On Right Now
8:35 AM
Dino Dex
Dex and Kayla try to solve a Dino Experiment by turning into brand-new superheroes: Dino Boy and Rock Girl.
6:00 AM

Book Hungry Bears
Scout wants to snuggle with his friends, but the other Bears think that it is too hot. They change their minds and learn the power of a hug after reading a book in the shade.
BOOK: Snug
Various characters all enjoy getting close and snuggly, under blankets, in nests, in shells or burrows. It ends with the characters giving each other a big hug.
On the hunt for a book, Scout befriends a turtle and insists that the turtle can help them find books. The Bears learn to adjust to the challenges the turtle poses for them.
BOOK: You and Me
A child deals with the arrival of a younger sibling. There are challenges to this, but wonderful things too.
6:21 AM

16 Hudson
When the smell of his dad's cooking invades his clothes, Luc tries to mask the odor all day, with limited success.
6:29 AM

Dr. Cheddar
When everyone in the house is busy working, Annie feels left out. With the help of a little song, Annie learns that even a little person can help out in a big way!
6:32 AM

Zerby Derby
Dotty the Drone has never played Hide and Seek. Zack is happy to teach her. But it turns out playing with a flying Zerby means you have to have special rules.
6:39 AM

The penguin-waiter wants the penguin-party to be perfect.
6:43 AM

Urban Tails
Possibly the world's cutest bird! The Puffins are back in town! Crash landing onto our rocky coastal shores, this colourful Atlantic Puffin Trio charm us with their track ,Sea Clowns!,. These pint-sized puffins dig out little burrows near cliff edges laying one little puffling egg each. The chat with their neighbours in the next burrow through the wall with a loud rumbling growling call. They may not be graceful flyers in the air and are known for their spectacular crash landings, but when it comes to catching fish is an expert and can carry up to 30 fish in their beak!
6:46 AM

Odo Season 2
6:53 AM

Tiny and Tall
Tall doesn't like playing Hide and Seek, because it's hard for him to find hiding spots. Tall's friends help him come up with a sure-fire shape-related strategy.
6:58 AM

Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum
Edmonia Lewis inspires Xavier to proudly create a piece of art for his mom that represents their family.
7:10 AM

The Singalings
Harmony, Melody and Bop wonder how long the river could be and where does the river go? To find out they follow it to the sea and see lots of things along the way.
7:16 AM

Paw Patrol
Cell phones are vanishing all over adventure bay! The pups will need a lot of police power to solve this mystery and save the day!
7:29 AM

Audrey's Shelter
Sasha, one of the saiga twins, is sick. Hector asks Audrey and Tommy to look after him, but Jack is very worried about his friend and keeps trying to get closer. To reassure Jack, Audrey finally lets him see the saiga but Sasha gets scared and runs off into the plain! Audrey and Tommy must find him as soon as possible so Hector can give him his medicine!
7:40 AM

Let's Go Luna
In Boston, Andy finds a way to keep his worn-out childhood blankie with help from the celebrated American tradition of quilting.
7:52 AM

Odd Squad Mobile Unit
In this two-part season finale, the Odd Squad Mobile Unit must stop a group of villains who want to break into Odd Squad Headquarters to steal an ancient artifact. Little do the Agents know, their greatest challenge will come from someone inside!
8:04 AM

ABC with Kenny G
Kenny G sings about the 'DUH' sound the letter D makes, with words like "dance", "Denmark", and "donut".
8:06 AM

The Very Small Creatures
The Very Small Creatures discover their reflection after Blue finds a pair of glasses with a very intriguing shiny patch. They set off to find other objects that do the same, but one object in particular makes them look very peculiar indeed!
8:09 AM

It's all in the balance as the Numberblocks try to make it across a very wobbly bridge.
8:14 AM

Baby Kiwimammathus has ventured too far from her mountain and turns up in the Vegesaur Valley, lost and in a spot of trouble. Ginger is excited to see her playmate once again, but quickly discovers Baby Kiwi won't be doing much playing. With her soft, kiwi-padded feet adapted only to snowy surfaces, she can't move anywhere in the Valley without her feet feeling ouchy! Upon discovering this, Ginger comes up with a clever plan. Using jungle materials, she and the Pea-Rexes make coverings for Baby Kiwi's feet so she can get back to her habitat.
8:20 AM

