
On Right Now

10:25 AM

Momolu and Friends

A flock of cute chirpy birds moves into Banni's house.

5:00 AM
Jojo & Gran Gran
JoJo and Gran Gran are having their own sports day with Jared and Cynthia in the park; equipped with delicious sandwiches and lots of games to play. But, when JoJo isn't quite fast enough to win the races, Gran Gran suggests they compete in an egg and spoon race, where JoJo excels! JoJo learning that being faster doesn't always win the race!
5:12 AM
Zerby Derby
Zack and Axle find a bridge make out of sticks that crosses a small gap. The bridge, held up by two long sticks, can support Axle's weight, but when Zack tries to cross, it breaks. They call Mika the mechanic to help them make a new bridge. They build one with 3 sticks which holds up Zack just fine, but when Mika tries to cross, it breaks under her heavier weight. Finally they build a bridge with 4 sticks that can hold up even Mika. But when Sandy the Bulldozer comes along, they realize they are going to have to build one more.
5:20 AM
Canada Crew
Bebe and Mo meet train engineer Eric and climb aboard a steam-powered locomotive while Gavin reports from the Rocky Mountaineer, a famous train that travels through the Rocky Mountains.
5:28 AM
When Emery breaks down in the forest, it's Chug Patroller Wilson to the rescue. Wilson uses his new skills to locate Emery with the aid of a flare and gets him back on track with a huge crane.
5:39 AM
Molly of Denali
Molly is excited to give a tour of the village to two visitors, but they don't seem to think she is Native enough for the job. Molly learns about someone who also faced discrimination for being Alaska Native, Elizabeth Peratrovich, and is inspired to show the visitors what it really means to be Native. Then, Tooey's family is throwing a Uqiquq, a special Yup'ik celebration in honor of his first catch. Tooey wants to give his Grandma a special gift - a speech in Yup'ik - but will he be able to learn the Native words in time?
6:05 AM
It's the annual Pet Adoption Fair on Birdwell Island! Emily Elizabeth and Clifford want to help others find their forever friends. While Clifford helps a new dog, Hero, learn that his forever friend will love him just as he is, Emily Elizbeth helps Pablo search for a pet that's just right. Could Hero and Pablo be the perfect match?
6:18 AM
Red, Yellow and Blue have so much fun exploring different places, with various doors leading to new and exciting locations which they colour in. They start in a very hot desert, which Blue turns into a beach. Then Red goes through a red door, where everything is red, and she becomes camouflaged. Blue takes his friends through a dark blue door, exploring the depths of the deep blue sea. Soon they embark on a journey with Sky Blue, where they travel through the sky and land safely in Grey City. There, they meet elephants stuck in a traffic jam. Back on the island, the Colourblocks colour in a sunset with lots of inbetween colours, but realise they need rescuing off the island. Luckily, a trusted Colourblock appears from the deep sea to take them back to Colourland.
6:23 AM
Bamboo Loves Music
Drawn to a curious humming sound, Bamboo Love sees her friend, Mr. Elephant, swaying and moving to the magical sound. Hypnotized by the music, Bamboo Love arrives to find a new friend, Kangaroo, playing an artistic wooden instrument called a Didgeridoo. Inspired by the musical stories Kangaroo is playing, Bamboo Love dances along to the most naturistic instrument earth has ever created.
6:27 AM
Wolf Joe
Joe's ambitious baking ideas get everyone covered in dough but after his friends help retrieve Kookum's lost recipe card they create delicious bannock treats for the community.
6:38 AM
Gabby's Farm
Gabby spends the day exploring all the jobs a front loader tractor does on her farm. She counts the tractor digging two big scoops of dirt.
6:40 AM
Leonardo's Mum is at the doctor today, and he's very worried about her. Odo is sure that he can help and plans all sorts of fun activities to help keep the anxious peacock smiling.
6:47 AM
Pip and Posy
Pip finds Frankie more helpful than Posy when he is trying to sort out his toys. He hurts Posy's feelings and has to find a way to make it up to her.
6:54 AM
One day the kittens and Mommy visit Mustard. She is in a bad mood and isn't having any fun, no matter what game they try and play. They worry they are the reason their friend is feeling sad and want to go home. Mustard reveals she has a boring chore she still needs to finish and that's why she's feeling sad. The three kittens show Mustard doing chores with friends can be fun.
