On Right Now
11:11 AM
Green Squad
Vikram is inspired by the low-waste lifestyle of his family back in India. Shakira, Sigfried, and Lisa help him cut down on water use in the bathroom, create plastic-free shampoo bars, and learn about food waste and composting in the kitchen.
6:00 AM

Book Hungry Bears
The Bears climb a big hill to reach a book, but Melody slows them down. The others create different ways of motivating Melody to keep climbing. In the end, it is Melody who has to invent a way to get her friends to make it all the way to the top to enjoy the view.
BOOK: Soon
A baby elephant and his mum go on an amazing journey past many animals and make some amazing discoveries along the way.
When Crystal and Scout try to make a surprise Snow Bear for Boomer and Melody, they are confused when Boomer and Melody make the same surprise Snow Bear for them. The Bears learn that it is not the surprise that's important, it's the thought.
BOOK: Handa's Surprise
Handa carries a basket of fruit on her head and walks to the next village to surprise her friend. But along the way, she is unaware that a variety of jungle creatures take the fruit from her basket. Then when her basket is unexpectedly filled with tangerines, it surprises both her and her friend.
6:21 AM

16 Hudson
When Sam's super-fun cousin, Wei, disappears
in the middle of their game to read by himself,
the kids can't figure out what's ,wrong, with
6:29 AM

Urban Tails
Hopper, the super talented Common Green Grasshopper, drops some sizzling garden beats like they are going out of fashion in his fly track ,I'm the Hip-Hopper,. This teeny tiny little green guy has very special back legs that allow him to hop really high for his size and to ,sing, a special song! He rubs his hind legs against his wing in a process called stridulation, creating the long song of the grasshopper. It sounds a little like a sprinkler on a lawn!
6:31 AM

Zerby Derby
Rex's collection of pinecones is big enough to climb. If only Zack and Rex can figure out a way to get the pinecones to stay in a pile and not come apart when they try to climb up.
6:39 AM

The slug wants to crawl along with the snails. But does she want that for the rest of her life?
6:43 AM

The Very Small Creatures
When Blue shows Yellow and Green how they can change shape by squeezing through a wooden shape sorter, Green and Yellow are quick to join in the fun!
6:46 AM

Odo Season 2
Doodle is frightened by the sound of a falling pinecone. By the time word gets around camp, everyone is convinced that a monster is on the loose.
6:53 AM

Tiny and Tall
Tiny wants to pick razznuts, so that she can make razznut butter. But a herd of gillybeasts are blocking the razznut patch! She and Tall try different strategies to make the beasts move.
6:59 AM

Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum
Bruce Lee helps Xavier and Brad realize that no matter how angry they may get with each other, they are in charge of what their body does.
7:11 AM

The Singalings
In the market there are lots of stalls selling lots of things. Hats, gloves, flowers and fruit. Socks and shoes, coats and ties, there are even toys for a nice surprise! There are things for everyone at the market.
7:17 AM

Paw Patrol
An ice floe carrying three penguins lands in the jungle. Now the pups must get them back to their frosty home.
7:29 AM

Audrey's Shelter
Audrey's failing in school because she's too distracted. Tommy helps her do her assignment on ancient Egypt, but she'd rather help Karl take care of a shipment of reptile eggs. However, taking care of the eggs turns out to be even more tedious than her schoolwork, and Audrey loses one of the eggs. She'll need to stay focused to find it before something happens to it.
7:40 AM

Let's Go Luna
Andy learns about kabaddi, a very old sport that is brand new to him.
7:53 AM

Odd Squad Mobile Unit
The Odd Squad Timekeeper keeps time for all of the clocks around the world. When she's suddenly struck with oddness, the clocks stop working.
8:04 AM

ABC with Kenny G
Kenny G sings about the 'BUH' sound the letter B makes, in words like "bubble", "banana" and "baboon".
8:06 AM

It was a grey day in the big city. One was wondering where her next case would come from when a square silhouette appeared at the door....
8:11 AM

Dr. Cheddar
Felix and Annie spend some time crafting a beautiful charm bracelet that they want to show to Dr. Cheddar. The only problem is, where did it go? Annie is convinced Felix has lost it, but after a thorough search, the bracelet's real hiding place is revealed!
8:14 AM

