The title is The Very Small Creatures, and stars appear around it. The words are yellow, pink, green, and blue.

Yellow, Orange, Pink, and Green—each a very small bean-shaped creature the same colour as their name—peek over the top of the title. They jump down and bounce in front of the title. Blue appears above the title, jumps down, and bounces with the others.

[Giggling, slide whistles, upbeat music plays]

Episode title: Blast Off!

Orange looks through an oval-shaped, aluminum foil-lined window in a homemade red rocket ship attached to a red string. Green and Yellow stand on blocks in front of the open door at the base of the rocket ship. Blue and Pink stand on the floor.

[Orange chatters, giggling, cheering]

Green jumps through the door into the rocket ship and appears in the window beside Orange.

[Grunt, thump]

Green says, HIYA.

Yellow appears behind them.

[Rustling, squeak, giggling]


Blue appears in the window.

Blue says, YEAH!

Pink jumps into the rocket ship and slams the door.

[Giggling, door slams]

Pink appears in the window and says, PEEK-A-BOO!

The rocket ship shakes. It sinks towards the floor.

[Dramatic music plays]

The creatures say, HM? HUH?

The rocket ship flies up into the air.

[Shrieking, giggling, creaking]

The rocket ship hits a pulley beside a shelf on the wall and stops. A string of star-shaped lights lies on the shelf.

The creatures say, OOH! WOW!

The creatures jump out of the rocket ship and land on the shelf.

[Magical music plays, boings]

Blue says nervously, UH...


[Pink chatters gently]

Pink leans against Blue. Green, blue, pink, and yellow hearts float above Pink and Blue.

[Cooing, soft chatter, chiming]

Blue says, OKAY.

Blue and Pink move away from the edge of the shelf. They both lean against another rocket ship lying on the shelf.

[Gentle music plays]

Pink looks up and says, LOOK!

Blue looks up at a string of star-shaped lights.

Blue says, WOW!

[Pink and Blue giggle]

Green says, OH!

Green, Orange, and Yellow explore the shelf. They find a solar system picture with the planets orbiting the sun. Saturn lies on the shelf.

[Chatter, eerie music plays]

Yellow says, HUH?

Yellow looks at Saturn.

Yellow says, HM.

[Chattering, rustling, upbeat music notes play]

Yellow puts Saturn on the line between Earth and Jupiter.

Yellow cheers, YEAH!


[Green giggles]

Green bounces on a stuffed crescent moon.

Yellow says, OH!

Green cheers, WHEE!


Green jumps in slow motion.

Green sighs, WHEE!

Orange walks backwards. They bump into the end of a green-striped pipe cleaner.

[Chatters, giggles]

Orange turns. Pipe cleaner tentacles wave on an alien made of a paper cup, pom poms, and clay.

[Spooky music plays, Orange shrieks]

Orange hides behind a picture of the solar system.

[Slide whistle, chatters]

Orange says, OOH!

Orange looks at the alien and pokes a tentacle. The alien wobbles. A tentacle tickles Orange.

[Whooshing, playful music plays, giggling]

[Orange chatters]

Orange moves under the tentacle and snuggles with the alien.

Orange says, HI!

[Smooch, soft chattering, soft music plays]

Pink and Blue stand by the second rocket ship.

[Chattering, Blue yawns, Green yawns]

A voice shouts, YOO-HOO!

Pink, Yellow, Blue, and Green say, HUH?

The alien moves towards the creatures.

[Eerie music plays, they gasp]

Blue hides behind Yellow.

[Terrified squeak]

Orange peeks out from behind the alien.

[Slide whistle, chatter, everyone giggles]

Green touches a tentacle and the alien wobbles.

[Boing, slide whistle, giggling]

Orange snuggles the alien. Green and blue hearts float above Orange.

[Chiming, cooing]

[Green yawns, Pink chatters]

Orange leads the alien towards the rocket ship. The other creatures get into the rocket ship.

[Upbeat music plays]

[Orange giggles, clunk]

Orange pulls the alien partially into the rocket ship. The alien’s bottom sticks out the window. The rocket ship drops to the floor.

[Upbeat music plays, thunk]

The door opens, and the creatures get out of the rocket ship.

[Squeak, rustling]

[Yawning, rustling, gentle music plays]

Orange tries to pull the alien through the doorway.


The alien squeezes through the window. The creatures sleep on a fuzzy blanket. Orange leans against the alien.

[Snoring, gentle music plays]

End credits: Aardman production for Sky Kids. Music by Jean-Marc Petsas. Executive Producers: Helen Argo. Sean Clarke. Sarah Cox. Peter Lord. Produced by Rob Franklin. Directed by Lucy Izzard. Executive Producer for Sky: Lucy Murphy. Copyright Aardman Animations Limited 2023. Logo: Sky Kids.