Interstellar Ella
Slippy makes special safety goggles for everyone so they can watch an eclipse. When Ella insists on going to watch a binary star supernova, Slippy opts out and heads off on his own. Gem and Ilo meet up with Ella at the supernova. They've come to watch too. She listens to the cousins bicker and realizes that the supernova isn't as much fun without her friends. She decides to join Slippy. She arrives just in time to help him escape a cloud of crashing meteoroids. They both realize that being stubborn is no fun!
8:31 AM

Dream It To Be It
7-year-old Dani loves everything about the human body and she's really eager to find out how it all actually works! With Tai as the brains behind this adventure, and some help from Trish at the Nutty Scientist Labs, and Dr. Bhavleen at the Ontario Science Centre, she gets to satisfy some of her curiosity with all sorts of inside information!
8:38 AM

Ladybird & Bee
Bee brings Ladybird to meet Queen Mama and the new Baby Bees in the hive.
8:41 AM

Messy goes to Okido
Messy helps his friends find Zoe's lost communicator, which has ended up in the recycling but luckily, Zim is magnetic!
8:52 AM

Polkaroo Counts!
Sharing is caring! Polkaroo and Avery are getting ready to play a game in the backyard and have to count their beanbags to make sure they each have an equal amount for the game!
8:54 AM

Zamzoom's Animal Adventures
Zamzoom and Orbie chase some rhinos to learn about all the unique physical features that rhinos have to help them survive in the wild.
8:58 AM

Gabby's Farm
Gabby counts ten animals as puts on her gloves and helps clean up the barn and hen house.
9:01 AM

Paw Patrol
Our alien friends are once again visiting Adventure Bay, only they don't notice their Floating Ray becomes damaged, and cause Chickaletta, Mr. Porter, Alex and Ryder to float into the air! Even Chase and Ryder almost float away. Ryder, tethered to the Lookout, has the pups use their flight packs to stop their friends from floating away, while Rocky must repair the broken alien space ship in mid-air
The pups are gearing up to watch an Apollo Super Pup TV Special when the satellite starts falling out of orbit and heading straight for Adventure Bay! Ryder and the pups will need to keep the satellite from crashing and get it back up into orbit in time to see the show!
9:24 AM (3).jpg?itok=l37HPNrX)
Rosie's Rules
Rosie decides to be a message delivery kid and deliver messages to her neighbours, but her messages get all mixed up. Then, Javi temporarily loses his voice, so Rosie must help him recover before they perform their El Coco play.
9:49 AM

Donkey Hodie
Donkey and Panda become Try Scouts and must complete hard challenges to earn badges. If they fail, will they try again?
10:01 AM

Wooly Wooly
Lila tries to map the way home from school, but it's not that easy! After a night spent in the country near by, Choochoo, Josie and Willie wake up on the top of a mountain. Finding their way back to their village turns out to be quite an adventure!
10:12 AM

BooSnoo follows some tracks. Can you work out which animals have left them?
10:19 AM

One day the kittens and Mommy were flying a kite in the park. While they are having a juice break Cookie tries to throw his plastic cup in the garbage but a gust of wind blows it away. Cookie isn't worried because the park keeper will clean up after him but Mommy insists they clean up after themselves, the park keeper has a lot of work to do already. The kittens decide to help the park keeper rake leaves and pick up trash while looking for Cookie's missing cup. They finally find it on the head of a pigeon and help save the bird. The kittens learn never to litter and help the little creatures they share the planet with.
10:24 AM

Urban Tails
Ladee Lazee serenades us with her gentle voice in her new track ,Take it Easy with Me, as she hangs from her home up in the branches of a large tree. Schooling audiences with awesome facts about the Sloth! Ladee Lazee is super slow moving but super strong, she can lock her hands and feet into place on a branch and even take a nap while hanging from a tree. Sometimes, even sloths fall out of trees, but it's ok, her cool sloth body is built so she doesn't get hurt. The only time she leaves her lazy perch in the trees is to go to the bathroom and that only happens once a week!
10:26 AM