The Bananaraptors are in hot pursuit of Ginger and the baby Pea-Rexes, who are perched on her horns. It's your usual Indiana Jones style epic chase with all the fun, jumps, leaps and near misses that eventually leads to the two Bananaraptors being trapped in a sink hole. Ginger and the baby Pea-Rex must help them out. If only they could roll that large round boulder into the hole, it would create a 'step ladder' out of there. Only problem is the boulder is way too heavy for Ginger and the Peas to push by themselves. And there are no big Vegesaurs around to help them either. So begins a fun Rube Goldberg style chain reaction set up that involves rolling a smaller boulder from higher up a slope so that it will hit another slightly bigger boulder which will roll off a ledge onto a see-saw like tree wedge under an even bigger boulder which should force it to roll down a step section with enough speed to knock the big boulder which is near the edge of the sink hole, into the hole! Of course, it all goes horribly wrong but ultimately the large boulder gets knocked into the hole, freeing the Bananaraptors!
8:20 AM

Interstellar Ella
Slippy heard a rumour that the abandoned outpost the gang plans to visit is haunted so he brings his ghost detector goggles, just in case! Ella assures him that there are no such things as ghosts, but then odd things begin to happen. Maggie speaks gibberish, objects levitate, and suddenly Glitch is lifted off the ground. Ella knows there has to be a reasonable explanation. When Slippy tweaks his goggles to pick up magnetic fields, the answer becomes clear. It's a magnetic star! Mystery solved!
8:31 AM

Ladybird & Bee
Oh no! The Worms have a tummy ache after eating too much. Ladybird and Bee can help!
8:33 AM

Dream It To Be It
12-year-old Elena loves everything sports, but nothing speeds up her happiness more than running track. Tai, Coach Randy, and Paralympian Marissa give expert advice to our gold medalist in the making to fast track her dream to the Paralympic podium.
8:40 AM

Messy goes to Okido
When Messy and friends discover how to catapult heavy things with a lever, farmyard animal bathtime commences with a splash!
8:52 AM

Polkaroo Counts!
It's time for arts and crafts! Polkaroo and Madison build stick houses using counting and addition to make sure they have the right number of sticks to build their crafts!
8:54 AM

ABC Singsong
It's not the same. It's like night and day. It's a song about the word different!
8:55 AM

Zamzoom's Animal Adventures
Our adventurous pair, Zamzoom and Orbie, are in Kenya, meeting several different species of antelopes. When Orbie malfunctions, the pair head to the shade to cool down, and meet a whole nother creature below the canopy.
9:00 AM

Paw Patrol
When Francois and Cap'n Turbot bicker about how to best steer a tandem hang glider, they fly way off course and crash land on Swampy Island. They're okay, but their hang glider isn't. And now a hurricane is fast approaching! If that wasn't enough, things get even worse when a crocodile shows up and scares them into separating. Now it's up to Ryder and the Pups to find the stranded cousins and get them to safety.
9:23 AM (3).jpg?itok=l37HPNrX)
Rosie's Rules
Tía needs decorations for the Robot Picnic, so Rosi and Javi make flowerpots using repurposed items. Then, Rosie and Javi open a car wash to clean Iggy's ride-on car, but soon they have too many customers and not enough water.
9:48 AM

Donkey Hodie
Panda discovers his favorite hoodie from when he was little, but it's too small for him now. Can he find a special way to say goodbye to it?
10:00 AM

Wooly Wooly
Lila hopes that her and Marco won't get too bored spending Summer at home rather than seeing their friends at school everyday. Josie is planning to hit the road like in her good old days, but her loved ones count a lot on her in Woollywood...
10:11 AM

BooSnoo becomes a circus performer and puts on an amazing show.
10:19 AM

One day, the kittens are playing with their toy car when suddenly the wheel comes off. Their friend Dart says that he can try to fix it. Cookie suggests opening a special place where Dart can be the main repairman. Soon all the kittens around begin to bring their toys to Dart, the cat of all trades, to have them fixed. However, it turns out that Dart can't fix all the toys, he just doesn't know how. So, Candy suggests asking different parents to help. The kittens learn that everyone has a unique skill that just might come in handy!
10:24 AM

Dr. Cheddar
It's time for Felix to clean out his closet, and get rid of some old things that he no longer needs. The trouble is, once Felix looks at these things, he gets sentimental and is not sure he can give them up! Slowly, Felix learns that maybe it's someone else's turn to make new memories with his old things
10:26 AM

Momolu and Friends
Momolu gets a beautiful golden picture frame and his friends decide to compete to see whose painting gets framed. Momolu learns that things can be beautiful in so many ways it can be hard to say if one is better than the other.
10:33 AM

