On Right Now
6:46 PM
Ainara's Bookshelf
Ainara introduces us to the world of Zoe Washington, whose father is wrongfully incarcerated for a crime, and how she works to clear his name and get him released. Ainara then travels to a bakery to frost cupcakes with author Janae Marks.
6:00 AM

Book Hungry Bears
The Bears demonstrate an understanding of the natural world and the need to care for and respect the environment. Boomer discovers that the best way to befriend a little toad is to make sure he doesn't startle it by disturbing its habitat.
BOOK: "A Perfect Day"
A bear is having a perfect day as he ambles about the yard. But it is not a perfect day for all the animals whose habitat the bear is disturbing.
Scout and his friends help a baby duckling settle down for a nap by figuring out calm activities to help him and a routine.
BOOK: "Sweet Dreams, Pout-Pout Fish"
Pout-Pout Fish follows his bedtime routine to help him go to sleep for the night.
6:21 AM

16 Hudson
With a Kindness Award up for grabs at school,
Amala faces Finlay in a Kindness-Off.
6:29 AM

The Very Small Creatures
The Very Small Creatures discover a balance beam. Pink keeps losing their balance, but will they be able to get to the end with a little help from their friends?
6:32 AM

Zerby Derby
It's busy at Zerby Town Airport, with Dotty the Drone, Flynn the Plane and Chase the Helicopter all flying around at the same time. After a few near-crashes they call Zack to help them figure out how to keep the airport traffic organized.
6:39 AM

The crab loves to pinch each and everything. But the walrus family might be a challenge too big to handle.
6:43 AM

Urban Tails
This ain't no ordinary Hedgehog! The prickly, yet lovable HEDGIE HEDGEHOG spends his days cruising various back gardens. In his video ,Hedgehog Riddle, he waxes lyrical about getting mad respect from farmers & gardeners, removing unwanted pests like caterpillars, slugs, earwigs and earthworms. But if he thinks an animal is stepping to him with some drama, Hedgie Hedgehog will roll up into a ball, quills pointing out as a defense mechanism. Love him or hate him, just don't get his prickles up!
6:45 AM

Odo Season 2
Odo and Doodle teach John John how to make friends by ‘being yourself’. And in the course of learning to ‘be yourself’ they discover that John John has the amazing ability to perfectly mimic all the campers.
6:52 AM

Tiny and Tall
After a day playing in the mud, Tiny and Tall have fun washing their own clothes. Then, due to a silly mix-up, they need to employ different strategies to sort things out.
6:58 AM

Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum
Katherine Johnson encourages Yadina to be proud of her love for all things turtle, because we all have our own passions to follow.
7:11 AM

The Singalings
Harmony, Melody and Bop know that recycling is good to do and it's really fun too! Glass and paper, cans and tins, if you've been gardening there's even garden waste bins.
7:16 AM

Paw Patrol
Chase and his police-pups must find the missing medals to save the Adventure Bay Games in this Ultimate Police Rescue.
7:28 AM

Audrey's Shelter
Marcelo, a young golden lion tamarin has the opportunity to leave the Shelter and return to the wild. But Audrey is not ready to let him go. So, Hector gives Marcelo an aptitude test to determine whether or not he's ready. But instead of preparing him for the challenges, Audrey keeps overprotecting him.
7:39 AM

ABC Singsong
How heavy is the earth? What kind of cat is the furriest? There's lots of questions. It's a song about the word curious.
7:40 AM

Let's Go Luna
In Reykjavik, Iceland, Leo's frustration boils over when his plans for the day are ignored.
7:53 AM

Odd Squad Mobile Unit
It's Oswald's birthday! After running into a Party Crasher creature, there are suddenly FOUR of him who seem identical.
8:05 AM

ABC with Kenny G
Kenny G sings about the 'ZZZ' sound the letter Z makes, with words like "pizza", "Zimbabwe", and "zebra".
8:07 AM

The Numberblobs challenge Twenty to a singing count-off: who can count to 20 in the most original ways?
8:12 AM

