of following simple calculations that illustrate the special properties of 9. Follow a given sequence... multiply by three, add three, multiply by three, and add two digits and behold the amazing answer!
12:57 PM
Dream It To Be It
8-year-old Xyanna loves math and science, but along with that, she also loves teaching! With the help of Tai and mega fun math teacher Mr Chen, Xyanna will learn some new tips and tricks that can add up to her being the best math teacher ever.
1:04 PM
Elinor Wonders Why
While the kids are playing in the forest, Olive lets out a giant AAAA-CHOO. This startles the kids, and makes Elinor curious about why we sneeze in the first place? After visiting the library, they learn that sneezes are caused by small irritants such as dust and pollen that get into your nose.They also figure out that Olive's trunk is getting irritated by flower pollen. --- Elinor, Olive and Ari are excited for a big soccer game! In order to make sure he plays well, Ari wants to wear his old lucky shirt, even though it's so small that Ari can't even move his arms while wearing it. As the kids visit Ranger Rabbit, they observe a snake that has shed its skin because the skin became too small and uncomfortable, just like Ari's shirt! Ari learns from this and decides he doesn't need a lucky shirt to be a good soccer goalie! He needs to be comfortable and be able to move around freely, just like the snake!
1:29 PM
Ginger and the baby Pea-Rexes discover the lake has become a strange 'spa bubble bath'. The narrator informs us recent volcanic activity has caused underwater thermal vents to open up. The water is too warm for the Cucumberdiles who prefer cool water and have banked themselves. But the water is the perfect temperature for Ginger and the Peas who go for a carefree and super fun swim playing in the warm bubbles. But the water seems to be getting warmer. Ginger realises if the lake stays like this the Cucumberdiles won't have a place to live. They have to find the source of the heat and bubbles. Ginger takes a big breath and dives down with the Peas on her tail. Tricarrotops can hold their breath for up to 20 minutes due to their large lungs and Pea Rexes being all mouth - they can hold their breath for extended periods of time. Down below it's too dark to see anything...until...Minty spots a tiny light. They approach and when they get near the light grows much brighter and we see that it is a bioluminescent algae, which thrives in warm water conditions. It's an amazing and beautiful sight. But there is another added benefit - Ginger can now see the source of the heat and bubbles - a large underwater vent has opened up, spewing hot gassy bubbles. Ginger has an idea, but she'll need the help of the mighty Watermelonsuchus!
1:34 PM
Cutie Pugs ABC
Penny, Petey and Poppy pop bubbles as Pablo floats up, up in the air, hanging onto a string attached to a balloon. Maybe that little blue bird with the sharp beak can help!
1:36 PM
Jojo & Gran Gran
JoJo and Gran Gran go swimming in an outdoor pool on a hot summer day. JoJo is excited to show Gran Gran what she has learnt in her recent swimming lessons, but when she loses her goggles, she isn't sure she can jump into the water. After spending more time in the pool with Gran Gran, JoJo earns to jump in without her goggles - making a big splash!
1:47 PM
Ladybird & Bee
Ladybird and Bee discover the mysterious smooth and spiky object.
1:49 PM
Blue meets characters Deep Blue and Sky Blue and learns all about their favourite things. Blue and Deep Blue embark on an adventure in a submarine and travel to the depths of the deep blue sea. They land in trouble when they become stuck, leading Deep Blue to call on her good friend Sky Blue to rescue them. After the rescue, the Colourblocks take a trip up into the sky on Sky Blue’s plane and discover all about sky blue items.
1:54 PM
One, Two and Three are having a lovely day at the beach, and are all keen to use the ice cube machine to cool their water. When they can’t decide which one of them should go first, Six offers to roll her dice so the Numberblocks can sort out their differences fairly. With six numbers, the dice doesn’t roll a one, two or three and the Numberblocks still don’t get a turn. Six presents her dice-making machine and they make a dice with 1 one, 2 twos and 3 threes. However, One still doesn’t get a turn. They try to produce more dice, pulling the lever on the dice machine until it gets stuck and dice begin to spurt out everywhere! Finally, the Numberblocks realize the only way to be fair is to represent each of them equally on the dice: 2 ones, 2 twos and 2 threes. And you can’t be fairer than that!
2:00 PM
One day the kittens learn the city is electing a new mayor. Cookie and Candy want to be mayor too, and decide to run for mayor of the playground. They approach all their friends at he playground and encourage them to vote. Cookie promises games that are super fun and awesome if he wins the election, while Candy promises games that are super nice and quiet. Pudding reminds Cookie and Candy that as long as the friends are respecting each other's space, everyone can have fun!
2:05 PM
Let's Go For a Walk
Ranger Hamza and the Ramblers walk by the seaside and along the beach to build sandcastles! On the way they make sounds using the wind, walk on the moon, spot windsurfers and even find a mermaid's purse!
2:19 PM
The Llama admires a pair of travelling camels and wants to be just like them.
2:23 PM
Stop, Look, Listen!
Children get up close with some kangaroos and feed them.
2:24 PM
Hushabye Lullabye
Tweet Tweet twoo, the HushaBirds are flying in the sky and giving Dillie Dally kisses all around before snuggling up for bed.