7:00 AM
Kangaroo Beach
Gemma's zoologist hero, Dr Diggy, is at Kangaroo Beach after a storm reveals the bones of an unknown dinosaur. Doing her best to impress her idol Gemma continually trips over her webbed feet and embarrasses herself. However, her webbed feet prove invaluable in discovering the missing piece!
7:11 AM
Messy goes to Okido
Messy wants to know how his goldfish friend can stay underwater for so long? BLUB BLUB BLUB goes the fish. Still curious, by the fish's bubbles, Messy goes to Okido to find out!
7:22 AM
Ginger and the Pea-Rexes observe a herd of Strawberrisaurus, who are all performing a dancing ritual, the aim of which is to find a friend for life. But one Strawberrisaurus sticks out from the rest - constantly tripping, unable to find their rhythm. It sidelines itself, embarrassed, and Ginger and the Pea-Rexes step in to help. Ginger tries to talk the dance through with the Strawberrisaurus, but it doesn't help, so the Pea-Rexes step it up a notch, nipping at the Strawberrisaurus' feet to teach it how to move to the beat. After a series of rehearsals, the time for the Strawberrisaurus to debut its new moves arrives, and it rejoins its herd. But it can't remember the steps - it seems this Strawberrisaurus just isn't wired the same way as the others! Ginger steps in with Plan B - be yourself! And with her encouragement, the Strawberrisaurus cuts loose, dancing its own way with such abandon that it forgets all about fitting in. The Strawberrisaurus's partner mirrors the eclectic dance, as Ginger and the Pea-Rexes celebrate - it's found a dancing partner by simply being itself!
7:28 AM
Interstellar Ella
Ella has her best idea yet for a fun day. They will visit a nebula for each member of the family! Up first is Bernard 68, picked for Maggie. But it is very dark and frightens Tilly. The Calabash nebula is next. Ella picked it for Dad because it's shaped like his tow truck. Then comes the Hand of God nebula for Mom. It has a powerful pulsar they need to stay clear of. Then comes the Carina nebula, picked for Ella. Just like her, it's interstellar! When Dad's truck breaks down, they head to the Boomerang nebula. Then, The Ryder family completes a drill in the event of a Starquake. Shields are deployed around H.O.M.E and Dad's museum on the moon. The drill is a success but the shield on the moon is stuck open. The family heads out to see what's wrong. As Mom and Dad try to fix it, the girls move the moon collection to safety. When they drop off the first load at H.O.M.E, Maggie warns the Starquake is imminent. In an exciting countdown, the family manages to save the collection and return to safety before the quake hits.
7:49 AM
The ladybird has a ladybird neighbour who has a bit too much in common with him.
7:53 AM
When donuts spelling the word SCRUMPTIOUS disappear from the bakery, Baker Graham is distraught because nothing in town can taste good until the word scrumptious is found. Luckily, the Word Detectives are on the case. Gabby and Sly question Athlete Glory and Vet Wilder to solve this Word Mystery and get scrumptious back where it belongs.
8:01 AM
Paw Patrol
Mayor Humdinger becomes HumCatDingerMan to steal the spotlight from the Cat Pack. Then, the pups must save Tilly during the Turbot Tournament.
8:24 AM
Riley Rocket
Riley and Beatrix enter the 'Pet Tricks Challenge' with a dance and skateboard routine backed up by Theo and Alex. But they lose confidence in their act after seeing the other contestants with their impressive flips and acrobatics. Meanwhile, Stewey goes full Gooey when he's told he's too young to have a pet to enter the challenge. He releases a penguin from the sanctuary and it goes belly sliding away causing all kinds of mayhem and making Gooey very frustrated about his inability to train his new 'pet'. Then, Riley has discovered clues that all point to a concerning conclusion: her parents are about to move their family away from Greenville!! She calls an emergency band meeting and the group sets out on a mission to convince Riley's parents that there's no better place to live than Greenville. If they don't succeed, Megablast will be done. Meanwhile Dr. Dandelion decides to use all his dastardly tricks to convince everyone else in Greenville to move away too. Megablast must interrupt their efforts to convince Jon and Tina how great Greenville is and transform into Rocket, Thunder and Metallix to save the town from Dr. D. After saving the day, Riley discovers how much Greenville means to her and that there's no better place than her hometown.
8:47 AM
Galapagos X
In the future, confused birds are crashing everyone's parties. To find out why, the team goes back in time to discover Crock's super-store spotlights are part of the problem. But it may take a bit of gaslighting to get her to change her lighting.
8:59 AM
The elephant has the blues. His trunk tries to cheer him up but that is quite a task.
