
On Right Now

6:46 PM

Ainara's Bookshelf

Ainara introduces us to the world of Zoe Washington, whose father is wrongfully incarcerated for a crime, and how she works to clear his name and get him released. Ainara then travels to a bakery to frost cupcakes with author Janae Marks.

5:00 AM
Jojo & Gran Gran
JoJo and Gran Gran take the bus to visit the art gallery. JoJo wants to find paintings of pandas, so they join a tour with curator Marie and see lots of different type of art, and experience how abstract art makes them feel. JoJo can't find any paintings of pandas but realizes art isn't just for looking at - it's for making too! JoJo makes lots of panda art and creates her own gallery in Gran Gran's garden!
5:11 AM
Zerby Derby
Zack and Axle design a race course that goes right through the middle of Zerby Town. They plan an oval-shaped course, then a circle course and finally combine them into a 'figure 8' course.
5:19 AM
Canada Crew
Bebe and Mo climb a tree to go bird watching and visit Suzanne in Newfoundland to meet Puffins, while Gavin flies South with his fellow Canada Geese.
5:26 AM
Puffer Pete's firebox is completely worn out and he can't move without it. It's going to take ages to have a new one made. Until then, Pete is stuck and can't move by himself. Meanwhile the trainees are playing hide and seek in Old Town. Brewster hides in a shed. When he emerges, he's covered in bits of old junk. Koko and Wilson think it's funny! When they get back to the depot, Pete notices the things stuck to Brewster and remembers that there used to be a spare parts shed in the Old Town. A convoy heads out. They find the shed, but the part Pete needs isn't there. The gloomy group head back to the depot. On the way home Brewster tries to cheer Pete up by pointing out some beautiful flowers on a platform. Pete takes a look and gasps. The flowers are planted in an old firebox just like Pete's! Morgan retrieves it, and before long Pete is happily puffing along under his own steam again.
5:36 AM
Ladybird & Bee
Ladybird and Bee discover that the daisies curl up and go to sleep at night-time too.
5:39 AM
Molly of Denali
Randall is having trouble drawing a special Northwest Coast design for Aunt Merna and Uncle Jack's anniversary. Molly and Tooey are quick to offer their help, but they soon learn that deciding what to draw is harder than it looks. Then, when Molly, Tooey and Trini strike gold, they think they've found a way to get some great gifts for their families! But when they find out their "discovery" comes with some serious consequences, they need to try to set things right again.
6:04 AM
When Jack brings out his dad's trunk of global travel treasures, the kids are inspired to take a "world tour" around Birdwell Island. They travel to Mexico, India, and Australia...but when they get to Italy, Sam no longer wants to play anymore. Once Emily Elizabeth and Clifford realize that Sam misses her Italian grandmother, its up to Big Red Tours to make their last stop really count!
6:16 AM
The Very Small Creatures
The Very Small Creatures discover a Seesaw. One by one, they try it out and discover how their own weight and movement can make whoever is at the other end fly! But, when they are all on the seesaw at once, they have to work out how everyone can enjoy it ...without anyone falling off!
6:20 AM
Blue meets characters Deep Blue and Sky Blue and learns all about their favourite things. Blue and Deep Blue embark on an adventure in a submarine and travel to the depths of the deep blue sea. They land in trouble when they become stuck, leading Deep Blue to call on her good friend Sky Blue to rescue them. After the rescue, the Colourblocks take a trip up into the sky on Sky Blue’s plane and discover all about sky blue items.
6:25 AM
Bamboo Loves Music
Bamboo Love learns how to play the Jal Tarang, an Indian melodic percussion instrument consisting of ceramic bowls tuned with varying water levels. Bamboo Love realizes that to play this instrument, one taps the edge of each bowl with Bamboo sticks.
6:28 AM
Wolf Joe
Joe is convinced he's not good at fishing but finding a little forest spirit in distress he uses his other skills to lead a successful fishing style rescue.
6:39 AM
Gabby's Farm
Gabby visits an asparagus farm to help harvest the crops. She counts three ripe asparagus.
6:41 AM
Odo and Doodle are thrilled to be camping out in the forest at night to watch falling stars with all the rest of the campers. But when Doodle gets lost in the dark, Odo discovers a wonderful skill that he never knew he had.
