In a blue sky, a shiny red ball appears and disappears behind different fluffy white clouds.

[Gentle music plays]

The title appears and a person reads, BOOSNOO!

The episode title appears, and the person reads, LIQUIDS.

The red ball bounces onto a sheet of cloud-like cotton. A person picks up the ball and pushes it through a hole in a white wall.

[Chime music plays]

In a blue room, the ball lands on a transparent curved track. It rolls down the track among paper clouds.

[Ball clattering]

[Ball rolling]

The ball rolls off the end of the track and bounces off different-coloured platforms, each of which lights up.

[Gentle, cheerful music plays]

The ball lands on a transparent curved track and rolls down another set of different coloured platforms into a transparent tube and through a hole in the wall.

[Gentle, upbeat music plays]

In another room, the ball rolls past a purple number 5, a yellow number 4, a blue number 3, a pink number 2, and a green number 1. The ball drops down a purple funnel onto a spring.


[Spring creaking]

The spring launches the ball high in the air into a wide funnel. The ball slowly rolls around the funnel and down a curved tube below through another wall into another room.

[Whooshing of the ball rolling]

The ball bounces off different coloured knobs.



The ball hits the knobs and the knobs change colour. The ball bounces off wide circular platforms toward tracks labelled with a triangle, a circle, and a square. The ball bounces between the tracks and then rolls down the triangle track. The triangle label flashes red.

[Triangle dinging]

[Ball rolling]

[Gentle music plays]

In a white room, the ball is lifted onto a track on a large, white, circular table and rolls down a track on the edge. Green, red, blue and yellow balloons of liquid hang over the centre of the table. The ball pushes a bar with a green circle. The green balloon drops onto the table. It bursts open, and green paint splatters across the surface.


The ball continues around the table and pushes a bar with a red circle. The red balloon drops onto the table, bursts open, and splatters red paint across the surface.


The ball pushes a bar on the track with a blue circle. The blue balloon drops onto the table, bursts open, and splatters blue paint across the surface.


The ball pushes a bar with a yellow circle, and the yellow balloon drops onto the table, bursts open, and splatters yellow paint across the surface.


The ball rolls around the splattered paint to the start of the track and drops down a hole into a yellow room. The ball rolls onto a platform with three slowly turning, wavy arms. The arms turn and push the ball down a hole onto a metal spiral track. The ball drops onto a giant spoon, and the spoon tilts forward 180 degrees onto another spoon. The second spoon tilts forward and drops the ball down a colourful transparent track and through a hole in the wall.

[Spoons whirring]

In a white room, the ball rolls toward a tank of water with three windows: a red, a yellow, and a blue. The ball rolls past each window, and red, yellow, and blue dye drops into the water.


Clouds of colour billow through the water and fill the tank. A platform slowly lowers the ball toward another track in a tube beside the tank. At the bottom, the ball rolls out onto another track and through a wall on the other side of the room.

[Ball rolling]

In a green room, the ball rolls out a wall and down a blue tube. On a green disc, an arm of a revolving platform pushes the ball down a spiral track. The ball rolls off the track and bounces off angled white and orange platforms into a funnel and down a tube onto an orange track. It rolls through a tube into a blue room.

[Light, upbeat music plays]

The ball rolls off the track into a small tank of clear liquid. It rolls down a ramp in the tank to a transparent door.



The liquid in the tank slowly leaks into drains at the end of the ramp. The door slowly opens, and the ball rolls down the track between two vertical car wash-type brushes. The brushes turn, and the ball rolls through. The ball drops into a tank with a slimy, green liquid.




A door on the tank slowly opens, and the green liquid spills into drains between the tank and another set of vertical brushes. The ball rolls out of the tank covered in slime and through the brushes.



Now clean, the ball rolls off the track into a tank containing thick, yellow liquid.


Bubbles pop on the surface of the liquid.



A door on the tank slowly rises, and the thick liquid pours out into drains. The ball rolls out covered in a thick layer of the liquid and through a pair of brushes. The ball rolls out of the brushes clean.


In a blue room with paper clouds, the ball rolls down a blue track past a picture of the ball on the white table splattered with red, blue, yellow and green paint and down a colourful spiral track. The ball bounces off different coloured platforms that light up and past a picture of the ball beside the tank of water filled with billowing clouds of red, yellow and blue dye.

[Gentle music plays]

The ball rolls down a blue track past a picture of the ball rolling out of the slimy green liquid. The ball rolls down another set of different coloured platforms and down a track to a hole in the wall. The ball drops out of the hole in the white wall onto the sheet of cloud-like cotton.

[Melodic music plays]

In the blue sky, the ball appears and disappears from behind the fluffy white clouds. Logo: BooSnoo!

[Soothing music plays]

End credits. Creator and Executive Producer Julian Bashford. Mackinnon and Saunders Producers Tracy Liddell, Chris Bowden. Logos: Visionality. Mackinnon and Saunders. Copyright Sky U.K. Limited 2023. For more information go to Logo: Albert.