Pip and Posy
Pip leaves Posy alone to have a jungle adventure but gets jealous when she invents a new imaginary jungle buddy, Pop.
10:40 AM

Baby Baby
The babies and their friends are learning about firefighters. Firefighters are pretty amazing! They also drive awesome red trucks and keep us safe.
10:45 AM

Little Malabar
Little Malabar has made a snowman, but his friend Lemur is sad to see that it melts in the Sun. The Sun suggests that they take it somewhere very cold where there are already many ,ladies of ice,: the Kuiper Belt!
10:50 AM

The Numberblocks are painting each other on their canvases but Three has painted Two with one too many blocks. Three realises her mistake and disguises herself as Two to convince the other Numberblocks she has got it right. However, Four and Nine are not fooled, which makes Three panic and collide with Two. As they clash, the paint from Three’s disguise wears off and muddles with Two. Despite their differences, it’s obvious that no matter the colour of your blocks, it’s the number of blocks that really matters.
10:55 AM

Ladybird & Bee
Ladybird and Bee bounce on the mushroom tops to make a beautiful song.
10:57 AM

Polkaroo Reads!
Polkaroo's first Awesome Alphabet Adventure at the farm leads us to an adorable alpaca, some delicious apples and, if you can believe it, Polkaroo's arm We're off to a great start!
11:01 AM

Opie's Home
Opie, Gavin and Maria are the champions of hide and seek. To celebrate, Opie and Dad want to make a victory cake, but it's not easy pleasing everyone...
11:08 AM

Canada Crew
Bebe and Mo set sail to Newfoundland to find whales with the help of Captain Justin of O'Briens whale boat tours, while Gavin spots Orca whales off the coast of British Columbia.
11:15 AM

Five Ingredient Challenge
On today's Five Ingredient Challenge Maksim and Pradnesh are preparing carrot salad.
11:18 AM

The Coco Boo
11:24 AM

Gabby's Farm
The animals on Gabby's Farm are fun to have around, but they also have jobs to do. Gabby examines all the animal jobs on her farm.
11:31 AM

B.O.T. and the Beasties
B.O.T. drops into Craggy, Sandy World. The hungry Galloping Yelp is hunting for grass. Also out looking for food is the Snorty Grunt, the Grunt sees some grass at the same time as the Galloping Yelp. The Yelp manages to snatch the grass just before the Snorty Grunt. The Grunt is not happy and chases after the Galloping Yelp. B.O.T. gets bounced up on to the Galloping Yelp's back as it races away from the Snorty Grunt. More Snorty Grunts join in the chase and B.O.T. is stuck on the Yelp's back being bounced about whilst trying to collect the data. B.O.T. completes the mission and zooms up to the portal. The chase ends when the delighted Galloping Yelp and Snorty Grunts discover a lovely meadow of long green grass, ready to be eaten!
11:37 AM

Dino Dexter
While Dad is getting ready for a job interview, Dex and Kayla perform a dino experiment on the various colours dinosaurs could be, and why different hues are important for predation, intimidation, attraction, and cooperation.
11:48 AM

Mother owl doesn't know whether she's coming or going when her three mischievous babies try to leave the nest.
11:52 AM

Backyard Beats
Monica is visited by harp player Chantal Dubé and makes her own harp craft-strument for the jam session. Junior Jammer Maithiri shows how busks with her harp. They all bring their instruments together for a backyard performance.
12:04 PM

Wacky Number Songs
Ava made a computer game using IF and THEN! If/Then is called a conditional, which is something that happens on the condition that something else happens. Conditionals are used all the time in coding for apps and games to tell a computer what to do!
12:06 PM

Paw Patrol
Harold, Ladybird, and the Copycat team up and the three super baddies take the Mighty Pups' mighty meteor! The Mighty Pups have to get their meteor back and Charge Up to stop them before the team of baddies destroys Adventure Bay!
12:30 PM

The Game Catchers
The Game Catchers land on the Salad Planet and make friends with three ladybug kids named Bug, Bugsy, and little Buglet. They are about to play the game "Hurdles Relay", but first they have to solve the mystery of Buglet’s missing polka dots! Then, the Game Catchers land on a planet that’s like an old video game, but they have to solve some obstacles before they’re able to play the locals favourite game, "You Fall, You Lose."
12:45 PM