6:48 AM
Pip and Posy
Pip can't concentrate on the Toy Quest treasure hunt that Posy has made for him because he is waiting for Jamila to arrive with a dinosaur book. Posy thinks of a creative way to help him.
6:55 AM
One day the kittens see Mommy reading a magazine with an announcement that a dinosaur exhibit will soon be held in the city. Pudding is very excited to get to the exhibition but the exhibition is already over. Cookie and Candy want to cheer Pudding up and try to distract him, but Pudding just wants to read his book about dinosaurs. His friends make their own dinosaur exhibit to cheer him up but they don't look anything like the ones in his book. Pudding teaches his friends interesting about dinosaurs while helping them recreate an exhibition just like the one he saw in the magazine!
7:00 AM
Kangaroo Beach
Neville makes a new friend, a mer-bear, after singing to her and is so excited to see her again. Gemma and Pounce make a discovery about the mer-bear and do their best to convince Neville that he did not imagine her.
7:11 AM
Messy Goes To Okido
Messy can't remember where he left his favourite sock. He goes to Okido and learns how to 'jog' his memory, but when the rollercoaster breaks down, will he be able to help Stan Tall remember where he left his screwdriver?
7:23 AM
A magnificent gorge allows for some fantastic echo calls. The sound bounces all over the place creating brilliant musical melodies. And who knew the baby Pea-Rexes could create such amazing harmonies? As their melodic calls carry across the tundra, they accidentally initiate a Valley-wide roar-off. The high-decibel roars cause the ledge they're standing on to crumble, and they fall to the ledge just below. The Pea-Rexes are excellent climbers but when Ginger tries to climb up, she slips and falls. The Pea-Rexes refuse to leave her, so they call out to an old friend in the Valley using their vocal harmonies. Suddenly trudging through the treetops below is a humongous Coconutdon. It arrives at the ledge and opens its mouth so Ginger and the Peas hop in and it lowers them down like an elevator.
7:29 AM
Interstellar Ella
After an exciting race, Ella's Dad gives her a mysterious Treasure Map of their solar system. It was Slippy's dad who had given it to him a long time ago. They figure out how to read the map and set off once Slippy has packed everything he could possibly need for the trip! Always impatient to get things done, Ella skips over steps on the map to get to the treasure faster. Her strategy backfires. After talking with her dad, Ella realises that instructions are meant to be followed! Then, Ella finds the missing wheel of the Lunokhod 1, a Robotic Moon Rover featured in Dad's new Lunar Exploration Museum. Dad is thrilled and entrusts the kids with programming the info-pods before running off to help Mom. When the gang finds out the Lunokhod runs on solar power, they power it up. With Glitch as an unwilling passenger, the Rover races across the moon's surface with Ella, Slippy and Madhu in hot pursuit! Ella finally understands it's better to admit your mistake and ask for help.
7:50 AM
Dr. Cheddar
When Felix gets a cold, Dr. Cheddar orders him to drink plenty of fluids, and stay in bed for a while. But Annie wanted to play soccer and now she has no one to play with! After trying (and failing) to entertain herself, Dr. Cheddar helps Annie understand that sometimes she needs to turn her focus towards helping others, and not just focusing on herself.
7:53 AM
When Scientist Cosmo's REUSABLE water bottle gets stolen, everyone in Wordsville becomes very wasteful! The Word Detectives interview the suspects, Singer Melody and Athlete Glory, and discover that not everyone wants to reuse things. In the end, they all learn that taking something you already have and turning it into something new can be fun!
8:01 AM
Paw Patrol
Humdinger, Sid, and Sweetie have joined forces to try and take over the Lookout. Then, Humdinger sabotages Yumi's Bee costume sending her buzzing out of control! It's up to the Paw Patrol to stop the Yumi Bee before the Buzzy Bee-Fest is totally smashed!
8:24 AM
If you've ever seen a cool plant and wondered how you could have your own then this episode of Create is for you! Propagation is all about how to take a cutting from a parent plant and use it to grow your very own plant!