Momolu and Friends
Kimu's favourite bowl breaks. The friends then lend a hand and learn that fixing something does not necessarily make it worse.
10:34 AM

Pip and Posy
Playing 'Capture the Piggy', Pip and Zac can't agree on a plan to evade 'evil queen' Posy and capture Piggy. They'll have to learn how to work together.
10:41 AM

Baby Baby
The babies and their friends are moving and grooving together. It feels good to get the wiggles out when you move around. Come on, let's get moving!
10:46 AM

Little Malabar
Little Malabar wants to put on a figure skating show with Bear. But where is the best place to skate in the Solar System? It must be on Europa, an ice moon of Jupiter. But be careful, Europa is hiding something underneath its strange ice...
10:50 AM

The Numberblocks and Numberblobs have spotted the perfect place for a picnic, but it’s on the other side of a swamp! The only way to reach it is to jump across a line of 10 stepping stones. One by one, the Numberblocks carry a Numberblob on their back, safely taking them to the other side. However, with each crossing, some of the stones sink, leaving fewer and fewer to hop across. The Numberblocks solve the problem by counting in twos, threes and fours to bounce over the gaps. All that thinking and bouncing gives them a great appetite for their picnic!
10:55 AM

Polkaroo Reads!
Spend a delightful day with Polkaroo and a dashing dog dressed in a dapper outfit at the park! Oh, and don't forget the beautiful daisy Polkaroo paints, before bumping into a door!
10:58 AM

Pins and Nettie
After a summer of fun, its time for a bit of relaxation with Pins and Nettie in their new blanket fort.
11:00 AM

Opie's Home
Opie wants to do as many different activities as possible in one day, but a visit with Mr. Kabashio teaches him that sometimes quality can be more rewarding than quantity.
11:07 AM

Canada Crew
The Canada Crew works together to help meadow, a young monarch butterfly, find her way back to her family migration with the help of butterfly expert Broti.
11:14 AM

Five Ingredient Challenge
On today's Five Ingredient Challenge Maksim and Pradnesh are preparing a ramen bowl.
11:17 AM

The Coco Boo
11:23 AM

Gabby's Farm
Gabby visits the horse stables for her riding lesson. She gets Lacey the pony ready before practising her galloping, cantering and even jumping in the horse rink.
11:30 AM

B.O.T. and the Beasties
B.O.T. drops into Snowy, Icy World and is startled by the noise of a loud snore! The big, hairy Snowy Snooze sleepwalks out of its cave. It is so fast asleep that it is unaware of B.O.T. and walks straight into the little robot. B.O.T. must keep out of the sleepy beastie's way as it sleepwalks through the snow. Will B.O.T. be able to gather the data required to complete this mission, and will the Snowy Snooze have a shock when it finally wakes up and sees B.O.T.?
11:35 AM

Space Kids
Chances are if you have looked up at night, you will have seen Jupiter shining brightly. This episode takes you up close for an even better look at the biggest, fastest spinning planet in our Solar System.
11:37 AM

Dino Dexter
Dex and Kayla try to solve Dino Experiment 1017 "How did carnivores get past herbivore’s defenses?" by testing the Anyklosaurus, Triceratops and Dreadnoughtus in fantastical battles against two brand-new superheroes: Dino Boy and Rock Girl.
11:48 AM

This plane has more than one point but don't let that fool you. This plane, with its extra wings, will stay in the air a long time. Learn how to make it here!
11:50 AM

Backyard Beats
Alison Young visits with her saxophone and inspires Monica's DIY project. Using recyclables, Monica makes her craft-strument and Junior Jammer Ashlee shows her saxophone skills. They all come together for a jam session in the backyard.
12:02 PM

TVOkids Jokes
Various TVOkids characters tell jokes sent in by TVOkids viewers.
12:03 PM

Wacky Number Songs
Ava is making a survey of her friends and classmates to find out which wild animal they'd most like to be. You can do a survey with any kind of question you want and use a chart to compare the results. Try it out!
12:05 PM

Paw Patrol
In the Dino Wilds, Marshall performs some dino dentistry with the help of an ancient geyser and his fellow Dino Pup pals
Francois and Cap'n Turbot are in Dino wilds for an adventure. But a sightseeing expedition quickly turns into a wild dino ride!quickly turns into a wild dino ride!
12:28 PM