The Game Catchers
The Game Catchers land on the Porcelain Planet and learn the game "Long Jump". While playing, Kate gets the chance to bond with a local, while the group works together to help the timid alien learn how to have confidence in himself. Then, the Game Catchers reach the Jelly Planet, inhabited by kids whose favourite game is "Pillow Riding". But before they can play, they’re tasked with filling the pillows with clouds!
1:00 PM

The Game Catchers
The Game Catchers arrive on a planet where everything is made of wool! They have fun playing the game "Target Shooting With Hats", but plans change when they have to go in search of Nina’s missing doll. Then, the Game Catchers land on the Frozen Planet but have to travel through large tunnels of ice before they can meet the local alien kids. After some icy adventures, they finally meet the kids and learn their favourite game, "Snowball Fight!"
1:15 PM

The Game Catchers
The Game Catchers embark on a mission on an enchanting Christmas-themed planet, where they learn the game "Super Tic-Tac-Toe". Everyone is enthusiastic to start the game, but it can’t start until they recover missing parts of the field! Then, the Game Catchers land on a Rocky Planet, where they learn the game "Hawks or Hares?" But turbulent weather causes the game to halt, and the team has to set course to stabilize the weather while cheering up an alien local!
1:30 PM

The Game Catchers
The Game Catchers land on the Plasticine Planet, where they learn the game "Crab Race." But the fun comes to a halt after a local creature mistakes the ball for his nose! Then, the Game Catchers find themselves on a Beachy Planet and learn the game "Pour and Fill". But when it comes time to play, they need to get creative when creating more materials for the game!
1:45 PM

The Game Catchers
When Dino is bit by a very annoying alien mosquito, their travels to the Undergrowth Planet take a big turn when he begins to swell up like a balloon! Then, the Game Catchers land on the Planet of Constructions, where they learn the game "Steal the Monster’s Treasure". However, they can’t play until a fearful local alien can overcome his fear of getting his hair cut!
2:01 PM

The Game Catchers
The Game Catchers land on a Technological Planet and learn the game "What Animal Are You?" But before they can start, they’ll need to go on a search to find Nina! Then, the Game Catchers land on the Origami Planet and meet three aliens who can turn into whatever they want! They play rock-paper-scissors but have to embark on another mystery after they learn their spaceships have disappeared!
2:16 PM

The Game Catchers
The Game Catchers land on the Colour Planet and learn the game "Find The Pair". While making materials to play the game, the group learns about creating many colours, starting with just blue, yellow, and red! Then, the Game Catchers land on the Play Park Planet, where they learn the game "The Balloon Caterpillar." But before they’re able to play, they’ll have to cheer a local up to help him learn how to fly!
2:31 PM

The Game Catchers
The Game Catchers land on Book Planet, where they learn the game "Tower of Cups." But the game is interrupted after a lost Sparkstar needs help finding the book it came from! Then, the Game Catchers land on the Clothes Planet, where they learn the game "Shadow Stomper." But the game is interrupted after a lonely travelling jumbo sock's shadow takes over!
2:46 PM

The Game Catchers
The Game Catchers arrive on a planet inhabited by funny mechanical creatures and learn the game "Full Sack, Empty Sack". Unfortunately, the game is paused after one of the alien players realizes they're too creaky to continue playing! Then, the Game Catchers land on the Pixel Art Planet, where they learn the game "Water, Flame, Fire." But the game is interrupted after a Pipikini pecks at a rainbow, causing a shower of pixels!
3:01 PM

The Game Catchers
The Game Catchers land on a magical planet where they learn the game "Horse and Rider"! While playing, Dino accidentally transforms into an alien horse, and the rest of the kids have to work together to turn him back to normal! Then, the Game Catchers land on the very beautiful Planet of Fairytales, where they learn to play "Mirror Game." But they don't get too far into the game before they learn that the local alien kids are too tired to play because of their king's never-ending story!
3:16 PM

The Very Small Creatures
When the Very Small Creatures find a rocket, they blast off to a never-before-seen place with lots to do and explore!
3:20 PM

Paw Patrol
Rubble dreams that he's been taken aboard a spaceship and meets his alien double. When the ship crashes on an alien planet, he needs help. ---
The Pups must save Humdinger and his kittens when they mess around with Blinky the Clown's tiny clown car.
3:43 PM

Five Ingredients Challenge
Emma and Serena are making quick wraps with tortillas, hummus, lettuce, cucumber and carrots.
3:46 PM

Galapagos X
In the future, ocean-view condominiums and their less-than-impressed residents are floating out to sea! The team goes back in time and discovers Doc Crock leveling wetlands to construct the luxury buildings. Could the wetlands serve a purpose that no one realizes?
3:57 PM

