On Right Now
6:46 PM
Ainara's Bookshelf
Ainara introduces us to the world of Zoe Washington, whose father is wrongfully incarcerated for a crime, and how she works to clear his name and get him released. Ainara then travels to a bakery to frost cupcakes with author Janae Marks.
6:00 AM

Book Hungry Bears
Scout wants to play on his own, but his friends ask to play with him. The Bears learn that playing can be just as much fun on your own as with someone else.
BOOK: Play Ball
A baby penguin loves playing with its ball - alone and with friends!
Boomer has problems playing 'Where Are You Bears?' because he doesn't like being alone. He learns that it is normal to miss your friends and family when you are separated from them for a while.
BOOK: Owl Babies
Three baby owls miss their mother when she leaves them alone to go hunting.
6:21 AM

16 Hudson
When the gang is stuck going to a party
that's sure to be bland, Ivan's ,Stone Soup,
story gives them an idea to turn it into a tasty time.
6:29 AM

Zerby Derby
Zack, Lily and Rex are putting on a play in costumes for the rest of Zerby Town. But during the show, Zack's costume doesn't work like they rehearsed. They'll need to keep the show going by learning to improvise.
6:37 AM

The little giraffe wants to have some leaves from the trees. But it can't reach them and the big ones won't share any of it.
6:41 AM

Odo has a new dance move but no-one notices it. He tricks the other birds into building him the biggest nest at the top of the tallest in the forest as a stage. But when Odo loses his balance, will his friends be able to rescue him?
6:48 AM

The Very Small Creatures
When The Very Small Creatures find a piece of paper decorated with interesting paint shapes and patterns, they soon realise they can make their own masterpiece using their own bodies.
6:51 AM

Tiny and Tall
When Tiny and Tall try out the new playground equipment, something seems wonky! Marv helps his two friends puzzle out this weight-related mystery.
6:56 AM

ABC Singsong
It's not just out in space, it's right here too. Everything is in it. It's a song about the word universe!
6:58 AM

Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum
The day is quickly approaching when Yadina will start First Grade, and she can't help being nervous; everything seems so different from Kindergarten, she's not sure she can do it... To the Secret Museum! Our heroes are sent back in time to meet someone who was no stranger to starting something new: Alexander Hamilton. Yadina accompanies Alexander as he first hops aboard a boat sailing toward a new land, then becomes a Founding Father to the United States and mints the very first coin! Watching Alexander attack each adventure with gusto inspires Yadina to see that starting First Grade will be an adventure, too. And new adventures are exciting!
7:10 AM

Wacky Songs
Just like in real life, when we connect with online friends, it's important to show respect. Let's keep a positive attitude and not be rude! Make sure you feel safe and treat others well, and the fun will never end!
7:12 AM

Hungry Brain
The top 3 facts on Viola Desmond.
3 - Dual-heritage Roots
2 - An Entrepreneur
1 - An Act of Bravery
7:15 AM

Paw Patrol
A fun museum sleepover is interrupted when Alex and the mini-patrol go missing, and Mayor Goodway gets stranded on a T-Rex!
7:27 AM

Odd Squad
7:53 AM

Odd Squad Mobile Unit
The Mobile Unit is called upon when a lost Baby Laser Chicken is found in the Austrian countryside.
8:05 AM

ABC with Kenny G
Kenny G sings about the two sounds the letter A makes: from the 'AYY' in "ape" and "cake" to the 'AHH' in "astronaut" and "achoo".
8:07 AM

The Numberblocks are painting each other on their canvases but Three has painted Two with one too many blocks. Three realises her mistake and disguises herself as Two to convince the other Numberblocks she has got it right. However, Four and Nine are not fooled, which makes Three panic and collide with Two. As they clash, the paint from Three’s disguise wears off and muddles with Two. Despite their differences, it’s obvious that no matter the colour of your blocks, it’s the number of blocks that really matters.
8:12 AM