Dr. Cheddar
Felix calls Dr. Cheddar to tell him about his exciting day, but Dr. Cheddar can't hear him! Annie has decided to have a danceathon, and has turned her music up loud, just a few meters away from where Felix is trying to talk! Who was there first? Does it matter? How can they work out this sound problem?
8:14 AM

When Ginger encounters a stranded and incredibly cute baby Cucumberdile, she vows to get it back to its herd safely. But once she and the Pea-Rexes begin the risky journey to Cucumberdile territory, they realize the mission is riskier than they thought. Baby cuke is teething the Cuke is teething and has an insatiable need to get its gums around anything remotely solid including Ginger and the Pea-Rexes. hungry, Thus their mission becomes two-fold - to get baby Cuke home, and come up with crafty ways to soothe the little one's gums.
8:19 AM

Interstellar Ella
While playing ice hockey on Europa, an ice-covered moon of Jupiter, a stray puck hits Ella's wrist and injures Maggie. Dad can fix her but needs palladium to fuse her circuits back together. Ella, Slippy and Madhu must hurry to find some but they only have a paper star chart to lead the way. Slippy comes up with a new invention called the 'Maggie-Saver' as they make their way to a rusty-orange coloured asteroid. Neither high speed asteroids nor the gravitational pull of Mars will stop the friends from saving Maggie!
8:31 AM

Space Kids
Like winter? Then you'll love Uranus, the coldest planets in our Solar System. Take a tour of the seventh planet from the Sun, where temperatures hover around -224°C, in this cool episode of Space Kids.
8:33 AM

Dream It To Be It
9-year-old Bradley has spent his fair share of time in the hospital with doctors and now he's
ready to become a doctor himself! With the help of Tai, Bradley will get to learn all about MRIs,
how our brains develop and work alongside a real doctor to complete a physical examination!
8:40 AM

Messy goes to Okido
Messy and friends visits Fluff the cloud's family, and things heat up in flash when her brother Nimby gets the lightenings!
8:51 AM

Polkaroo Counts!
Polkaroo and Hudson help clean out the pool and and some fun 3D shapes at the same time! They then cool off with an ice cream cone, another 3D shape, to celebrate a job well done!
8:53 AM

Zamzoom's Animal Adventures
Zamzoom and Orbie meet bighorn sheep in the Canadian Rocky Mountains. Watching the sheep skillfully balance on the rocky ledges gives Zamzoom an idea for a new shoe design.
8:57 AM

Dealing with a six-pack of rambunctious juice-boxes is harder than it looks.
9:00 AM

Paw Patrol
Everest takes the Pups on a hunt for rare Bayberries that is interrupted when she gets sprayed by a skunk. She's stinky, and everyone suggests a bath, but Everest insists the search must go on. Meanwhile, the skunk has wandered into town, and trapped people inside Mr. Porter's restaurant when it blocks the main entrance. Now it's up to Ryder and the Paw Patrol to get the skunk away from the restaurant and back to the woods
9:23 AM (3).jpg?itok=l37HPNrX)
Rosie's Rules
When Rosie and Javi find out Tía's bringing home a dragon, they anxiously prepare for its arrival. Then, Rosie finds a lucky charm in her backyard, but soon her luck starts to change.
9:48 AM

Donkey Hodie
To find the Ruby Red Tater Treasure, Captain Donkey realizes she needs to stop and listen to her pirate crew.
10:01 AM

Book Hungry Bears
When the Bears reach part of the forest without sunlight, Scout is hesitant to enter it. With Melody's help, Scout learns to use the power of imagination to help him overcome his fears and carry on.
BOOK: Where Did You Go Today?
A child's imagination transforms a trip to the local playground into an exciting adventure. Familiar streets and play equipment become extraordinary landscapes for her to explore.
10:12 AM

BooSnoo launches into space, journeys around a planet and then through a black hole!
10:18 AM

One day Cookie, Candy and Pudding are down in the basement when they find a strange looking item. The kittens try to guess what it is and show it to their friends. The kittens cannot figure out what it is but Daddy eagerly gives them a hint, the mysterious item is a video cassette! The kittens want to see what's on it but they will need some help from their grandfather.
10:24 AM

