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The Return Of The Forest Kitties
One day, the kittens go off to spend four days at the Forest Kitties Camp. While adventuring through the forest they find a museum and learn about Whisker the Wanderer. They may be able to find his buried treasure if they can solve his clues!
A Cake for Dart
One day Dart comes to the kittens' home to invite them to his birthday party, but there is no mention of cake. The kittens learn there is more than one way to bake a cake and make someone feel special on their birthday!
Cookie's Star Turn
One day Daddy and the kittens go to a scooter park. Cookie is riding around and doing cool tricks on his scooter as Daddy films it. When the kittens get home, they show Cookie's stunts to their friends and everyone is very impressed by his talent!
I am Wilma Rudolph
Wilma Rudolph encourages Xavier to stick with track and field, even if he is behind his classmates, because no matter where you start, you can always get better.
Be The Changemaker
The newspaper is looking for a local Changemaker. Theo thinks Riley would be the perfect candidate! Rachel 1 learns of this and wants the front page all to herself, so she begins to drown the town with loud music, causing noise-related mayhem!
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