Ginger is leading the Pea-Rexes home through a shortcut and gets lost. It's getting dark and chilly, so she suggests they find a different bed for the night. They snuggle up to a herd of sleeping Beetrootsaurus', but a pesky Appleflyus ends up disturbing the peace, which Ginger gets the blame for. Next they join a group of Avocadodons asleep in their canopy bed, but Ginger's failed tree-climbing attempts wake them up, creating all sorts of chaos. At last they find a perfectly-cushiony bed. As they settle in for the night, the 'bed' reveals itself as the belly of a grumpy Pineapplesaurs. Ginger and the Pea-Rexes make a swift exit, which serendipitously leads them back to home base, where they fall into a deep sleep.
8:17 AM

The mammoths will be extinct soon because they can't see a thing.
8:22 AM

Interstellar Ella
After hurting her leg, Ella has to take it easy for an entire day. When she quickly runs out of activities at home, Ella's dad offers to take her along on one of his towing operations. As it happens, his work is right next to Ceres, where Slippy, Madhu and Glitch are set up to watch an ice volcano eruption. Dad agrees to let her stay with them. Ella becomes restless when the volcano doesn't erupt on schedule, so they head off in search of more active volcanoes. Who knew taking it easy could be so adventurous?
8:33 AM

Jasmine & Jambo
The director of the Longface Orchestra has asked Jambo for a few instruments in order to be able to play a quartet. But things get more complicated when the chameleon Dudua makes a magical sneeze and changes the sounds of all the instruments: none of them make the sounds you expect from them. Jasmine will need to find ways to improvise and play the instruments in a different way.
8:40 AM

Messy goes to Okido
When Messy and his friends go camping with a robot who can do anything, there is a giant sized socksident!
8:52 AM

The little giraffe wants to have some leaves from the trees. But it can't reach them and the big ones won't share any of it.
8:56 AM

Big Words, Small Stories
The whole household is woken up for Oleander's family boot camp. Sally Mander wants no part of this strenuous exercise though and as soon as she can find an excuse, she disappears to help someone nearby. Sally spends the whole day helping people around the park. Opening jars at picnics, moving heavy boxes. She's doing more strenuous activities than even the boot camp would have. When there's about to be a collision of two paddleboats on the lake Sally is called on to help because of all she's done that day. Sally musters up the last of her energy and manages to stop the accident. Which earns her the Helply Helping Helper award, given by the Queen!
9:01 AM

Paw Patrol
The Adventure Bay Snow-Show is in danger of being a No-Show when Mayor Humdinger absconds with the feature act, Cap'n Turbot's performing penguins. It's up to the Paw Patrol, with the help of a very chilly Tracker, to return the penguins so that the show can go on
9:24 AM (3).jpg?itok=l37HPNrX)
Rosie's Rules
Rosie, Javi and Papá are in the city for an errand, but Javi's dragon toy gets lost and they go on a city adventure to find it. Then, Tía takes the kids to the country to see the beautiful blue bonnets, but they encounter obstacles along the way.
9:49 AM

Donkey Hodie
Bob Dog can’t join the Stuf?e Playdate when he brings a ball instead. He and Donkey speak up about the unfair rules.
10:01 AM

Book Hungry Bears
On the hunt for books, the Bears become tired and need to rest, except for Boomer who is full of energy. Boomer keeps playing on his own and is excited to find a book but learns to respect other's need for rest when he starts to feel tired too.
BOOK: Daddy Cuddle
A young rabbit tries to wake his father so they can play - only to discover that cuddling is the best game of all.
10:13 AM

BooSnoo launches into space, journeys around a planet and then through a black hole!
10:20 AM

Baby Baby
The babies and their friends make crafts. The children love to explore with paint, crayons and more.
10:25 AM

One day Daddy takes the kittens to a balloon festival. On the way to the festival they are reading a book about balloons and learning all about how they work. When they arrive, Daddy's old friend uncle Boba shows them a special balloon he made for them. While Daddy and uncle Boba are discussing Daddy's old days as a pilot, the kittens decide to explore the balloon basket. They feel confident they know what they are doing after reading their book but something goes wrong and they take off!
10:30 AM