9:03 AM
Odd Squad Mobile Unit
Part A - Agent Opal and Agent Omar are tired of their post at the Arctic Odd Squad Headquarters, because nothing odd ever happens there. Luckily, Opal thinks she may have uncovered the location of a legendary Odd Artifact: a 44-leaf clover. The only problem is, villains are also hot on its trail. In the wrong hands, the clover could cause worldwide, catastrophic oddness! With the help of fellow agents, Opal and Omar must find and save the 44-leaf clover before it's too late. --- Part B - Agent Opal and Agent Omar are tired of their post at the Arctic Odd Squad Headquarters, because nothing odd ever happens there. Luckily, Opal thinks she may have uncovered the location of a legendary Odd Artifact: a 44-leaf clover. The only problem is, villains are also hot on its trail. In the wrong hands, the clover could cause worldwide, catastrophic oddness! With the help of fellow agents, Opal and Omar must find and save the 44-leaf clover before it's too late. Curriculum: Measurement, Simple Machines
9:30 AM
Work It Out Wombats
Super creates ,Backwards Day,, where dessert is eaten before dinner and photographs are taken after everyone gets muddy. And what's better than a pattern? A Pattern Fair - better yet, a Patternpalooza with a stuffed monster as Grand Prize.
9:55 AM
Order is important! Eric learns about the coded instructions that make computers and robots work! It's not magic, it's science... it's STEM! Educational Gist: Understanding coding and how step-by-step procedures allow all kinds of things to work, like robots, an alarm, computers, or even a car!
9:59 AM
Project Rube
Morley's arms are tired from playing fetch with Tes and her ball. Together Morley and the Science team use the science of projectile motion and the simple machine, the lever, to build a Rube Goldberg machine that will help take the load off Morley and throw the ball for Tes.
10:12 AM
Kit & Pup
Let's find out about the world with Kit and Pup! Kit and Pup are at the park playing with a tennis ball, a basketball and a beach ball. Can you see which is the biggest ball and which is the smallest?
10:18 AM
Tik Tak
Explore a dissection puzzle of doll pram, disco dancing in the roaring twenties and watch as Book Boy makes an umbrella by doing magic.
10:24 AM
Mia and Codie
Afraid Mia will forget to hug him, Codie adds a "Hug" to her closet's code. Only it also adds a bug to the code, creating a closet catastrophe. Luckily, Mia knows just what to do: debug the code and hug her lil bro bot.
10:30 AM
Bamboo Loves Music
Playing along with a keyboard, Bamboo Love and Rabbit are having a wonderful time making sounds and laughing together. But when a similar sound catches hold, Bamboo Love is compelled to learn what makes these elegant sounds. Arriving, Bamboo Love sees Baby Elephant practicing her Piano with Instructor Duck and realizes that even though there are similarities, the sounds can also be quite different.
10:34 AM
The Mixmups visit a racetrack to fulfil Spin's dream of becoming an Olympic gold medal winner. But uncharacteristically, Spin can't keep up with the others and keeps coming last. Will the sports coach be able to help the Mixmups find a way for everyone to be a winner?
10:45 AM
Pins and Nettie
Pins and Nettie have been invited to their friend's dance party! But the hedgies completely freak out at the prospect of doing the hokey-pokey. What if they put their left foot out when they are supposed to be shaking it all about?! Lesson: practice makes perfect
10:51 AM
ABC with Kenny G
Kenny G sings about the letter H to a crowd of animals, humming about hippos, hot dogs and hockey.
10:54 AM
Octonaughty returns with a whole new dimension of naughtiness - this calls for a whole new dimension of superhero! Learn about cubes, and other ways of arranging blocks in three dimensions with the Numberblocks.
10:58 AM
Jojo & Gran Gran
JoJo and Gran Gran are on a day-trip to the sunny seaside with one mission in mind: to build the biggest sandcastle ever built; for Panda to play inside. But, JoJo has no luck with building her sandcastle and feels disheartened when she learns of the tide, and that it will carry her best-one-yet away into the sea! But with Gran Gran on-hand, JoJo learns that things don't need to last forever to be special as the pair take lots of pictures for them to keep forever and remember.
11:10 AM
Jasmine & Jambo
It's the Major Festival in Soundland. Jasmine has made a song for the occasion and is very proud of it. But, when she has finished playing it, everyone cries. They think it is lovely, but sad. Jasmine is frustrated, because she wanted to make a cheerful song. Jambo finds the solution: by changing just one note, the song will be much more cheerful. Because sometimes, a small change can make us see the world differently.