Momolu and Friends
Kimu dreams of a huge cake and invites his friends to help turn the dream into reality. They all learn that sometimes there can be too much of a good thing, and that you should not judge something by its looks alone.
12:35 PM

Urban Tails
Coming at ya live in the bay, MISS SEAL, the oceanic hip hop queen, bobs her head up and down in the water to the beat! In her video ,It's the Grey Seal, she showcases her impressive rapping and swimming skills that enable her to seize that all important catch of the day! Though she may be graceful in the water, when she's on land she bounces clumsily on her big belly! She likes the sun but ain't scared of the cold, her blub- ber keeps her nice and warm. At the end of a successful fishing trip she heads back to the rookeries...that's where she feeds her seal babies!
12:37 PM

Eric performs a feat of mathemagical mastery, blindfolded in the dark, as he tests the theory of probability using his messy sock drawer. You will not believe your eyes! It's not magic... it's math! This episode presents a probability puzzle that requires you to weigh all the possibilities and pick the most likely outcome when confronted with a drawer full of loose, unpaired socks and come up with a matching pair.
12:40 PM

Secrets of the Forest
Mother trees are the oldest, biggest, and most important trees in the forest. Taviss joins Eric Davies from the University of Toronto on a detective search: finding and mapping the mother trees, measuring their important stats, and ,seed forecasting,! Taviss learns why mother trees are so important to forest restoration and discovers their most vital offering: their seeds!
12:51 PM

Sunny's Quest
Mahely is a 10-year-old girl who lives in Orléans, Ontario. She is Canadian, Dominican, and Ivorian and is an active and creative girl who loves dancing the bachata! But today, Mahely takes us to learn a new dance, the merengue, which is the national dance of the Dominican Republic! Mahely shows us how fast your feet need to move for this energetic dance!
Then she demonstrates how to do the Zoblazo dance with her mom; a fun dance originating from Cote D'Ivoire! After all that moving and shaking, Mahely is hungry for some attieke and aloko, a delicious West African dish. Mahely and her Mom sing together as they make this popular dish that includes fish and plantains. In her room, Mahely models her homemade tie-dye t-shirts and pagne, a colourful piece of clothing from West Africa, that keeps her connected to her Ivorian roots. Then, Mahely takes us to do some arts and crafts with her best friend! They paint ceramic plates together; don't they look awesome!? It's now time for Mahely to get in touch with her Dominican roots by learning Spanish from her Dad! Soon she will be trilingual, knowing English, French and Spanish! After, Mahely receives a special surprise that encourages her to keep persevering toward success!
12:59 PM

Abby Hatcher
Grumbles needs a haircut, but he's afraid to get one.
1:11 PM

Jojo & Gran Gran
JoJo is learning to roller skate in the garden with Gran Gran, but there's not enough room to try all the moves. It's time for a Gran Gran plan - they head off to the roller disco!
1:22 PM

The octopus wants to bake a yummy peach cake. But one of her arms has (baking) plans of its own.
1:26 PM

B.O.T. and the Beasties
B.O.T. plops into a lake, drifts down and lands on the squishy, jelly-like Jumbly Splitter. Every time the Jumbly Splitter is shocked it splits in two! B.O.T. accidentally, keeps shocking the nervous beastie and soon the water is filled with little, wobbly, Jumbly Splitters. Along the way, B.O.T's separate body parts get encased in four Jumbly Splitters and they get bounced around on bubbly, underwater air vents. The pointy-nosed Triangle Fish makes B.O.T.'s job harder still, when they swim into the Jumbly Splitters and pop them, sending them whooshing through the water away from B.O.T. Will the Jumbly Splitters become one again and will B.O.T. complete the mission?
1:31 PM

Little Malabar
Little Malabar and Kangaroo are on the beach drawing in the sand when a wave washes over and erases everything! The Moon invites them to come and draw on her. She loves drawings and already has a great number of them on her surface! But who made all of these drawings on the moon?
1:35 PM

Let's Go For a Walk
Ranger Hamza and the Ramblers walk through the town to the florist. On the way they spot a treasure chest, listen to the raindrops on the pond, discover who might live in a hedge, and even meet a square spider!
1:49 PM