8:27 AM
Riley Rocket
Riley and Beatrix enter the 'Pet Tricks Challenge' with a dance and skateboard routine backed up by Theo and Alex. But they lose confidence in their act after seeing the other contestants with their impressive flips and acrobatics. Meanwhile, Stewey goes full Gooey when he's told he's too young to have a pet to enter the challenge. He releases a penguin from the sanctuary and it goes belly sliding away causing all kinds of mayhem and making Gooey very frustrated about his inability to train his new 'pet'. Then, Riley has discovered clues that all point to a concerning conclusion: her parents are about to move their family away from Greenville!! She calls an emergency band meeting and the group sets out on a mission to convince Riley's parents that there's no better place to live than Greenville. If they don't succeed, Megablast will be done. Meanwhile Dr. Dandelion decides to use all his dastardly tricks to convince everyone else in Greenville to move away too. Megablast must interrupt their efforts to convince Jon and Tina how great Greenville is and transform into Rocket, Thunder and Metallix to save the town from Dr. D. After saving the day, Riley discovers how much Greenville means to her and that there's no better place than her hometown.
8:48 AM
Galapagos X
In the future, there are no raspberries! Or raspberry jam! So the Galapagos X gang goes back in time to discover that Doc Crock has cornered the market on bees. Could this somehow be connected to the future's 'berry' disappointing breakfast?
8:59 AM
The tadpole is having a wonderful time with its parents - until all its siblings hatch.
9:30 AM
Work It Out Wombats
Sammy speaks English, Benito speaks Spanish and Quique isn't there to translate. Can two cousins communicate without words? And Sammy wants to surprise his mom with a day of epic fun, but it all goes flat. Is fun still fun if it's not epic?
9:55 AM
Rub... rub... rub... Can you feel the heat? Yes? It's friction! In this STEM episode Eric learns how friction creates heat and can slow down moving objects. It's not magic, it's science! Educational Gist: Friction is a force that prevents objects from sliding against each other. The rougher the two surfaces, the greater the friction.
10:00 AM
Project Rube
Morley and Tes want to make sure they are conserving energy in the lab. A responsible way to do this is to turn off the lights when no one is using them. Morley and his team use the simple machine, the lever, and the scientific principle of energy transformation to create a Rube Goldberg machine that will turn off a lamp.
10:11 AM
It's lunch time in Colourland! Red invites the Colourblocks for lunch and everyone brings their favourite foods in their own colour. Excitable Red mixes things up, trying other coloured food to discover that the tastiest plate is a plate of rainbow colours. Blue is initially unsure, sticking to blueberries, but after a bite of a yellow banana he is won over and opens up to trying more foods.
10:16 AM
The Singalings
Harmony, Melody and Bop know that recycling is good to do and it's really fun too! Glass and paper, cans and tins, if you've been gardening there's even garden waste bins.
10:21 AM
The peacock is a big star onstage. His feathers however want a fair share of the fame.
10:25 AM
Mia and Codie
When Mia and Codie go for pizza at Otis’ pizza shop, Codie tries his hand at choosing his own pizza toppings. He discovers some toppings are food, while others aren’t, and learns to be more specific in his choices.
10:29 AM
Bamboo Loves Music
While playfully plucking elastic bands, Bamboo Love finds joy in the twanging sounds that they make. But when she hears a soothing sound, Bamboo love is hypnotized and follows the melodic sound to her friend Giraffe, who plays an instrument called the harp. Snapping out of the trance, Bamboo Love learns to strum, pluck and play the harp.
10:32 AM
ABC Singsong
Time to calm down. Unwind. Loosen up. It's a song about the word relax!
10:34 AM
The Mixmups mix up an adventure to build a Breakfast Robot. But when everyone has their own idea on how it should look, the robot falls apart. Can they find another to get the Robot they want?
10:44 AM
My Home My Life
Ashton and his family shoot hoops together at the basketball court.
10:45 AM
Pins and Nettie
While exploring, Pins comes across a shiny stone that he thinks would be perfect for Nettie's shiny things collection. But Pins when he goes to give Nettie her present, Pins shies away. What if Nettie doesn't like it after all?! Lesson: your friend will like the present you give them because it's from you.
10:50 AM
ABC with Kenny G
Kenny G sings about the letter Z to his usual crowd of animals, mentioning zebras, zucchinis and zombies.
10:52 AM
The Coco Boo
10:58 AM
Cutie Pugs ABC
The joys of camping! A pesky mosquito flies zig-zag into Penny and Petey's tent before they can close the zipper, then zips out to torment Poppy and Pablo as they pick zucchinis in the vegetable garden.