Gabby's Farm
Gabby sees how the tomatoes grow at Farmer Shauna's. She counts to seven as she helps to harvest the ones that are ready for picking.
10:32 AM

Pip and Posy
Zac is excited to show off his new den. When Pip and Posy decide to make a den of their own, they accidentally destroy Zac's.
10:39 AM

Bamboo Loves Music
While playing with some pots and pans, Bamboo Love makes a horrible racquet but is having
fun playing. Bamboo Love feels and hears a new drum beat and follows the rhythm to the
perfect spot, and is thrilled to see a friend playing a unique instrument. Learning about the
bongo drums, Bamboo Love learns to play this new bongo drum loud and proud!
10:42 AM

Mia and Codie
When Mia and Codie go for pizza at Otis’ pizza shop, Codie tries his hand at choosing his own pizza toppings. He discovers some toppings are food, while others aren’t, and learns to be more specific in his choices.
10:47 AM

Little Malabar
At the edge of a pond, Little Malabar and Frog are splashing each other... ,Just like how the Sun splashes the planets!, the Moon tells them. Little Malabar and Frog discover that the Sun sometimes splashes the planets with grains of matter! And the Earth protects itself thanks to an invisible shield...
10:51 AM

Five is so good at hide and seek, she can find the others without looking up from her book but how? Learn how to add to five with the Numberblocks.
10:56 AM

Polkaroo Reads!
Polkaroo discovers a sensational nature centre to find three things that start with 'S'! While there, Polkaroo has snack time with a sloth, and meets a spectacular spider and snake!
11:00 AM

Opie's Home
Opie is bored and longs to play an adventure video game until he discovers a real life adventure in his own backyard with Mr. Kabashio.
11:07 AM

Canada Crew
Bebe and Mo discover a bone, and invite Royal Ontario Museum's paleontologist David Evans to check if it's a dinosaur bone, while Gavin visits Dinosaur Provincial Park in Alberta
11:14 AM

Dr. Cheddar
Dr. Cheddar has found a way to take an ordinary piece of paper and turn it into a beautiful hat! Annie is intrigued, but not sure that she could make anything nice out of ordinary paper. With Dr. Cheddar's help, Annie learns a bit about ,origami,, the Japanese art of folding paper!
11:17 AM

Happy Place
Beau and Bella are new to Happy Place. The other guinea pigs introduce themselves, and learn they have lots in common.
11:21 AM

Urban Tails
MC Jacky T is a rare Natterjack Toad with a big voice! Singing on ,The Natter-Track, from his coastal shallow water home, he lets the world know that Natter-jacks, don't jump like frogs...they run with their short legs instead! But that's not the only distinct thing about this toad, he's got a yellow stripe all down his back and poison warts to deter an attack from predators. With a large vocal sac, his funky natter-natter sounds can be heard for miles around!
11:23 AM

Gabby's Farm
Rain, wind and shine, Gabby gets prepared for all the different types of weather on her farm.
11:30 AM

B.O.T. and the Beasties
B.O.T. drops into Spacey, Glowy World and down a crater into darkness but then follows a glowing trail left by a Squiggling Tooter. B.O.T. has trouble negotiating the uneven terrain in this underground world and struggles to keep up with the trumpeting beastie. B.O.T. discovers that there is more than one Squiggling Tooter when it is joined by two more of the colourful beasties. B.O.T. follows them down to a subterranean cave where hundreds of Tooters are having a colourful and noisy party, honking and dancing! B.O.T. successfully collects the data needed and flies up to the portal - the mission is complete.
11:36 AM

Hungry Brain
The top 5 moments in the history of electricity.
5 - 600 BC, Thales de Milet
4 - 1752, Benjamin Franklin
3 - 1879, Thomas Edison and Joseph Swan
2 -1880-90, War of the Currents
1 - 20th century, Energy production
11:38 AM

Dino Dana - LV
When Dana needs an Incisivosaurus feather to complete her collection of dinosaur feathers, she goes to Looney Tunes-esque lengths to get one!
11:50 AM

