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The Library
One day the kittens and Daddy visit the library. But the library has very strict rules: you are not allowed to make noise, run around or play and the only thing you are allowed to do is read books. The kittens don't want to follow the rules!
I am George Washington Carver
George Washington Carver shows Xavier just how important plant life is, and why we all need to help take care of the Earth.
Shout It Out
Tom is on a school trip with his classmates to the nature park. Can they find the creatures on the worksheet - without getting lost? Tom shows us how to make a tinfoil spider.
Not All Trash is Rubbish
One day, Mommy sends the kittens to take the garbage out and asks them not to forget to sort it. However, the kittens get distracted and forget. Daddy helps them chase down the garbage truck to fix their mistake.
Stuff that Sticks
Zoey finds out that nature and technology use stickiness in all sorts of useful ways.
Melody and the Book Band / Crystal Doesn't Know
Melody has trouble finding an instrument for the book band. / The Bears come across a mysterious creature in the woods.
Be The Changemaker
The newspaper is looking for a local Changemaker. Theo thinks Riley would be the perfect candidate! Rachel 1 learns of this and wants the front page all to herself, so she begins to drown the town with loud music, causing noise-related mayhem!
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