11:17 AM
Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum
Xavier is planning a dance party for his friends, but when he realizes his recorder music isn't going to cut it, he needs a new plan. So... to the Secret Museum! Our trio travels back in time to meet Grandmaster Flash as he's happily dancing to his favorite part of a song -- 'the get-down.' Flash wishes the get-down could last longer, so he experiments with a couple of record players and his hands until he finally creates his very own way to loop a piece of music over and over again: the Quik Mix Theory. Inspired, the trio hurry home and find creative ways to make their own instruments for the dance party, because if you want to create something new, experiment! --- The kids are riding their bikes when suddenly, Brad falls off and gets a scrape on his elbow. He gets a bandage, but that isn't enough to get him back on his bike. Unsure what the problem is, Xavier and Yadina take him... to the Secret Museum! Our trio travels back in time to meet Mary Seacole, just as she's called upon by her mother to help a young boy with an itchy, swollen scratch. Mary tries different plants and medicines, but that isn't enough to make him feel better. Finally, Mary suggests that the boy try cuddling one of her dolls. Sure enough, it works. Her compassion inspires Xavier and Yadina to try comforting Brad after his own fall, because there are many ways to help someone feel better.
11:40 AM
Hero Elementary
Sparks' Crew chases a giant ball through Citytown. To save the day, the team uses hands-on investigation and learns that pushing an object can start or stop its movement. --- AJ's backpack has floated away in a lake. By navigating the connecting bodies of water, Sparks' Crew works together to find his pack.
12:04 PM
Raven's Quest
Cameron is a 10-year-old Mohawk boy from the Six Nations of the Grand River, Ontario. He belongs to the Turtle clan. Cameron is super sporty and loves to play hockey and lacrosse. His awesome basement is set up so he can play these games indoors with his friends all year round! Cameron loves to draw hockey players and, in his bedroom, he shows us some of his hockey trophies. Cameron introduces us to his five brothers. Together they make pizza and then they drum and sing some traditional songs. Cameron explains that his people have thirteen months in their calendar because they go by the moon cycle. He shows us the calendar on his traditional turtle rattle. In winter, his family builds a special track in the backyard to play a traditional game called Snow Snake. Snow Snake is played by throwing a long stick along the track to see whose stick slides the longest. Cameron's special word is "dehenenae:he". It means "snow snake".
12:11 PM
How Do You Feel?
One of Akin's friends tried to intervene when a kid was being bullied at school. But the bully ended up picking on her instead, and it made her upset. Duane and the gang help Akin talk through his friend's feelings, Plus, Akin demonstrates how building a ,worry wall, can help to manage negative emotions.
12:19 PM
Paw Patrol
The Pups are on a PAW Patroller Road trip to the Savana where they meet up with Photo Safari fans Cap'n Turbot and his cousin Francois. In the middle of the night the campers are awakened by an intruder who turns out to be a lost baby elephant - Gilda. The PAW Patrol is called in to action find Gilda's mom or dad and get the family back together. When they do find Mom, they have another rescue to complete to get her out of a deep ravine. --- Adventure Bay has been picked as a Finalist in the Tidiest Town Contest and looks like they're going to win! That is until Mayor Humdinger unleashes his Kitten Catastrophe Crew and those naughty kittens mess up everything in sight. Mayor Goodway calls in the Paw Patrol to find the source of the mess and help get the town back into ship shape!
12:43 PM
Audrey's Shelter
Audrey's hyperactive cousin Alex comes to visit the Shelter. Audrey and Tommy show him the secret treehouse they've just built, they're very proud of it! But Audrey finds it hard to be patient with her cousin's boundless energy, especially when he keeps frightening the animals. When they find the treehouse upside down, Audrey accuses Alex.
12:56 PM
Interstellar Ella
Slippy makes special safety goggles for everyone so they can watch an eclipse. When Ella insists on going to watch a binary star supernova, Slippy opts out and heads off on his own. Gem and Ilo meet up with Ella at the supernova. They've come to watch too. She listens to the cousins bicker and realizes that the supernova isn't as much fun without her friends. She decides to join Slippy. She arrives just in time to help him escape a cloud of crashing meteoroids. They both realize that being stubborn is no fun! Then, Ella's mom is an Enceladus 500 champion, and Ella wants to be just like her! She plans to skate, scooter race and geyser jump her way to a trophy! But when she trips and falls during the speed skating round, she realizes that it won't be as easy-breezy as she thought. With Madhu's help, Ella comes from behind in the scooter racing round to tie with Slippy and the Gemini Twins. Ella is leading in the final round but stops to save Ilo who is in danger, realizing that winning at all costs isn't really winning at all.