Momolu and Friends
The friends want to play tag with Pikkumo but find it difficult because of Pikkumo's unique abilities. They realise that with a little bit of thinking outside of the box, nobody has to be left out of the fun and games.
10:31 AM

Urban Tails
Spot Sizzle is the slickest cat on four feet! He is pound for pound the champ of the feline world, the strongest of any wild cat! On his hot new track ,Spot the Champ,, Spot Sizzle drops facts like they're going out of fashion. Leopards are super springy and can leap 6M high and 3M horizontally! Spot Sizzle spends a lot of time in trees, he loves to chill out and relax up high in the branches and will even use a tree as his own personal larder, a safe place to store his hard-earned food away from hungry predators who would look to steal it from him, but those fools would be crazy to cross the champ!
10:34 AM

Pip and Posy
Pip and Posy find a photograph from a perfect summer's day. When they try to recreate that day, they end up disappointed with the less than perfect results.
10:41 AM

Baby Baby
The babies and their friends roll up their sleeves and do the laundry. They mix water and soap together in a bucket and have fun at the same time. Splish, splash the laundry is all clean and hanging in the sunshine to dry.
10:46 AM

Little Malabar
Little Malabar and Giraffe are having trouble walking on stilts because the Earth's surface is shaking all the time! So they head to Mars where the ground doesn't quake at all. But this wasn't the case when the red planet was still young...
10:50 AM

Pins and Nettie
You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around... and that's what it's all about!
10:51 AM

Double trouble as Four splits and a pair of tricky twins turn up: the Terrible Twos, who decide it's time to tickle their friends to pieces. Learn that numbers are all made of ones (and sometimes twos) with the Numberblocks.
10:56 AM

Polkaroo Reads!
Alex and her mom show Polkaroo some cool things today! From yoga, to sign language, to playing with a yo-yo, Polkaroo has an awesome adventure at the park before snacking on some yummy yogurt!
11:00 AM

Opie's Home
Opie is excited to make a special dinner for Mom when he drops a carton of eggs and has to change plans. Fortunately, an act of neighbourly kindness inspires Opie to find a new way to make dinner special.
11:07 AM

Canada Crew
Bebe helps Mo open his piggy bank and they learn about Canadian coins, while Gavin visits Steve at the Canadian Coin and Currency Exchange and learns how coins are made at the Canadian Mint.
11:14 AM

Five Ingredient Challenge
On today's Five Ingredient Challenge Maksim and Pradnesh are cooking sweet potato wedges.
11:17 AM

The Coco Boo
11:23 AM

Gabby's Farm
Gabby visits a farm where the vegetables all grow indoors! She sees how purple lights help the plants to grow and helps package up the harvested leafy greens.
11:31 AM

B.O.T. and the Beasties
B.O.T. drops down into Rocky, Grassy World and has to collect data on the Fruity Tapper. The excitable Fruity Tapper uses its pointed beak like a jackhammer to rattle and shake the fruit out of the trees. The hungry beastie races around on the hunt for more delicious fruit. B.O.T.'s mission is not easy as the little robot gets rattled, bounced around and covered in sticky fruit juice!
11:36 AM

Dino Dexter
At the pool, Dex solves Dino Experiment 1003: “Which land dinosaur was the fastest swimmer?” and helps Kayla get her best swimming time yet when he becomes a swimming baby Tsintaosaurus and leads the Momma Tsintaosaurus, Megaraptor, and T. rex in some high-speed pool chases!
11:47 AM

The cat has an especially delicious recipe: Mouse Soup!
11:51 AM

Backyard Beats
Master Corporal McKenzie visits the backyard with his bagpipes and shares some tips on how to play them. Monica creates her own bagpipe craft-strument and they're joined by Junior Jammer Xander for a backyard performance.
12:03 PM

Wacky Number Songs
Let's play the probability game! Probability is the chance of an event occurring - certain, likely, unlikely, or impossible. For example, it will be impossible not to tap your feet during Ava's song about probability!
12:05 PM

