You searched for: "science max"
I am Billie Jean King
Billie Jean King inspires Brad to take ballet, even if he is the only boy in the class, because girls and boys can do the same things.
I am Rachel Carson
Rachel Carson inspires Brad to figure out how he can help the butterflies migrate, because no matter who you are, we can all help to protect the Earth.
Hovering Honk
B.O.T. is in Craggy, Sandy World. The Hovering Honk is hunting turnips. It sucks them up, eats them, honks and grows! B.O.T. has to avoid being sucked up with the turnips.
Water You Doing? / Thinking About Blinking
Elinor discovers that putting some rocks into a stream can affect where the water flows. / Ari wins a staring contest and wonders about blinking.
Squiggling Tooter
B.O.T.'s mission is to collect data on the Squiggling Tooter beastie which can be found dancing, honking and partying in a dark cave.
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