The title is The Very Small Creatures, and stars appear around it. The words are yellow, pink, green, and blue.

Yellow, Orange, Pink, and Green—each a very small bean-shaped creature the same colour as their name—peek over the top of the title. They jump down and bounce in front of the title. Blue appears above the title, jumps down, and bounces with the others.

[Giggling, slide whistles, upbeat music plays]

Episode title: Slide.

A lime green piece of plastic track with a red end leans against a wagon full of blocks. Pink uses the track as a slide. The other creatures line up at the top of the slide.


Pink cheers, YAY!

[Slide whistle, giggling]

Pink bounces away from the bottom of the slide.

[Boings, panting, giggling, cheerful music plays]

Orange says, GOING SLOW.

Orange slides slowly and lands on the floor.

[Slide squeaks, slide whistle, thumps, honks, Orange giggles]

Orange stands up.


Orange says, HUH?

Green slides down the slide. They land head-first on Orange and squish Orange flat.

[Cheering, giggling, splatting, cheerful music plays]

Orange returns to their bean shape.

Orange says, OH!

[Laughing, squeal]

Green bounces back to the floor.

[Everyone laughs]

Yellow bounces excitedly at the top of the slide.


Yellow slides down the slide.

[Panting, boing]

Yellow cheers, WEE!

Yellow spins in the air. They skid to a stop on the floor.

[Tires screech, boings]

Yellow says, WOW!

Yellow runs forward.

[Laughs, pants]

Blue moves to the top of the slide. Yellow bounces up the slide. Blue backs away from the slide, and Yellow bounces excitedly.

[Giggling, chatter, bouncing]

Blue says, HUH?

Yellow slides down the slide on their tummy. They flip and land on their feet.

[Scratching, happy grunt, cheer, boings, cheerful music plays]

[Yellow chatters happily, laughs]

Yellow runs up the slide again. Pink and Blue stare at Yellow.

[Panting, squeaking, Blue chatters, Yellow giggles]

Orange and Green stand in line behind Pink and Blue. They watch Yellow slide down the slide.

Yellow says, WEE! WOOHOO!

Yellow lands in a splash shape.

[Scraping, giggling, slide whistle, splat]

Yellow returns to their bean shape.

[Yellow giggles, cheerful music plays]

Blue moves to the top of the slide. Yellow runs up the slide again.

[Yellow giggles, Blue pants, tires screech]

Blue says, ONE, TWO.

Yellow slides down the slide.

Yellow cheers, WOO!

[Squeaking, Blue sighs]

Blue downs down at the blocks and sways. Pink, Green and Orange gather around Blue. They lean against Blue. Orange, blue, pink, yellow, purple, and green hearts float above them.

[Chattering, cooing, chiming, gentle music plays]

Yellow lines appear above Pink’s head.

[Ding, Pink chatters, all chatter]

Yellow jumps on the bottom of the slide.

Yellow says, WEE!

[Boing, other creatures shout]

Yellow says, HUH?

Yellow looks up the slide. The other creatures move away from Blue. Blue looks down at Yellow.

[Shuffling, Blue sighs, nervous giggle, Blue chatters, slide whistle]

Yellow says, OH!

Yellow slides backwards off the slide.

[Slide whistle]

Yellow backs away from the bottom of the slide. Everyone looks at Blue.

[Panting, cheerful music plays]

Pink, Green and Orange lean towards Blue. Orange, red, blue, pink, yellow and green hearts float above them.

[Chiming, cooing]

Blue sits at the top of the slide. Blue wiggles and then slides down.

[Boing, gasp, squeaking]

Blue cheers, WEE!

Blue slides off the end of the slide and bounces towards Yellow.

[Slide whistle, honking]

[Blue and Yellow giggle]

Blue and Yellow snuggle. Orange, red, blue, pink, yellow and green hearts float above them.

[Cooing, chiming]


Yellow follows Blue. Blue walks past the slide. Yellow jumps on the bottom.


Blue says, NO.

Yellow says, OH!

Yellow jumps off the slide and follows Blue.


Yellow follows Blue to a block behind the wagon.
[Panting, cheerful music plays]

Yellow stops and lets Blue go first.

[Chatter, panting, giggling, chiming]

[Chatter, laughter, boings, squeals, cheerful music plays]

End credits: Aardman production for Sky Kids. Logo: Sky Kids.
