On wooden boards, the word, “Stop” is written with black paint, shells and rocks spell the word “Look,” and the word, “Listen” is written with water.

A child says, STOP.

A second child says, LOOK.

A third child says, LISTEN.

[Upbeat music plays]

[Waves slosh, upbeat music plays]

A seal swims in a pool in an enclosure. It jumps in the water.

[Splashing, barking]

A fourth child exclaims, WOW!


The seal leaves the enclosure and walks on a deck.

[Flippers slap wood, upbeat music continues]

A red-haired boy says, WOW!

Children gently stroke the seal’s fur.

[Background chatter]

A girl with blonde hair says, AH, SOFT!

A woman asks, WHAT DOES

A fifth child says, FEELS SLIPPERY!

A seal walks on a wobbling dock over the water.

A third child says, WOBBLE, WOBBLE!

The blonde-haired girl lies on the deck. She pulls herself forward with her hands as she imitates a seal moving on land.

[Girl imitates seal bark]

Other children imitate a seal on the deck.

A girl who wears her dark blonde hair in a ponytail cups her hand by her ear.

She says, LISTEN.

[Seal roars, children imitate the roar, upbeat music continues]

[Children imitate roaring]

A seal dives back into the pool in the enclosure.


[Playful music plays]

Text reads “Play School. abc.net.au/children/play” “Australian Broadcasting Corporation. Copyright twenty-eighteen.”