Blynk & Aazoo
Our young inquirer, Nagashri, asks our intrepid inventors, Blynk and Aazoo, "Why do cats purr?" With the help of our intergalactic science expert, Eugenia, learn how cats purr not just when they are happy, and how vibrations can heal! Blynk invents a robot cat that can purr and heal, and also likes mice??
4:05 PM

Science Max: Experiments at Large
Friction is everywhere. And our world wouldn't work without it. But Phil can't be blamed for trying to reduce it as much as he can. He builds a balloon powered hover disc and then maxes it out by building a leaf-blower powered version he can ride. He also tries to increase his friction enough so he can climb straight up the walls.
4:27 PM

What do C, D, I, L M, V and X represent? They're Roman numerals- created thousands of years ago and still used today. Join Eric on his quest for Roman numerals. It's not magic... it's math! The Educational Gist: This episode explores an alternate way to communicate numbers using the anchor numbers 5 and 10 and the ancient counting system based on letters from the Roman alphabet.
4:30 PM

Space Kids
Did you know that the planet Earth has a twin? In this episode find out why Venus is called Earth's louder, more temperamental twin.
4:32 PM

Odd Squad Mobile Unit
The Mobile Unit is on a mission to get rid of a box containing villain powers, but Lady Bread, Star Wipe, and Monsieur Papier Maché have a plan.
When Seattle Mr. O accidentally turns himself into a creature, the Mobile Unit is called in to help.
5:00 PM

All-Round Champion
It's the fifth week for the elite athletes competing in the ultimate sports competition. Snowkiting was revealed as the featured sport and Chace is deemed the Sport Leader and will have to train his fellow athletes for the competition in just three days. Rebecca gets the sense that something is wrong and is determined to fix it. The Competition proves tough and Nathanaël has an epic meltdown. Perdita puts it all into perspective at the Podium Ceremony.
5:26 PM

Wild Kratts
When a rogue wave crashes into the Tortuga, the Wild Kratts get separated. Jimmy and Aviva end up on rafts in the middle of the ocean. Koki is trapped on a sinking Tortuga. While Chris and Martin end up on two islands. Chris Is alone on his island, but Martin isn't. He soon discovers a creature friend, a Puffin! Martin begins to devise a plan to use the powers of this little bird to get off the island and rescue his friends.
5:53 PM

The Brilliant World of Tom Gates Season 1
After school, Tom is going to the barbers for the first time ever. He's nervous but nothing can be worse than one of Mum or Dad's dogy haircuts. Can it? Then he finds out he's off to the salon with Granny Mavis! Make you our own Tom Gates hairstyle changer and sing along to the Haircut song.
6:06 PM

Olga da Polga
A thunderstorm scares Olga into thinking that the sky is falling down. After a visit to the vet, Olga has a rest inside the Sawdust’s home where she’s inspired by a ballet on TV!
6:18 PM

B.O.T. and the Beasties
B.O.T. drops into Spacey, Glowy World and down a crater into darkness but then follows a glowing trail left by a Squiggling Tooter. B.O.T. has trouble negotiating the uneven terrain in this underground world and struggles to keep up with the trumpeting beastie. B.O.T. discovers that there is more than one Squiggling Tooter when it is joined by two more of the colourful beasties. B.O.T. follows them down to a subterranean cave where hundreds of Tooters are having a colourful and noisy party, honking and dancing! B.O.T. successfully collects the data needed and flies up to the portal - the mission is complete.
6:23 PM

Backyard Beats
Ahmed visits the backyard with his darbuka, an Arabic drum, and Monica gets inspired to create a DIY craft-strument. Monica, Ahmed's band and Junior Jammer Omar come together for a creative backyard performance.
6:34 PM

Olympia celebrates her 20th video.
6:36 PM

Leo's Pollinators
The PollinHeads are heading to a place where the stars all really come out - Bruce Peninsula National Park! They're doing so to shine the spotlight on our fantastic night-time pollinators... moths! Housten and Chloe are headed into the night with Maddie from Bruce Peninsula National Park to check up on these impressive pollinators. It's important research - moths are under-studied and mostly misunderstood! The star of tonight's mission - the Sphinx Moth - is one of the biggest moth pollinators out there.
6:47 PM

Go Green with the Grimwades
Today the Grimwade Family decide to reduce their food miles and set themselves a challenge to source the rest of their food for tonight's dinner locally.
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