11:00 AM
Jojo & Gran Gran
JoJo and Gran Gran are having a sleepover. JoJo loves her Captain Chloe dot to dot of the night sky and the treasure chest constellation that she's found. The constellation gives Gran Gran an idea - they can have a sleepover plan to go stargazing in the garden. What can they spot in the night sky? Are there more constellations to find? And can Great-Gran Gran see the same stars in the sky?
11:11 AM
BooSnoo launches into space, journeys around a planet and then through a black hole!
11:18 AM
With this paper plane and a little fine tuning of its flaps you will be conquering the skies with this fun and easy Create.
11:20 AM
Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum
It's a hot day outside and Brad desperately needs a drink of water, but he doesn't know that the water fountain is broken, and he gets SPRAYED! They sure hope it doesn't happen to anyone else, but it's not like there's anything they can do about it. Right? ... To the Secret Museum! Our trio travels back in time to meet Roberto Clemente, who is concerned about a broken fence that his school can't afford to fix. When Roberto sees a problem, he tries to help however he can. So, Roberto works hard to raise money so the school can afford to fix the fence. Inspired, our trio decides to go back home so they can warn people about the broken fountain, doing whatever they can to help. ... Yadina is practicing her roller-skating skills for the school 'roll-a-thon,' but she's having some trouble keeping her balance. When Xavier and Brad offer to help her, she insists she can do it on her own. Or maybe not... To the Secret Museum! Our trio travels back to meet Kristi Yamaguchi, who is working hard to hopefully become a champion figure skater one day, but she can't do it alone. Thankfully, Kristi has her coach, teammates, and her parents - all of whom she can ask for help when she needs it. When the trio travels forward in time, they get to see Kristi win a gold medal at the Olympics! And she couldn't have done it without the help and support of others. Inspired, Yadina decides to ask Xavier and Brad to help her learn how to roller-skate, because it's okay to ask for help.
11:43 AM
Hero Elementary
When a nose accidentally breaks off one of the faces on Hero Hill, our heroes must figure out how to repair the monument. Sparks' Crew makes various sticky mixtures, hoping to find one strong enough to stick the nose back on. ---- Sparks' Crew tries to help change a broken wheel on a hot dog cart. But with Sara playing ,teacher, for the day, how can they lift the heavy cart without her, so they can change the wheel?
12:06 PM
Raven's Quest
Morgan is a 12-year-old girl from East Selkirk, Manitoba. She's Métis. Morgan gets to hang out at the local firehouse with her best buddy Adrea - their fathers are volunteer firemen! She has three dogs and loves to play with them in her gigantic backyard. She and Adrea love to go swimming together. Morgan shows us her collection of blocks. In her bedroom, she's got tap shoes and traditionally beaded hair clips. She teaches her Mom how to do Métis beadwork and explains to us what the colours on her Métis sash mean. Morgan's passion is Métis fiddling and she plays each day with her Dad who accompanies her on the guitar. Morgan and her father go to a local home for the aged to entertain them with their music. Morgan's special word is "li vyaloon" which is Michif for "fiddle".
12:13 PM
How Do You Feel?
One of Akin's friends tried to intervene when a kid was being bullied at school. But the bully ended up picking on her instead, and it made her upset. Duane and the gang help Akin talk through his friend's feelings, Plus, Akin demonstrates how building a ,worry wall, can help to manage negative emotions.
12:21 PM
Paw Patrol
Envious Humdinger tries to draw the Adventure Bay Monster Movie production to Foggy Bottom by commandeering the mechanical movie monster. But he can't control the fireball breathing robot. All the pups join Marshall on this Ultimate Fire Rescue!
12:45 PM
Audrey's Shelter
Marcelo, a young golden lion tamarin has the opportunity to leave the Shelter and return to the wild. But Audrey is not ready to let him go. So, Hector gives Marcelo an aptitude test to determine whether or not he's ready. But instead of preparing him for the challenges, Audrey keeps overprotecting him.
12:56 PM
Interstellar Ella
After an exciting race, Ella's Dad gives her a mysterious Treasure Map of their solar system. It was Slippy's dad who had given it to him a long time ago. They figure out how to read the map and set off once Slippy has packed everything he could possibly need for the trip! Always impatient to get things done, Ella skips over steps on the map to get to the treasure faster. Her strategy backfires. After talking with her dad, Ella realises that instructions are meant to be followed! Then, Ella finds the missing wheel of the Lunokhod 1, a Robotic Moon Rover featured in Dad's new Lunar Exploration Museum. Dad is thrilled and entrusts the kids with programming the info-pods before running off to help Mom. When the gang finds out the Lunokhod runs on solar power, they power it up. With Glitch as an unwilling passenger, the Rover races across the moon's surface with Ella, Slippy and Madhu in hot pursuit! Ella finally understands it's better to admit your mistake and ask for help.