Paw Patrol
When Wingnut's junk pile and Oscar go missing at the same time, Chase and team are called in to solve the mystery.
When Francois accidentally crashes his diving bell, Paw Patrol must rescue him, a Pupfish, and a pod of whales.
12:28 PM

Momolu and Friends
When Hiko runs out of mysteries to solve his friends decide to cheer him up by making one.
12:35 PM

The Very Small Creatures
The Very Small Creatures are doodling on a chalk board when Blue's imagination brings their drawings to life, including a fire-breathing dragon!
12:38 PM

Urban Tails
The crowned prince of pygmy shrews, PRINCE PYGMY dances in fast, jerky motions to his acclaimed chart topper ,Pygmy Groove,.
All that zipping about comes at a price for someone so small, he must eat his own body weight in bugs everyday!
A skilled hunter spends the most time on ground foraging with his most distinguishing feature... his long flexible snout! He loves to spend his days in the vegetation near walls, but he best watch out when birds are about 'cause they like the taste of pygmy shrew in their mouth!
12:40 PM

Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the best painter of them all? This simple technique can create cool shapes that you can easily turn into art!
12:42 PM

Secrets of the Forest
Taviss takes a trip into the ravine at Toronto's International School with artist, forager and ink maker Jason Logan. Together, they go beyond the browns and greens of the forest in search of hidden colours to forage. Once found, they head to their outdoor laboratory where the experimenting begins! With a little bit of science and a lot of curiosity, they turn these natural materials into beautiful, vibrant ink!
12:53 PM

Sunny's Quest
Leah is an 8-year-old girl from Orléans, Ontario who lives with her two baby brothers. She is a proud Canadian and Eritrean who loves science, soccer, and her Eritrean traditions! Leah takes us on a tour of her bedroom to see her cool book collection and her different gymnastics, soccer, and Scouts outfits, and all her medals! Leah and her family get all dressed up in traditional Eritrean clothing for a very special occasion: a Coffee Ceremony. She shows us how to roast beans and serves the coffee all while enjoying delicious himbasha bread. Leah's grandma then prepares Leah's hair in the traditional Eritrean style of gamme, while Leah tells us all about the different hair styles found in Eritrea. How beautiful! Next, Leah and her best friend show us how to make a snow volcano and demonstrate their love of science! Watch out, it's going to blow! Leah is going to be so excited about her special message.
1:00 PM

Abby Hatcher
Abby wants to send a picture of her and the Fuzzlies to her Wai Po, but it's impossible to get all the Fuzzlies together for a perfect picture.
1:12 PM

Jojo & Gran Gran
JoJo and Gran Gran are off to join Cynthia and the Nature Club at the park looking for animals that are hard to spot. JoJo has packed her Nature Tick Book and her magnifying glass. But where is Panda? And why are some creatures really tricky to find? It's time for a Gran Gran plan to help the Nature Club find all of the creatures on their lists, especially the hard-to-spot woodpecker. Can JoJo also help Gran Gran find her missing scarf with the magnifying glass?
1:24 PM

The elephant has the blues. His trunk tries to cheer him up but that is quite a task.
1:28 PM

B.O.T. and the Beasties
B.O.T. drops into Jungly, Splashy World. A fluffy little Joggly Jiggler appears, jiggling its pompom arms and cartwheeling around joyfully. It is joined by two other brightly coloured Jigglers and their playfulness causes problems for B.O.T.! They jiggle fruit loose from a branch and it bounces off the little robot's head... then they jiggle B.O.T. to pieces! To collect the data for this mission B.O.T. has to keep up with the energetic little beasties as they jiggle through the jungle.
1:33 PM

Dr. Cheddar
Astronaut Annie returns from school in her astronaut costume and learns a lesson in what to do when you come inside, from outside! With Dr. Cheddar's help, she also finds out how to clean up a mess you made!
1:36 PM

