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One day, the kittens find out that Daddy's brother, Uncle Muffin, is coming to visit tomorrow. They are so excited about tomorrow that they can't fall asleep and need help from Mommy to calm down.
The Dance Party
One day, Mommy and Daddy are listening to music on the internet and come across a song they used to dance to when they were young. The kittens and their friends want to host their own dance party, but their tastes in music are very different.
Ainara's Bookshelf
Ainara's Bookshelf introduces tween viewers to middle-grade books that give visibility to literary works featuring voices, characters, and points of views from underrepresented communities.
Breakfast Porridge
One day Mommy wakes up the kittens earlier than usual, because Grandpa is taking them on a sailing trip. The kittens learn that breakfast is a very important meal that helps give them enough energy for their day and puts them in a good mood!
The Deadline
One morning Daddy has a deadline to bake 40 muffins by midday. The kittens don't know what a deadline is, it must be someone who really likes muffins. The kittens decide to help Daddy and not let ,Deadline, enter before he finishes baking.
Dr. Cheddar Digital Shorts
Stay Healthy with Dr. Cheddar.
Mega Monster Books Challenge
Let us know how many books you've read to enter for a chance to win the Book of the Month Book Pack from now until March 15th! With all your restless reading help, you can watch the Mega Monster Meter rise. Once the meter reaches 3000, we'll donate books to Children's Book Bank to spread some reading fun!
Nine-year-old Adam wants to learn more about his city's urban forests! With Eric, Kyle, and Sigfried he gets to plant a tree, learn about biodiversity, and get all his friends on board for a nature walk! He's a real friend of the forest.
Cool Sandwiches
One day, the kittens find out their friends know how to do a lot of cool things. So, the kittens decide to learn how to do something cool, but it turns out it's not that easy!
The Mobile Home
One day Daddy and the kittens decide to go to the First Cucumber Festival. During the two-day drive, the kittens become tired and bored, so Daddy rents a mobile home for their road trip!
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