(playful music)
- Oh!
- Momolu and Friends!
(Momolu): Second Seed.
♪ A muffin and some tea ♪
♪ Are really so yummy ♪♪
Where did you come from?
(chirping loudly)
Come back!
I'll be a quiet bunny!
(whispering): I promise!
This is a tricky bird
to paint.
But it's so beautiful.
I've just got to find a way.
This bird is tricky
and naughty!
How can I do a painting of that
bird if he won't sit still?
I'm gonna need a lot of help.
- Yeah!
- Oh! Ah!
- Let's go!
- I'm gonna get it!
- Yeah!
- Hi, hi, hi!
I need your help!
- Do you need help carrying
your art supplies?!
- No.
I really, really want to do
a painting of a colourful
chickatootle bird,
but he won't stay in one spot.
- A chickatootle bird?
Sounds interesting!
- You've come
to the right place.
We'll help you find him!
How hard could it be if
he's so colourful?
- That's the problem.
He's a really sneaky bird.
He could be anywhere!
- We'll keep our eyes peeled!
- I read about this special bird
and always hoped to see it!
This is exciting!
- Smaller than a grape fruit,
blue head,
red belly,
yellow-green shoulders?
- Yes! You've read about
them too!
- Nope!
He's right behind you.
- Oh? Woah!
- Whoa.
- That's the one!
I've been looking all over
for you!
- You're right Banni.
It would be wonderful
to have a painting
of a chickatootle bird!
- Follow that bird!
- Red!
- Red.
- Yellow!
- Yellow.
- Orange!
- Orange.
- Green!
- Green.
- Blue!
- Blue. Big brush!
Small brush!
- Phew! Hurray!
- We did it!
- Nicely done!
- Oh dear.
Let's try again!
- The binoculars were
a great idea!
That way,
Banni can see the bird,
but she won't scare it away!
- I've never seen such colourful
feathers up close before!
There. Done!
- Let's try again!
- Cheap, cheap, cheap,
cheap, cheap.
Caw, caw! Wait,
do birds say squeak?
- Cheap, cheap! Caw, caw...
- Caw!
- Some do! Look!
Caw, caw, squeak...
(all calling)
(birds chirping)
Aw... That didn't work.
I don't have food for you.
- That's one clever bird! I've
never seen anything like it!
- He's clever
he even ate the seeds
right off my muffin earlier!
- Did you say the bird likes
O have lots of extra seeds
at my café!
- You do?
- Sure!
When they fall off the muffins,
I collect them in little jars.
I don't know what to do
with them.
- Roly-poly pandas!
We can make a bird feeder
using all your extra seeds!
- Then the chickatootle bird
will sit to eat the snack!
- And then I can finally make
a painting of him!
- Yes!
- Yeah!
- Let's go!
(bright music)
- I hope this works!
- Seeds... and oil.
- Seeds and coconut oil.
How can a bird resist?
- Take the wooden spoon and
pat it down!
Wooden spoon...
pat down!
- Ribbon!
- Ribbon!
- Scissors!
- Scissors!
Those seeds look
so delicious!
- Whoa!
Those seeds are delicious!
- How's that?
- Just a higher! Got it!
I hope he's hungry!
- What's that?!
- He likes it!
- Okay, Banni,
time for you to paint!
- Finally!
- I think he likes it!
- Are you almost done?
- Ta-dah!
- Wow!
- I love it!
- I love it!
- I couldn't have done it
without your help!
Thank you so much!
Bye-bye birdie!
Don't forget to come back.
- And bring your friends!
We've got lots of seeds!