1:18 PM
Wolf Joe
Joe's ambitious baking ideas get everyone covered in dough but after his friends help retrieve Kookum's lost recipe card they create delicious bannock treats for the community.
1:29 PM
Ginger is leading the Pea-Rexes home through a shortcut and gets lost. It's getting dark and chilly, so she suggests they find a different bed for the night. They snuggle up to a herd of sleeping Beetrootsaurus', but a pesky Appleflyus ends up disturbing the peace, which Ginger gets the blame for. Next they join a group of Avocadodons asleep in their canopy bed, but Ginger's failed tree-climbing attempts wake them up, creating all sorts of chaos. At last they find a perfectly-cushiony bed. As they settle in for the night, the 'bed' reveals itself as the belly of a grumpy Pineapplesaurs. Ginger and the Pea-Rexes make a swift exit, which serendipitously leads them back to home base, where they fall into a deep sleep.
1:34 PM
The peacock is a big star onstage. His feathers however want a fair share of the fame.
1:38 PM
Jojo & Gran Gran
JoJo wants to go somewhere new, so Gran Gran takes her to discover new places in the local community. They visit Jared's shop, the community garden and the roof of the library, spotting lots of new things along the way. JoJo realizes that even when you think you know somewhere, there are always new places to discover.
1:49 PM
The Game Catchers
The Game Catchers land on a new planet and learn the game "Spider’s Web". Before they can play, they’ll need to help an indecisive Catercoon lean to confidently shed its cocoon! Then, the Game Catchers land on the Perfume Planet and learn "The Train Race". They’re having a lot of fun playing, but are interrupted after a lost spaceship lands in the middle of the game!
2:05 PM
Book Hungry Bears
When Crystal keeps accurately predicting what will happen next by carefully observing what is going on around them, the other Bears are impressed and think she is a magician. They learn that if you look, listen and use what you know, you can reach a likely conclusion, just like Crystal does. BOOK: What Will Baby Do?
2:16 PM
Pip and Posy
Pip is decorating a mask as a surprise for Posy. When she arrives before it's read, he goes to great lengths making up a fun game to stop her from seeing it and spoiling the surprise.
2:23 PM
Dr. Cheddar
A trip to the park to show off her new dress is ruined when a sudden rain storm stops Annie from going out. Dr. Cheddar has an idea though... What's if the fashion show came inside? Soon the rain is forgotten, and the three friends dance their way to happiness.
2:25 PM
The Very Small Creatures
A mysterious round object floats across to The Very Small Creatures. Pink and Green go in for a closer look and discover not only does it make a funny noise, it is also incredibly light and floaty, and great fun to bounce from one creature to another. It's a balloon!
2:28 PM
Bamboo Loves Parasports
While learning about the wheelchair parasport of Boccia, Bamboo Love's para athlete friends proudly showcase all the different ways one can throw, kick, and roll the Boccia ball to get as close as possible to the white target ball known as the jack.
2:31 PM
Let's Go For a Walk
Ranger Hamza and the Ramblers walk to the beach to play a game with their ball. On the way they find some mountains and meet a dragon, spot treasure at the antiques shop, make sounds like the tide bell, and even discover a giant egg!
2:45 PM
ABC Singsong
When it feels like you've planned it but it happens by chance. It's a song about the word coincidence!
2:46 PM
The Ollie & Moon Show
When Moon gets Ollie's favorite ball stuck on the roof, Ollie thinks she was being careless. But while searching for a giraffe to help them reach the ball, Ollie discovers that communication is just super-important.
2:58 PM
Tiny and Tall
When Tiny and Tall try out the new playground equipment, something seems wonky! Marv helps his two friends puzzle out this weight-related mystery.
3:04 PM
After Pockets shows off her YoYo skills, Spin and Giggle are desperate to be just like her - so they decide to mix up a ‘Being Pockets’ adventure! Will Pockets be able to show them how she can see differently?
