You searched for: "science max"
Tummy Slider
B.O.T. rides on the back of the Tummy Slider as it hurtles downhill through Snowy, Icy World. The mission is made more difficult when another racing, Tummy Slider joins them. B.O.T. is bounced between the two beasties as they speed towards the ocean.
Spotty Whizzer
The Spotty Whizzer zips around the sky erratically making it hard for B.O.T. to take a photo or record sound. When more Spotty Whizzer plants grow and take off like rockets, B.O.T. must move quickly to complete this mission.
Huggy Roller
B.O.T. tries to keep up with a family of Huggy Rollers as they roll along together. B.O.T. ends up encased in a snowball but the snow melts away when the Rollers give it a big warm hug!
Make Music Naturally / Light the Way
The kids learn how to make instruments using sounds of Nature./ Elinor and her friends learn about her fireflies communicate.
Sweepy Swish
The Sweepy Swish likes everything clean and tidy. It sweeps along brushing up dust, pebbles, sticks and even B.O.T.! Can B.O.T. get all the swept up body parts back together and collect the data needed to complete this mission?
Tree Doctors
When trees get sick, you call the doctor! Taviss learns what it takes to become an arborist, AKA tree doctor!
The Snowbirds
Bebe and Mo meet the Snowbirds and Gavin tours a Warplane Museum.
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