It's a bird, it's a plane, no it's Planey McPlane Plane. It won't take long before you get the hang of this one. Check out this episode to find out how to make an awesome paper plane!
11:51 AM

Wacky Number Songs
Ava's class is deciding on a new pet! It has to be small, furry, and an animal that doesn't need to be walked. To find a pet that fits all three categories, Ava makes a Venn diagram to sort out the different options.
11:54 AM

Backyard Beats
Pop-star Tyler Shaw visits the backyard and inspires Monica to make a tambourine craft-strument. Junior Jammer Cailie keeps the beat with her tambourine, then they all join together for a backyard jam session.
12:05 PM

Paw Patrol
When Mayor Humdinger runs for Mayor of Adventure Bay, his Mayor Mobile runs out of control, the Paw Patrol have to save the day!
Ryder and the Pups visit Tracker and Carlos in the jungle, a group of monkeys find themselves in sticky bubble trouble!
12:28 PM

TVOkids Jokes
Various TVOKids characters tell jokes sent in by TVOKids viewers.
12:30 PM

Trading Skills
Akeylah meets up with Nhu, a talented auto service technician, to learn all about her fun and rewarding skilled trade. Nhu shows Akeylah how to change the oil and a tire before sandblasting some parts that need cleaning. Akeylah learns that Nhu is the only Porsche Classic female certified technician in the world and her passion inspires Akeylah about the possibilities of the trade before they team up on a fun car wash together.
12:41 PM

Trading Skills
12:53 PM

Trading Skills
Akeylah heads to a union facility to meet with Jamie, an ironworker and passionate advocate for the skilled trades. Jamie shows Akeylah the ropes of being an ironworker as they cut some metal and practice their column climbing before heading up in a lift to work on a tall structure. Akeylah learns that ironworkers are responsible for the ‘bones’ of structures, an important step in construction.
1:05 PM

Trading Skills
Brody heads to Waterdown, Ontario to meet Alex, a second-generation goldsmith with the tools and talent to fix a broken necklace of Brody’s. Alex takes Brody through the steps of creating a ring from scratch, including computer design, creating a template and polishing the finished product. Brody learns how a gold ring can be-sized or melted down to create a new one. Alex wraps things up by fixing Brody’s necklace with help of soldering.
1:16 PM

Trading Skills
Akeylah heads to Sudbury to meet Tammy, a renowned Indigenous pastry chef, to learn all about her creative and delicious trade. Chef Tammy shows Akeylah how to melt chocolate and make her own custom chocolate bar using special molds. Akeylah gets to decorate with all sorts of fun, sweet toppings and colorful painting. They wrap up by baking brownies with each ingredient measured out precisely to create the perfect batch.
1:28 PM

Trading Skills
Brody is at Niagara College to meet with Professor Paul, one of the most respected horticulturists in Ontario, to learn all about his trade. Inside the massive greenhouse, Paul shows Brody how to propagate plants and create new ones. Picking cucumbers shows Brody the wonders of hydroponic growing. After a visit to the design studio, they set out to create their own garden. Brody realizes how much fun it can be to learn about different plants and how each is vital to our ecosystem.
1:40 PM

Trading Skills
Akeylah meets up with Kendra, a mining millwright at Cambrian College in Sudbury. Kendra loves her trade, getting the chance to fix machines underground in mines. Akeylah is eager to learn all about Kendra’s job and is given an up-close look at this fascinating trade. It starts with fixing a broken water pump and lifting a massive tank before they head underground to a mine simulation. Kendra’s passion for being a millwright is on full display as Akeylah is left feeling inspired by her success story.
1:51 PM

Trading Skills
Brody meets with Courtney, an expert welder and metal artist with her own shop. Brody gets suited up in safety gear and gets to turn on the flame and cut some metal. Brody learns to weld metal together and create a piece of metal art. Courtney is the perfect mentor to show Brody what skills are needed to be a welder, the importance of welding in construction and what cool art can be created with fire.
2:03 PM