3:14 PM
The peacock is a big star onstage. His feathers however want a fair share of the fame.
3:18 PM
Urban Tails
Hypa Hyena, the cool spotted hyena from sub-saharan Africa, invites us to laugh along with her as we learn cool hyena facts on her banging track ,Hyena Time!,. Hypa's song is chock full of amazing facts, more commonly known as the laughing hyena, Hypa and those like her have a bite almost as strong as a polar bear! They can chew through bones and digest them too! She's out to show the world that hyenas are not just scavengers, they hunt a lot of food too.
3:21 PM
Book Hungry Bears
The Bears learn that everyone is different, with different strengths and talents. When the Bears pretend to be birds, Crystal has a hard time finding which bird is the best bird for her to be - until she discovers she is really good at keeping her balance like a flamingo. BOOK: "A Busy Day for Birds" The book invites the reader to imagine they are different types of busy birds hopping, swimming and swooping through the day.
3:32 PM
Donkey Hodie
Donkey tries to act like a bird to fit in at Duck Duck's bird party, but she's not enjoying herself. Can she have fun by being her Donkey self? Core Message: I like being me.
3:44 PM
Zamzoom's Animal Adventures
In Alaska, Zamzoom and Orbie go digging for mushrooms with grizzly bears. The pair find out how grizzly bears can stay asleep for a whole season during hibernation!
3:48 PM
Kangaroo Beach
Roadie challenges Pounce by announcing himself as the Jumping King, which will not do! Roadie pushes Pounce to jump off higher and higher things until they reach Stingray Rock. The other cadets must help Pounce realize that if he doesn't feel safe, he shouldn't jump.
4:00 PM
It's finally the first day of fourth grade and Arthur couldn't be more excited - until he learns Buster is in another class! Meanwhile, D.W. is nervous for her first day of kindergarten. Will Arthur and D.W. be able to make new friends?
4:29 PM
Rosie's Rules
Rosie, Crystal and Iggy try to recreate Mom and Papá's beach anniversary tradition at home. Then, it's Chiles en Nogada Day, but when Papá loses the recipe, it's up to Rosie to figure out who else might have it.
4:53 PM
Emily Elizabeth's day has started out terribly and she is in a bad mood. Her bad mood causes a chain reaction, and soon almost everyone on the Island is in the same unhappy state. But with a little help from Clifford, the friends soon discover that laughter and kindness are also infectious! It's not long before the bad day turns into a great one for everybody!
5:06 PM
Odd Squad
Otis and Olympia are stuck with a new robot partner.
5:20 PM
Wild Kratts
When Martin and Chris argue about who gets to keep a prized creature souvenir, Aviva unveils a new Creature Power Challenge that should settle things.
5:46 PM
Bullfrogs footy stars visit school and Daddy is their new recruit. A badly aimed handball from Salwa gets her banned from SASI-WESTS-HAT when Ms Crapper gets sauced, literally. Jerry's Maori legend lie gets Mikey on board
6:08 PM
Here's a "ribbetting" experiment. Turn a two-dimensional flat sheet of paper into a three-dimensional hopping frog. You don't have to be a mathemagician to make a frog, but you do have to be a princess to make a frog turn into a prince! It's not magic... it's math! This episode is about the connections seen in the geometry of paper folding.
6:12 PM
The Brilliant World Of Tom Gates
Tom and his band Dog Zombies are super nervous about playing a gig in front of the whole school! Especially as Florence and her super cool band the Smiley Faces are playing too. Tom tells Mr Fullerman that Dog Zombies have ALL lost their voices! Doodle an epic band poster.
6:23 PM
Take a boring square piece of paper and turn it into a beautiful butterfly in only a few folds!
6:24 PM
Big Top Academy: School's Out Edition
The Big Top Bulletin celebrates the unsung voices of the past.
6:35 PM
Big Top Academy: School's Out Edition
The show must go on, even when a crisis at circus school threatens the Bulletin's grand finale.
6:46 PM
Ainara's Bookshelf
Ainara introduces us to the world of Zoe Washington, whose father is wrongfully incarcerated for a crime, and how she works to clear his name and get him released. All while training to be a winning contestant on a bake-off TV show. Ainara then travels to a bakery to frost cupcakes with author Janae Marks while she gives us some more details on the book and drops some hints about the sequel.