1:18 PM
Wolf Joe
Kookum's jars of syrup get knocked over and Buddy won't admit he did it but after his friends almost lose the results of their hard work due to his clumsiness he finally comes clean.
1:30 PM
Ginger finds a healthy green egg all alone in the jungle park, and with no other Vegesaurs around, she scoops it up, knowing the seed has very little chance of survival out here without its parents. Together, the Pea-Rexes and Ginger incubate it - the Pea-Rexes sitting on it, singing to it, going to ridiculous lengths to make sure it's never alone, never cold, never in direct sun. It finally cracks and hatches - an Avocadodon! Ginger is thrilled - it's the same size as her! They play together, their likeness of size a nice change for Ginger who is used to much smaller playmates - but seeing the instant rapport between them causes the Pea-Rexes to feel left out, and they try to win Ginger back, pulling all sorts of shenanigans to get her attention. Ginger assures the Pea-Rexes that they can play all together, that sharing friends can create opportunities for new sorts of play. The time comes for the Avocadodon to find its herd, so Ginger and the Pea-Rexes help to track them down. Once found, the Avocadodon tries to get Ginger to join too - but as tempting as it is to go on such an adventure, Ginger chooses her family/friends the Pea-Rexes and bids her new friend goodbye, promising she'll visit when she can.
1:35 PM
Bamboo Love
Wondering what a banana would taste like, Bamboo Love explores the smell, taste and textures of three bananas, each in different stages of ripeness. Her curiosity is rewarded when she takes a bite from the ripe yellow banana and discovers it is delicious.
1:37 PM
Jojo & Gran Gran
JoJo, Gran Gran and Cynthia build a bug hotel in Cynthia's garden and welcome some new residents. JoJo learns that different insects are attracted to different materials and environments in the bug hotel. Ladybirds like straw, beetles like dry leaves and bees like nooks and crannies. Gran Gran gives JoJo her own mini bug hotel for the insects in her own garden.
1:50 PM
Baby Baby
The babies and their friends love being outside in the fresh air. They enjoy moving their bodies and playing together. What do you like to do outside?
1:55 PM
Tik Tak
Explore a mosaic of a dog, a micro macro world of firefighters and watch as Book Girl enjoys a sandwich out of the fridge by doing magic.
2:00 PM
One day Daddy is preparing a surprise for Mommy up in the attic. He needs the three kittens to keep Mommy downstairs so he can finish the surprise.
2:06 PM
Book Hungry Bears
The Bears hunt for books near a farm, but when they come across a baby bird and baby horse, Boomer can't understand why they can't do things that all birds and horses can do. He learns that baby animals need time and practice to do things that adult animals do. BOOK: Kitten's Spring A story about mothers and their babies in spring and the sounds they make. Kitten visits them all before going to sleep at the end of the day.
2:17 PM
Pip and Posy
When Pip accidentally drops Piggy he gives her a sticker as a 'plaster'. Posy wants one for Froggy too and then starts to get greedy. She keeps giving Froggy pretend injuries to get more stickers until Froggy breaks.
2:24 PM
Dr. Cheddar
Annie is writing an exciting new story, and it's nearly finished. The problem is, she has no idea how to end it! She calls Dr. Cheddar, who suggests she may have ,writer's block, and need to step away from the story for a while before being able to finish. Will it work? Let's find out!
2:26 PM
Bamboo Loves Sports
Ready for a game of Hockey, Bamboo Love is surprised to learn that Field Hockey is not played on ice, but instead, on the grass. With a quick change of equipment, Bamboo Love is ready to learn and play the sport of Field Hockey with her friend Polar Bear.
2:29 PM
Let's Go For a Walk
Ranger Hamza and the Ramblers go on a morning walk to the orchard to pick apples. On the way they find a tractor and a quad bike, discover a mushroom spaceship, meet a mole and even moo with the cows!
2:45 PM
The Ollie & Moon Show
When Ollie wrecks the special Hawaiian shirt Scoot gave him, he must replace it and fast!
2:58 PM
Tiny and Tall
Tiny thought she followed the instructions carefully, so why isn't her bumblestalk plant growing as quickly at Tall's? When Tiny notices that she and Tall are using different tools, she realizes where she went wrong.