Trading Skills
Akeylah visits a farm to meet with Jored, a passionate dairy herdsperson who loves his trade and is excited to show what it’s all about. Jored and Akeylah hop into his tractor to feed his hungry cows before he puts her on barn chore duty to get things cleaned up. Then it’s time to milk the cows and Akeylah learns all about the process and the cool technology used. Akeylah gets to feed some calves that are only a week old.
2:15 PM

Trading Skills
Brody arrives at the epic LiLUNA union training centre to meet up with Caleb, a construction craft worker who loves his skilled trade. Caleb shows Brody what being a construction craft worker is all about and how they support construction by keeping the sites clean, safe and organized.
2:26 PM

Trading Skills
Akeylah heads to La Palma restaurant in Toronto to meet up with a talented chef named Julian. She works alongside him and discovers what it’s like to be a chef. First up they check the fridges to make sure everything is in working order and take a quick inventory of the food. Akeylah learns how to create a menu with Julian. They set out to make each dish, starting with a summer salad, making fresh pasta from scratch and grilled chicken. The menu comes together beautifully, and Akeylah is inspired by the creative and rewarding chef’s trade.
2:38 PM

Trading Skills
Brody heads to a salon in Thornbury, Ontario to meet with Kasey, an experienced hairstylist who loves her skilled trade. Kasey shows Brody the ropes of being a hairstylist. They start by giving a client a cut before adding some colour and a blow-dry. It’s a fast-paced environment and Brody helps Kasey out, answering the phone and keeping clients happy. Brody shows his skills as he learns about the process of hair cutting and the reward of putting a smile on a client’s face.
2:50 PM

Trading Skills
At Collingwood Arboretum, Akeylah meets up with James, an arborist who is passionate about taking care of trees. James shows Akeylah how important it is to keep trees healthy and safe. First up, they set a line to prune some branches in a tall tree. James feeds the branches into a woodchipper to create mulch. James and Akeylah make a house call to take an old tree down. James explains how the tree got diseased and shows how to fell it safely.
3:01 PM

Trading Skills
At Mohawk College, Brody meets with Gabby, an elevator repair mechanic who is excited to showcase her trade and how she fixes elevators. First up, Gabby takes Brody through the tools of the trade before checking out the ‘brain’ of the elevator, which is the main control board. After learning about the difference between a hydraulic and traction elevator, Gabby takes Brody on an elevator repair mission. They check the wires to make sure everything is running smoothly before opening the door and looking above and below the elevator in the ‘pit’ to see if there are any problems.
3:13 PM

Trading Skills
Akeylah learns all about the steamfitter trade, apprenticing with best friends Myla and Abby who met on a job. First up they show Akeylah how to safely use a torch to cut pipe and use a grinder to smooth the connection point of the pipe. Next up, they discover a water leak from a pipe and Akeylah helps to fix the issue by using pipe wrenches.
3:25 PM

Paw Patrol
Encased in a huge chocolate bunny, Humdinger is carried away by hungry raccoons and ends up floating in Adventure Bay with a curious dolphin.
When a magic trick goes awry, the Adventure Bay Easter Festival is overrun by wild bunnies.
3:48 PM

Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum
Gwen Ifill shows Yadina that asking questions about a mystery job her mom has for her is a great way to get information.
4:00 PM

Dream It To Be It
12-year-old Elena loves everything sports, but nothing speeds up her happiness more than running track. Tai, Coach Randy, and Paralympian Marissa give expert advice to our gold medalist in the making to fast track her dream to the Paralympic podium.
4:08 PM

Trading Skills
Brody meets up with Greg, a food process operator who maintains and fixes the ice cream production lines at Chapman’s Ice Cream. Greg shows Brody the epic machines used to make ice cream products, including a ‘continuous freezer’ pump. Next they take a pump back to the maintenance room to service it. Greg teaches Brody how to trouble shoot an ice cream sandwich production line, before introducing the young host to a huge mold table where they check for leaks. A sweet day in the trades!
4:19 PM