Let's Go For a Walk
Ranger Hamza and the Ramblers walk to a place where they can make musical instruments using sticks. On the way they gallop like knights on horseback at a castle, play some music in the park, walk through a tunnel that feels like a cave, and even blast off into space!
1:50 PM

Ladybird & Bee
A rainy day is fun in Wild Meadow with Ladybird and Bee.
1:52 PM

One day the kittens and their parents are rushing home from vacation to celebrate New Year's Eve. The kittens are so happy they will soon be home to visit their grandparents. Daddy is looking for his car in the parking lot, when Cookie notices that Daddy's car is being taken away by a tow truck! It is such a far walk the family won't make it home before midnight. A friend from their ski vacation sees them in the parking lot and offers to drive them back into the city. Before they can make it home, their car gets stuck in the snow and the kittens must ski through the snowy hills to make it home in time. The kittens learn that the best place to celebrate is home with their family!
1:58 PM

Twenty-Seven and Twenty-Eight explore the new Pattern Wall at the Gallery. Learn about the numbers 27 and 28 and explore number patterns with the Numberblocks.
2:03 PM

Mia and Codie
Codie wants to play the music for Velvet’s show… only he doesn’t have enough space in his block dock for an entire melody! When Mia presents him with a macro block, Codie becomes a music bot, playing a melody that gets everyone dancing.
2:08 PM

Pip and Posy
Pip and Posy meet their friends in the park for a game of football but Posy gets upset when her football shaped lunch box is accidentally kicked into a tree.
2:15 PM

Book Hungry Bears
On the hunt for books, the Bears become tired and need to rest, except for Boomer who is full of energy. Boomer keeps playing on his own and is excited to find a book but learns to respect other's need for rest when he starts to feel tired too.
BOOK: Daddy Cuddle
A young rabbit tries to wake his father so they can play - only to discover that cuddling is the best game of all.
2:26 PM

Stop, Look, Listen!
Children discover animals found on a farm including chickens, ducks and pigs.
2:28 PM

Take an everyday object and turn it into a little puppy bank that you can name, save your coins in, and enjoy!
2:31 PM

Kangaroo Beach
It's a windy day on Kangaroo Beach and Neville does not want to play outside, so he settles down to read an interesting medical manual. Neville soon starts to help with small emergencies and learns the value of first aid. Meanwhile Pounce gets into hot water when learning how to kite surf.
2:42 PM

Zerby Derby
Zack and Lily want to climb a hill of scree - loose rocks and dirt. But every time they do, the rocks fall and block Axle's garage door. Time to try, try again and find a solution that rocks but not rolls.
2:49 PM

Polkaroo Counts!
Big or small? Polkaroo and Angela explore non-standard measurement by using their feet to measure distance so they can play ring toss in this fun-filled episode!
2:52 PM

Now You Know (SV)
Howie and Baboo visit earthworm expert Skye at an environmental center, who shows them a compost bin full of earthworms, and explains how earthworms breathe underground.
2:59 PM

Donkey Hodie
Donkey joins Harriett’s Balance Ball team but feels uncomfortable doing something new. She takes things slowly until she’s ready to play.
3:11 PM

Riley Rocket
Riley is challenged to get the band acting as a cohesive team when Alex develops a love of loooong drum solos. Meanwhile Kaboom is bringing all of Greenville under his control with his latest invention - hypnotizing glasses called "Idolizers" that make people see him as a genius. Megablast transforms into Rocket, Thunder and Metallix to save the town and Metallix makes the mistake of thinking he can handle Kaboom solo which backfires big time and leads to Rocket, Thunder and Trix falling under Kaboom's control. Metallix sees just how important being a cohesive team is and Rocket comes up with the perfect solution save the day.
3:22 PM

Paw Patrol
The Goodways drift out to sea on a swan shaped float and need rescue from a flock of real swans aiming to protect the giant inflatable. / Mayor Humdinger steals Katie's Portable Pet Wash and ends up causing bubble trouble all over town.
3:46 PM

Galapagos X
In the future, there are no raspberries! Or raspberry jam! So the Galapagos X gang goes back in time to discover that Doc Crock has cornered the market on bees. Could this somehow be connected to the future's 'berry' disappointing breakfast?
3:57 PM

