Fluffy grey clouds float close together in a blue sky. A shiny red ball appears and disappears behind different clouds.

[Gentle music plays, waves laping]

Title: BooSnoo!
Episode title: Circus.

The red ball falls on cloud-like cotton batting. A person picks the ball up and pushes it through a hole in a wall.

The ball lands on a gently curving transparent track and rolls down.

[Musical twinkling plays, clattering, ball rolling]

The ball rolls off the end of the curving track and bounces off platforms. Each platform lights up with a different colour: pinkish-red, orange, yellow, lime green, blue and purple. A distinct note plays as the ball hits each platform.

[Music notes play]

The red ball lands on a short, transparent track. It quickly bounces down red, orange, yellow, and green platforms. Each platform lights up and plays a different note. The ball rolls through a hole in the wall.

[Harp music plays]

The ball rolls into a transparent tube and passes a purple number 5. It then rolls past an orange 4, a light blue 3, a pink 2, and a mint green 1.

[Upbeat music plays, ball rolling]

The ball falls onto a round purple platform on a spring. The spring bounces the ball high into the air and falls on a disc. The ball rolls in circles, slowly moving towards a hole in the centre.

[Clunk, boing, ball rolling, chiming]

The ball falls into a transparent blue tube.


The ball rolls into a pinball machine-like instrument with differently coloured round knobs. Each time the ball hits a knob, a musical note chimes. Pictures of three green shapes are at the bottom of the instrument: a triangle, a circle, and a square. There is a track below each shape.

[Ticking, loud chiming]

The ball rolls into the track beneath the square, and the square flashes red.

[Slide whistle, chiming]

The ball rolls onto two yellow metal wires beneath a red and white striped circus tent. It rolls onto one side of a seesaw in a circus ring. A bull’s eye with a star in the centre is to the left of the seesaw.

[Calliope music playing, rattling]

The light turns off, and a spotlight shines on a weight hanging above the empty side of the seesaw.

[Lights clicking, trumpet fanfare]

The spotlight shines on the red ball.

[Trumpet fanfare]

The spotlight shines on the bull’s eye. An arrow lights up and points at the star in the centre of the bull’s eye.

[Trumpet fanfare, zapping]

The spotlight shines on a hole in the ring.

[Trumpet fanfares]

The weight drops on the seesaw, and the ball flies through the centre of the bull’s eye and lands in the hole. Confetti sprays into the air. The spotlight dims.

[Tense music playing, boinging, slide whistle, tearing, clattering, calliope music playing, applause]

The ball lands on a platform in a lilac room and spins around a purple spiral. It then falls into a funnel and rolls down a shimmering lilac wire track.

[Ball rolling, whirring, gentle music plays, thudding, clattering]

As it rolls down the slope, the ball activates three pinwheels, which spin as it rolls into a tunnel in the wall.


The red ball rolls in a red-and-striped circus tent and then drops into a black cannon. The lights turn off.

[Organ music playing, clicking]

A spotlight points at the cannon and then at a sandbox full of blue sand. The cannon moves and points at the ceiling.

[Tense music plays, gears grinding]

The cannon shoots the red ball up and lands in the blue sand. Confetti fills the air around the sandbox.

[Drum roll, popping, whooshing thudding, triumphant music plays, applause]

The sandbox tilts, and the ball dumps onto the floor. The red ball rolls into a tunnel in the side of the tent.

[Gears grinding, calliope music plays]

The red ball rolls towards a chain beside a gear in a light blue room. It lands on a platform and rises over the top of a second gear. The ball falls on a yellow track and then rolls onto a transparent track.

[Gear grinding, upbeat music plays, clunking, ball rolling]

The red ball rolls through a tube and lands on a blue half-pipe ramp. It rolls up and down the sides and then through a hole onto a transparent track and through a hole in the wall.

[Ball clattering]

The ball rolls to the end of a plank in a dimly lit red and white-striped circus tent. Beneath the ball is a track with a loop leading to parked double-decker buses. The track continues on the other side of the buses and stops before a hoop. The track continues on the other side of the hoop, leading to a bull’s eye on the floor beside a rolled-up banner. Small round lights line the side of the tracks and the bottom of the circus tent, and both buses have their headlights on.

[Calliope music plays]

The spotlight shines on the red ball on the plank.

[Clicking, trumpet fanfare]

The spotlight shines on the loop.

[Clicking, trumpet fanfare]

The spotlight shines on the buses, and the headlights get brighter.

[Clicking, trumpet fanfare]

The spotlight shines on the track leading to the hoop.

[Clicking, trumpet fanfare]

The spotlight shines on the hoop.

[Clicking, trumpet fanfare]

The spotlight shines on the bull’s eye.

[Clicking, trumpet fanfare]

The tent dims, and the spotlight shines on the ball.

[Clicking, trumpet fanfare]

The ball rolls off the plank, down the track and around the loop.

[Drum roll, clicking, lively music plays]

The ball jumps over the buses.

[Slide whistle]

The ball rolls up the track and jumps through the hoop. It lands on the track, rolls down to the floor, and onto the yellow centre of the bull’s eye. The banner unrolls and features the BooSnoo logo in a circus tent.

[Lively music continues, slide whistle, clattering, triumphant music plays, applause]

The centre of the bull’s eye lowers, and the ball rolls out of a hole in a wall. It rolls on a transparent blue track past spinning clouds in front of a sky-blue wall. The red ball rolls past a picture of itself on a seesaw beside the bull’s eye with the star in the centre.

[Chiming music plays]

The ball rolls off the end of a curving track and bounces off platforms. Each platform lights up with a different colour: blue, purple, orange, lime green, blue, and red. A distinct note plays as the ball hits each platform.

The ball rolls past a picture of the cannon pointed towards the ceiling of the ten and the ball in the sandbox.

[Whirring, plinking a tune]

The ball rolls on a short track and then bounces off platforms. Each platform lights up with a different colour: yellow, lime green, blue, red, orange, and purple. A distinct note plays as the ball hits each platform.

[Plinking a tune]

The ball lands on a blue track and rolls past a picture of itself resting on the final bull’s eye with the BooSnoo banner behind it.

The ball slowly rolls onto green, blue, purple, and yellow platforms. The platforms light up, and each platform plays a different note. The ball lands on a blue track and rolls through a hole in the wall.

[Descending music notes play slowly]

The red ball falls on the cloud-like cotton batting. The cotton floats up into the air beside the clouds.

[Clattering, sighing, melodic twinkling plays]

The red ball appears and disappears behind different clouds, moving towards the clouds in the back.

Logo: BooSnoo!

[Chiming music plays]

End credits. Creator and Executive Producer: Julian Bashford. Mackinnon and Saunders: Producers: Tracy Liddell, Chris Bowden. Logos: Visionality, Mackinnon and Saunders. Copyright Sky United Kingdom Limited, 2023. For more information, go to Sky.com. Logo: Albert.

Logo: Sky Kids.


Logo: Thunderbird Distribution.

[Soothing music plays]