Ladybird & Bee
Oh no! The Worms have a tummy ache after eating too much. Ladybird and Bee can help!
1:51 PM

One day the kittens meet their friend Boris at the playground. Boris invites the kittens to a cool Pirate Kid-e-Quest and they happily join him. They are so excited to complete their quest that they finish all the missions without Boris's help. As they approach the last mission Boris says he wants to go home, they haven't been including him at all. The kittens learn that when playing with your friends the most important thing is to have a great time together.
1:56 PM

The annual Steps vs Squares treasure hunt doesn't quite go to plan when a new Numberblock joins in. Learn about square numbers and number patterns with the Numberblocks.
2:02 PM

Mia and Codie
Mia and the closet challenge Codie and Evu to a sock folding contest. When Codie mismatches all the socks it’s time for a rematch – and this time, Codie seeks a match before folding the socks.
2:06 PM

Stop, Look, Listen!
Children visit a swimming pool, they kick their feet and splash in the water.
2:08 PM

Pip and Posy
Pip and Posy try to teach Jamila how to sled down the hill, but give her confusing and conflicting advice. Jamila helps them realise that listening to each other will make them better coaches.
2:15 PM

Book Hungry Bears
The Bears explore texture and Boomer discovers that descriptions of specific touch sensations can help them all find their way out of trouble. BOOK: 'How Do You Feel?'
A hedgehog learns about the different textures of his animal friends and that makes him feel happy!
2:26 PM

The Very Small Creatures
The Very Small Creatures find themselves amongst a lot of mess! Together they tidy up and sort all of the objects in to their rightful place whilst having fun . . . enjoying an all-important snack in the process.
2:29 PM

Kangaroo Beach
Unhappy that she cannot go to the Arty Party, Frizzy entertains herself by pretending there is a shark in the water which Neville misunderstands and starts the shark alarm! Soon a wave of jellyfish are moving towards the beach but no one will believe her.
2:40 PM

Zerby Derby
Lily's garage is on a main road in Zerby Town. What's worse, she doesn't really have a driveway. She and Zack set out to find something nice to create lines so every Zerby knows where her driveway is.
2:48 PM

Polkaroo Counts!
Where oh where could they be?! Polkaroo and Ridley go on an exciting adventure in the backyard looking over and under for all the hidden balls so that they can play together!
2:50 PM

Now You Know (SV)
Howie and Baboo visit Ontario Park ranger Sheryl at a frog pond where she shows them different types of frogs and explains how a tadpole grows to become a frog.
2:57 PM

Donkey Hodie
Donkey feels nervous about playing in the swamp. Frannie Fox helps her find something familiar to feel comfortable in a new place.
3:10 PM

Riley Rocket
Riley is so focused on the writing of a new song for Megablast that she doesn't have time to play with Beatrix. Beatrix feels invisible and runs away. She's in for a big surprise when she accidentally eats some of Dr. Dandelion's Gigantor Cabbage and grows to the size of a building and is tricked into being in Dr. D's posse. Megablast transforms into Rocket, Thunder and Metallix to get Beatrix shrunk back to normal size and home safe before she accidentally stomps Greenville into rubble. Riley realizes that she should have paid more attention to her friend and uses the one thing that Beatrix can't resist to show her how much she cares: music!
3:21 PM

Paw Patrol
Elephants become trapped in the Monkey Temple after a bee frightens them away from their watering hole.
When Wingnut runs away from wolves that are attracted to his yodeling, he ends up trapped in a canyon. The Paw Patrol has to hurry to save him.
3:44 PM

Galapagos X
In the future, the planet has reached ,Code Orange, due to a global invasion of goldfish! The team goes back in time to discover how one tiny mistake can create a huge orange problem.
3:55 PM

Hungry Brain
The top 5 sources of potassium.
5 - Tomatoes
4 - Molasses
3 - Bananas
2 - Butter beans
1 - Potatoes
3:57 PM

Blynk & Aazoo
Our young inquirer, Ali, asks our intrepid inventors, Blynk and Aazoo, "Why do we burp?" With the help of our intergalactic science expert, Simon, learn how our body gets rid of unwanted air and how its not just humans who burp! Blynk is inspired by Aazoo's gaseous build up and invents a machine to harness the power of the burp.
4:05 PM