2:28 PM
Olga da Polga
A loud noise outside the garden is upsetting Mr Sawdust. What could it be? Maybe a Dragon?! Olga has great fun telling her friends all about the dragon and how she can control it, but is she telling the truth? When Karen returns from school with what looks like a real dragon Olga gets a fright! She reveals to her friends that the noises from outside the garden were from a digger and the real dragon was only made of paper.
2:39 PM
The Ollie & Moon Show
When Ollie's loose tooth refuses to come out, Moon has just the fix!
2:51 PM
Happy Place
Skip, Ginger and Clover receive an award from the mayor for cleaning up trash in the park. Frankie and Harry put up signs around Happy Place in appreciation of their fellow citizens, to tell them how awesome they are.
2:54 PM
Cutie Pugs
Dee Dee is playing with her toy doctor's kit, doing a checkup on little Pablo when the doorbell rings. They have visitors: another mommy what appears to be a really little person! It's Dee Dee's aunt and little baby cousin Ella. The curious puppies watch Dee Dee, Mom and Dad smile and coo at Ella, before discovering her fun toys and cushiony car seat. The Narrator explains that Ella is a baby and that all living things start out small and grow bigger as they get older. We flashback to the when the puppies were baby pups drinking Mama's milk, , and that they got lots of sleep to help them grow. Dee Dee introduces the pugs to her baby cousin Ella who giggles wildly as the puppies gently shower her with kisses!
3:01 PM
Opie's Home
When Mommy gets sick, Opie will do whatever he can to make his mother feel better, but realizes later on that the best cure for sickness is love.
3:08 PM
Jasmine & Jambo
Before a very important concert, Jasmine, Jambo and their friends pass the time playing hide and seek. But the cat Dubidu hides away so well that, when the concert time comes, they still haven't found him. And things get more complicated when Jambo starts to play the organ and some notes make a suspiciously familiar miaow. But although it sounds like a cat organ, the audience like the music ... they like it a lot!
3:16 PM
B.O.T. and the Beasties
B.O.T. drops into Craggy, Sandy World. The hungry Galloping Yelp is hunting for grass. Also out looking for food is the Snorty Grunt, the Grunt sees some grass at the same time as the Galloping Yelp. The Yelp manages to snatch the grass just before the Snorty Grunt. The Grunt is not happy and chases after the Galloping Yelp. B.O.T. gets bounced up on to the Galloping Yelp's back as it races away from the Snorty Grunt. More Snorty Grunts join in the chase and B.O.T. is stuck on the Yelp's back being bounced about whilst trying to collect the data. B.O.T. completes the mission and zooms up to the portal. The chase ends when the delighted Galloping Yelp and Snorty Grunts discover a lovely meadow of long green grass, ready to be eaten!
3:21 PM
Book Hungry Bears
The Bears hunt for books near a farm, but when they come across a baby bird and baby horse, Boomer can't understand why they can't do things that all birds and horses can do. He learns that baby animals need time and practice to do things that adult animals do. BOOK: Kitten's Spring A story about mothers and their babies in spring and the sounds they make. Kitten visits them all before going to sleep at the end of the day.
3:32 PM
Donkey Hodie
Donkey feels nervous about playing in the swamp. Frannie Fox helps her find something familiar to feel comfortable in a new place.
3:45 PM
The crab loves to pinch each and everything. But the walrus family might be a challenge too big to handle.
3:49 PM
Messy goes to Okido
When the Cloudship malfunctions and soars off into Okido, it's up to Messy and friends to return it to its natural habitat!
4:00 PM
Look Kool
In this episode, we'll meet cubist Pablo Picasso, find out why ice cubes make an awful necklace, and face the legendary Hound of Doom in a quest to make giant cubes. Koolkatt joins in the fun, finding a cube in the studio that is right under Hamza's nose...and foot.
4:22 PM
Rosie's Rules
Rosie decides to be a message delivery kid and deliver messages to her neighbours, but her messages get all mixed up. Then, Javi temporarily loses his voice, so Rosie must help him recover before they perform their El Coco play.
4:47 PM
Fisherman Charlie's new puppy Hudson is the cutest. But her favorite word seems to be "mine!" Clifford, Bailey, and Tucker decide to start a puppy preschool, hoping to teach Hudson how to say "together" and be more mindful of others. Can they do it before Hudson drives everyone on Birdwell Island mad?
4:59 PM
Odd Squad
Otis and Olympia stop werewolf Olaf from turning back into a boy.
5:13 PM
Wild Kratts
When the Wild Kratts begin to talk about predator and prey, the Kratt Bros decide to split up to investigate the lives of being a predator and a prey. But when they each befriend a young member of their respective groups and the groups collide, the gang must struggle to figure out how they react in a true battle for survival.
5:40 PM
All-Round Champion
It's the sixth week for the elite athletes competing in the ultimate sports competition. Karate is revealed as the featured sport and Liesel is deemed the Sport Leader and will have to train her fellow athletes for the competition in just three days. The Advantage causes some tension amongst the athletes following a fierce inflatable wrestling tournament. The friction dissipates in the Dojo as the athletes learn kicks, punches and defensive moves. The Powerhouse Princess proves it again. Claire bleeds and Nathanaël goes down hard after receiving a kick from Elle. The athletes are in for a few surprises before the Competition. The Advantage proves to be very valuable. The gold medal is decided with one second remaining in the match.