Blynk & Aazoo
Our young inquirer, Rushi, asks our intrepid inventors, Blynk and Aazoo, "Why do we have thumbs?" With the help of our intergalactic science expert, Jessie, learn why humans have thumbs, which animals have opposable thumbs, and what extraordinary things humans can do without thumbs or arms. Blynk's invention, a backpack with multiple arms for cleaning, eating and drinking, glitches and things get out of hand.
4:04 PM

Science Max: Experiments at Large
The science of elastic energy has been around for as long as humans have been building catapults. Phil builds his own out of pencils and elastics, then maxes it out into a full-sized, pumpkin throwing version.
4:27 PM

Five Ingredient Challenge
On today's Five Ingredient Challenge Maksim and Pradnesh are making spaghetti carbonara.
4:30 PM

What do C, D, I, L M, V and X represent? They're Roman numerals- created thousands of years ago and still used today. Join Eric on his quest for Roman numerals. It's not magic... it's math! The Educational Gist: This episode explores an alternate way to communicate numbers using the anchor numbers 5 and 10 and the ancient counting system based on letters from the Roman alphabet.
4:33 PM

Odd Squad Mobile Unit
Three villains team up with Bonnie Blaster and her high-powered, oddness-causing gadget.
Jamie Jam and Marty Marmalade are always stopped by Odd Squad! Determined to help other villains avoid getting caught, they team up to trade tips.
5:00 PM

All-Round Champion
It's the fourth week for the elite athletes competing in the ultimate sports competition. Boardercross was revealed as the featured sport and Noah is deemed the Sport Leader and will have to train his fellow athletes for the extreme competition in only three days. Rebecca has a tough time with her prosthetic and seeks the advice of a Boardercross Paralympian. Damiyah is determined to stay upright. The Competition is wild leading to another historic Podium.
5:27 PM

Wild Kratts
When the Kratt Bros meet a school of Archerfish, they are taught the secret of ,water droplet, archery from an Archerfish named Arrow. Soon, they are using this newly learned skill to infiltrate Donita Donata's yacht and rescue the baby animals she has ben capturing for her newest high-end fashion line.
5:54 PM

The Brilliant World of Tom Gates Season 1
Mum's been shopping and that means NEW SNACKS! Luckily, Tom knows his Mum's top 5 snack hiding places. But Mum has a new place to stash the snacks and it's the last place Tom would ever think to look... We play Find The Wafer game and check out Tom's caramel wafer trick.
6:06 PM

Olga da Polga
Olga wants to be picked to perform at Karen’s school ‘show and tell’. She tries to convince her friends of her talents, but will nerves get the better of her? Olga discovers that a great performance sometimes means just being yourself.
6:18 PM

B.O.T. and the Beasties
B.O.T. drops down into Rocky, Grassy World and has to collect data on the Fruity Tapper. The excitable Fruity Tapper uses its pointed beak like a jackhammer to rattle and shake the fruit out of the trees. The hungry beastie races around on the hunt for more delicious fruit. B.O.T.'s mission is not easy as the little robot gets rattled, bounced around and covered in sticky fruit juice!
6:23 PM

Backyard Beats
Singer-songwriter Scott Helman brings his cajón to the backyard inspiring Monica's craft-strument project. Junior Jammer Ward joins them for an epic performance
6:34 PM

Soap and Detergent get down and dirty as each tries to prove its superiority.
6:36 PM

Leo's Pollinators
Did you know that not all bees live in a hive! There's lots that goes into making a perfect home for the Leafcutter Bee. Chloe is meeting up with Aimee from Parks Canada and Cheryl Bryce to make sure the Leafcutter has everything it needs to create a sweet home for her young.
6:47 PM

Go Green with the Grimwades
It's Hosanna's 9th Birthday. Over breakfast, Hosanna is quizzed about her likes so that the family can plan a surprise birthday party. She mentions she doesn't like single-use plastic as she thinks it is very bad for the planet.
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