Dino Dexter
While Dad is getting ready for a job interview, Dex and Kayla perform a dino experiment on the various colours dinosaurs could be, and why different hues are important for predation, intimidation, attraction, and cooperation.
4:30 PM

This episode is about mirror writing-formed by writing in the direction that is the reverse of the natural way for a given language, so that it appears normal when it is reflected in a mirror. The most common modern usage of mirror writing can be found on the front of ambulances, where the word "AMBULANCE" is often written in very large mirrored text, so that drivers see the word the right way around in their rear-view mirror.
4:34 PM

Odd Squad Mobile Unit
Now that Opal is off fighting oddness with her sister, the Mobile Unit holds a press conference to introduce a new member. With a group of villains causing oddness, it is not a good time for The Big O to share that she's heading off to space.
5:01 PM

Sunny's Quest
Zuri is a very proud Canadian, Guyanese, Jamaican and St. Vincentian 8-year-old girl from Pickering, Ontario who loves anything to do with ART and heritage. Zuri’s bedroom shows off her proud achievements in dance and art. She visits the Nia Center, a community center for Toronto artists that helps Black youth get in touch with the arts and learn new skills. Apanaki Temitayo is one such artist who makes art pieces out of fabric – quilts – and they explain how quilts are integral to Black History and the Underground Railroad. Zuri meets Ian Keteku to learn about spoken word poetry and how it is used to inspire messages of peace, action, and community. He teaches Zuri how to perform a poem for her family, who are waiting at home to celebrate her 8th birthday. The celebration is complete with Caribbean food favourites, music, and a very special surprise from an inspirational poet that leaves Zuri SPEECHLESS!
5:09 PM

Wacky Songs
How does the Internet know that Ava loves puppies and why does it show her all kinds of stuff about puppies? Because the algorithm knows! An algorithm is like an online formula that collects information about us based on what we search for and what videos we watch. Mystery solved!
5:11 PM

It's a beautiful sunny day! Eric learns how the colour of his clothing can make him feel very warm or much cooler! It's not magic, it's science... it's STEM!
Educational Gist: Dark colours absorb light energy and light colours reflect it.
5:14 PM

Wild Kratts
Martin and Chris are hanging out in China with their giant panda friend Stuffo, when they receive reports of Snowy owls showing up all over North America. Since these raptors live in the Arctic, it's up to the Wild Kratts to Solve the Mystery of the Snowy Owl Invasion!
5:41 PM

Green Squad
In busy downtown Toronto, it can be hard for Malik to find some green space to start his own
garden. Luckily, the Green Squad is here to help! Shakira finds an old cabinet in a thrift store
and uses it to help declutter Malik's sunroom. Eric takes Malik to the community garden to learn about native plant species with garden expert Robyn, then head back to the apartment to plant some things that will thrive indoors! Lisa & little brother Adrien create a watering
schedule, so Malik can take proper care of his brand new garden. Lisa shows Malik a new recipe
using food he can grow at home - lettuce tacos! She also teaches him how to cut down on food
waste by regrowing vegetables from old food scraps. Malik says goodbye to the Squad, and
can't wait to work on his green paradise in the city.
6:03 PM

The panda wants to be able to dance as well as the two rabbits.
6:07 PM

When I Grow Up!
Mikaela begins her quest to find a cool career path at Ripley's Aquarium. She teams up with Kat, an Aquarist who takes care of the many species of fish there, including sharks and a friendly octopus named Amelia.
Allyson is a Robotics Engineer who shows Mikaela the future of robots. Together they modify a robot for Mikaela's special use.
6:28 PM

It's My Party
Two kids who have never met are sent to a popular Punjabi celebration to experience bhangra dancing, Indian sweets and dhol drumming.
6:50 PM

Raven's Quest
Maleah is an 11-year-old girl from the Stz'uminus First Nation who lives in Ladysmith, British Columbia. Maleah bakes cupcakes with Amelia, races war canoes with her sister Charlise, and paints and goes for a quad ride with another cousin, Chevralee! Finally, she drums and sings a few traditional songs, including her favourite - the Ironman Song.
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