3:05 PM
The Mixmups take a trip to space for a cheesy bite to eat. As the orders pile up for the chef, will the Mixmups have the patience to wait for their food or will they have to find another way to hurry things up?
3:16 PM
The tiger is supposed to perform a daring circus trick but he's too scared to go through with it.
3:20 PM
Book Hungry Bears
Scout gets startled by a crow and is upset that he scares so easily. So, when the Bears come across a scarecrow, Scout decides he will be a scarecrow too! He soon learns that while sometimes we compare ourselves to others and wish we were like them, we can be happy being ourselves. BOOK: Me and You Two very different friends explore what it would be like to be each other... and discover they are best just the way they are.
3:31 PM
Donkey Hodie
When Donkey hurts her hoof and can't go to Cheesy Con with Panda, Panda brings Cheesy Con to her!
3:44 PM
Zamzoom's Animal Adventures
Zamzoom and Orbie touch down in Kenya once again, this time to cheer the wildebeest on during their great migration.
3:48 PM
Kangaroo Beach
Neville plans for a nice relaxing day on the river, which the other cadets turn into a wild float race! Things soon get out of hand when some of the floats are affected by the windy conditions more than others.
4:00 PM
The Tibble Twins are having their first sleepover! The lucky victim...err, guest: James. Will the Tibbles lock him in the dark basement? Strap him to the terrifying Flatter Fling? Serve him cupcakes and cookies for dinner?!? --- A cupcake's been stolen! The primary suspect: Tommy Tibble. D.W. gathers a jury and demands that justice be served. Can D.W. get Tommy to confess? Or will she lose control of this kangaroo court?
4:26 PM
Rosie's Rules
Uncle Steve takes the kids to the park where a Wonder Walrus show is about to start, but the wait keeps getting longer. Then, Rosie & Javi make a space museum but things get confusing when Iggy keeps showing up as a dino.
4:51 PM
Emily Elizabeth and Clifford host their first-ever backyard campout with all of their friends. They can't wait to sing, play cards, eat marshmallows, tell ghost stories - wait, what? When things start to get a little spooky, the friends help each other face their fears.
5:05 PM
Odd Squad
The Odd Squad takes on a real page-turner of a case at the local library, where books are mysteriously coming to life.
5:18 PM
Wild Kratts
The Wild Kratts are having a picnic when a seagull steals one of their creature power discs and drops it into the ocean. The Kratt Bros dive in to retrieve the disc and encounter an enormous lobster. Could this be the "Last Largest Lobster?" Martin and Chris begin to follow him to investigate the life of a lobster. But there's someone else on the lobster's trail. It's Chef Gourmand Gaston, who plans to catch him and cook him up. It's up to Martin and Chris to stop Gourmand and save the "last largest lobster".
5:46 PM
Kangaroo Beach
Along with everyone at Kangaroo Beach, Gemma is distracted from her lifeguard duties by a pair of whales and misses an important rescue. In the water a curious whale gets beached while 'wombat watching'.
5:57 PM
Why can a regular sheet of paper only be folded about six times? Mathemagician Eric tries his hand at busting this folding paper myth. It's not magic... it's math!
6:00 PM
The Smeds and The Smoos
On a faraway planet, Janet and Bill meet in the Wurpular Wood and fall in love. Their families, the Smeds and the Smoos, cannot accept the match after generations of division. But when the two run away to elope, the warring families have no choice but to overcome their differences and work together to find the young Smoo, and the young Smed.
6:26 PM
Shooom's Odyssey
Shooom, a baby owl, hatches just as a storm turns the bayou surrounding her tree upside down. No sooner has she fallen from her nest, then the little fledgling totters off into the mangrove, pushing a second egg from the brood along with her. She's determined to find a mother... even if that mom turns out to be an alligator or a raccoon!
6:53 PM
There's a heatwave in the valley and all the Vegesaurs are feeling particularly ripe. The lake at home base has practically dried up and the waterfall has become more of a waterdrip, and Ginger and the Pea-Rexes are disappointed to discover that the waterhole has dwindled to a scattering of smaller pools. With the temperature now at its peak, Ginger and the Pea-Rexes trudge over parched ground to find a puddle of water to drink from/cool down in. As they go, they discover a baby Watermelonsuchus, stuck in a shallow pool.To make matters worse, the opportunistic Bananaraptors are on the prowl. Ginger and the Pea-Rexes must find a way to protect the tender little Watermelonsuchus, while keeping themselves out of sight.