Science Max: Experiments at Large
Ever wanted to build a bridge out of pasta? It's not too hard and works better than you'd think. Phil then tries to max it out large enough so he can walk across it. Plus, how to build with blocks to make a strong wall or a doorway and even how to make a sand castle strong enough to stand on.
4:27 PM

The woodpecker needs to peck a lot of holes while trying to catch the cheeky red beetle.
4:31 PM

Odd Squad Mobile Unit
Little O has been asked to record a new training video for kids interested in becoming Odd Squad Agents. But a Sandbeast is on the loose, causing oddness all over town and making things difficult.
4:59 PM

All-Round Champion
It's the sixth week for the elite athletes competing in the ultimate sports competition. Karate was revealed as the featured sport and Liesel is deemed the Sport Leader and will have to train her fellow athletes for the competition in just three days. Claire bleeds and Nathanaël goes down hard after receiving a kick from Elle. The athletes are in for a few surprises before the Competition. The Advantage proves to be very valuable. The gold medal is decided with one second remaining in the match.
5:26 PM

Wild Kratts
When the Wild Kratts head out looking for Black bears, Aviva keeps seeing a fleeting glimpse of what she thinks is a ghostly white bear. The gang soon realizes that they have stumbled across the rare Spirit Bear of the Northern Pacific. But celebration turns to dismay when they encounter new villain, Ms. Paisley Paver, CEO of Pave Nature Incorporated, and discover her plans to turn the island into a Mega Storage facility.
5:52 PM

The Brilliant World of Tom Gates Season 1
It's school council election day for class 5F. Tom isn't interested in running for class rep but Marcus Meldrew says he'll BAN DOODLING if he is elected. Tom has no choice but to try and win everyone's vote! Liz shows us how to doodle a Tom Gates poster and we make some awesome clay badges
6:04 PM

Olga da Polga
A loud noise outside the garden is upsetting Mr Sawdust. What could it be? Maybe a Dragon?! Olga has great fun telling her friends all about the dragon and how she can control it, but is she telling the truth? When Karen returns from school with what looks like a real dragon Olga gets a fright! She reveals to her friends that the noises from outside the garden were from a digger and the real dragon was only made of paper.
6:16 PM

B.O.T. and the Beasties
B.O.T. drops into Craggy, Sandy World. The hungry Galloping Yelp is hunting for grass. Also out looking for food is the Snorty Grunt, the Grunt sees some grass at the same time as the Galloping Yelp. The Yelp manages to snatch the grass just before the Snorty Grunt. The Grunt is not happy and chases after the Galloping Yelp. B.O.T. gets bounced up on to the Galloping Yelp's back as it races away from the Snorty Grunt. More Snorty Grunts join in the chase and B.O.T. is stuck on the Yelp's back being bounced about whilst trying to collect the data. B.O.T. completes the mission and zooms up to the portal. The chase ends when the delighted Galloping Yelp and Snorty Grunts discover a lovely meadow of long green grass, ready to be eaten!
6:21 PM

Backyard Beats
Monica is inspired to build her own Piano craft-strument when guest Michael Shand visits. Junior Jammer Joshua joins them in the backyard for a jam session.
6:32 PM

Leo's Pollinators
Don't judge a book by its cover! Or in this case, don't always judge an insect by the way it looks and acts. It might be a sneaky pollinator pal hoping to avoid a predator. In this episode, we're learning about mimics. What's a mimic you say? A mimic has evolved to look like another animal in order to avoid being eaten! And that's important because these mimics are very important pollinators! Chloe and Housten are meeting up with Amanda Stefan from Carleton University to sharpen their observation skills and learn about these clever pollinators.
6:43 PM

Are you a spy on a secret mission? In this STEM episode Eric makes his own periscope! It's not magic, it's science!
Educational Gist: A periscope uses mirrors to redirect the image of an object to the user's eye.
6:47 PM

Go Green with the Grimwades
Mummy takes Heze, Hosanna, Harper and Houston to a city farm to look for sheep. They watch a sheep being sheared, and the farmer gives some cleaned sheep's fleece to Harper to take home.
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